The Matchmaker


"Did you go," Allison asked running up to me. Karly followed close behind laughing at Allison, I knew Karly was able to see it more from my point of view.

"No way," I said rolling my eyes, "by the way did you dispose of those flowers." I opened my locker with my eyes closed waiting for them to fall out. I mean Allison has disappointed me before. I opened my eyes and smiled when nothing fell out.

Karly crossed her arms, "don't give her any credit, she made me do it." See what I mean, Allison is a ditz.

"Are you ever going to go out with him," Allison went right back to her favorite topic. This idiot was rude to her and she wants me to go out with him.

"Allison he doesn't really want to go out with me," I said as I emptied my backpack into my locker. She just stared in confusion and I shook my head knowing I would have to explain. "He just wants the satisfaction that he can get anyone."

"And he's wasting his time with this lesbo," Karly said sarcastically and I shot over a stern look. She began to laugh a little bit, she's the type of person who enjoys the pain of others.

"I'm just picky," I said defensively and the turned to Allison, "I was going to say I'm not going to give him the satisfaction." I was just something for him to conquer and if he did all the excitement was gone. I was just to normal for him, too plain.

"What if he was really in love with you," Allison said folding her hands and resting her head upon them as she looked off in the distance as if admiring something.

I burst out laughing, "oh you naive child." She dropped her hands and glared at me as if I was the one who was terribly wrong. "Love at this age, it is impossible and anyone who tells you different is just delusional."

"Or your just bitter," Karly said. She was serious, you know all girls dream of love and they want to be in love so bad. Teenagers these days just toss those words around like it means absolutely nothing. I'm not saying I don't dream of it.

"I am not, I just think the term is used too loosely," I said trailing off a bit hoping they wouldn't hear me as I continued, "I mean isn't it supposed to be, you know special."

"Oh my gosh," Allison yelled, "Bre you have a romantic side."

"Shut up, I do not," I pushed her away. Her lovey dovey mood is absolutely repulsive, makes me sick. The bell rang for homeroom and I was so glad, I hated the conversation we had made our way into. I led Allison up the stairs and toward room 507, I was in a rush even though I would still have to listen to Allison.

"Shit," I said remembering I had to bring my history book today, "I gotta get my book."

"Bre," Allison whined, "we'll be late."

"Just go, I'll meet you there," I said turning to go the other way. I ran and got my book and then slowed down when I reached the hallway. I was walking by the wallon the side where my door was comming up.

I walked pst the janitors closet and I felt a pull on my backpack and darkness surrounded me as the door shut. I immediatly started screaming, I mean what the hell right. Someone put their hand over my mouth and then used their other hand to turn on the light. When the light turned on I saw Anthony with his finger in front of his lips as if to shush me.

"Just don't yell," he said and slowely took his hand from my mouth. I started screaming and he pushed his hand over my mouth once more. "Would you just shut up." I gave him a look, yeah right I would stay quiet. When he lets go I am screaming. "If you scream and someoe sees us in here the rumors will start." Damn he knew me too well.

He took his hand off slowely again. I stepped back and crossed my arms, "well played now what is it you want."

"To talk," he said, "I'm pretty sure I won't get another opportunity."

"Okay, I'm leaving," I said nd I turned to the door. He jumped infront of it to block my way. I really hate this.

"Just talk," he said.

"Don't pretend you would talk to me let a lone pay me a single glance under any other circumstance," I said rolling my eyes at his request.

"I'm not like that Bre, I've tried the whole cofidence thing with you and it isn't working," he said looking me in the eye. "Right now I'm desperate, I'll do anything, I'll get on my knees and beg." As much as I liked the sound of that, I would feel bad.

"Save it, you don't want to go out with me," I said. I would never believe he was sincere, I'm not some hot blonde cheerleader, I'm frizy haired normal girl who spends most of her life in hoodies.

"Why would I try this hard," he said.

"Don't underestimate my abilities, you know how smart I can be," I said.

"Exactly, you're just so di.."

"Different I know," I said I was starting to get tired of this conversation and I was a little pissed. I have never been late, I was a good girl.

"So do I get a chance," he asked with a hopefull sorry.

I bit my bottom lip thinking bout it and smiled, I hd to get out of that closet. "I guess one wouldn't hurt," I watched that smile turn into a smirk. "So we're good here," I said getting closer to him. He opened the door and I went to class.