Status: Active


Happy New Year

New Years Eve. A time for celebration. A time to reflect on the previous year and look ahead to the new one. A time for resolutions and a rebirth, so to say. It was also a time for a fresh start. What has happened is now past and it's time to make the future brighter. How Drew planned to do that, she hadn't quite figured out yet.

"Drew?" Cori's voice whispered a she walked into the completely dark room. Drew stayed completely still, her head threatening to explode with any sudden movement. Cori walked over to her bed, making sure that she was still alive. "Honey?"

"Shh..." Drew hushed as quietly as she could. Cori smiled placing the aspirin and water next to her. "I hate you." She whispered.

"Yeah, I know. Take the medicine and come downstairs. I'll be nursing Alice back to life." Drew grunted lightly in response. Cori then smiled and walked back out of the room. Drew hated Cori for a few reasons. First, she never got hangovers. Apparently she was the wild teenager so she built up her tolerance. She also didn't drink as much last night. Second, she had convinced her to go to the party at Zacky's tonight. Drew still wasn't sure that was a good idea. The third reason she hated Cori...she couldn't remember. The night before had really messed with her head. Drew hadn't had that much to drink in a long time. She tried to think of what happened. The fuzzy memory of her telling things to Cori floated in her mind. What exactly those things were, it was like a snowy TV set; only seeing bits and pieces. She vaguely remembered talking about Brian and Michelle. Something about cheating and a plan. Wait...the plan!

"Cori!" Drew screamed causing her head to explode in extreme pain. Drew held onto her head tightly to keep it from coming apart. Cori rushed in seeing her doubled over in pain. She ran to her bedside, grabbing the pills.

"Take these!" Cori urged her. Drew shook her head, pushing the pills away. "It'll stop the pain."

"It won't make me forget about the stupidest plan in the world!" She cried. The intense pain was like punishment for agreeing to something so stupid. Cori rolled her eye and straddled Drew's hips. "Get off me!" Drew groaned, trying to push her off. Cori grabbed hold of her face, forcing the pills into her mouth. Drew tried to spit them out but Cori drowned them down her throat with the water. Drew swallowed the pills and sputtered out the rest of the water. Cori sighed and got off her, moving to the place beside her. Drew coughed and groaned, the medicine still working through her system.

"The plan will work." Cori replied.

"No, it won't. I'm not going to do it." Drew growled, pulling the covers of the bed tightly around her.

"Come on, Drew. You want Michelle to suffer, don't you?" Drew rolled her eyes.

"Not when it had me seducing Brian. I can't do it. You took advantage of me when I was drunk. You made me agree to this."

"Drew this plan will work, I promise." Cori could reason until she was blue in the face, there was no way that Drew was going to go along with it. Drew knew the heartbreak she would feel if she got too close to Brian. "I said I wouldn't let you get hurt and I'm going to keep that promise."

"You've already broken that! You're making me do this. Brian doesn't care about me and he never will." Cori sighed, running her hands through her hair. She needed to convince Drew that this was a good idea. However, convincing sober Drew was much more difficult than convincing drunk Drew.

"I don't believe that for a second." She muttered.

"Cori, just stop." Drew sighed, finally feeling some relief from her massive hangover.

"No." Cori snapped. "I saw the way he looked at you at the funeral. Yes, He was devastated about Jimmy but the look of relief as soon as he saw you was evident. He's happy that you are back."

"Then why don't you explain his behavior that night at Zacky's." Drew scoffed. There was no way that Brian had missed her.

"Like you said, he had every right to be mat at you. He was only mad because he had been hurt by you. He'll get over it." Drew shook her head and got out of the bed. She looked down to see that she was only in her underwear. "I've slept in that dress before. It's uncomfortable." Drew rolled her eyes and went to get clothes for a shower. "Please Drew. I'm doing this for you."

"I don't need you to do anything for me." Drew snapped coldly. Cori slowly nodded, standing up and walking away. "No, wait. Cori, I didn't..."

"Save it." She replied quickly. Cori slammed Drew's door shut and walked away. Drew groaned, feeling like a horrible person. She didn't mean what she aid. She just didn't want to deal with Brian like that. It would mean leading herself on with someone who would never return her feelings. Drew had been hurt enough by Brian. In New York, she didn't have to worry about him. Drew had her job, Evan, and a giant city to distract her. California was more carefree and a slower pace of life. It allowed her more time to think. Why would she even want to go through with this plan. Did she want to put her heart on the like like that?

"That's when she really thought of the situation. Michelle was horrible. Drew knew that something had to be up with her; it always was. She thought that if she was in a situation like this, she'd want someone to tell her. It wasn't like he would believe her if he told her. Brian knew that Drew hated Michelle and vice versa. She'd have to go along with Cori's plan if she wanted to save Brian. Drew sighed as she finished up her shower and got dressed. She had to find Cori and apologize for snapping at her.


Cori sat in the living room watching Alice sleep on the couch. Well, she was more in an alcohol coma then passed out. She was making sure that she was still breathing. Drew walked into the living room, smiling when she saw how Alice was sprawled out on the couch. "Seems like she had fun last night." Drew muttered. Cori nodded, not looking away from the sleeping girl. Drew sat down in the chair next to her. "I was hungover and upset. I didn't mean it."

"Doesn't matter. It was still rude." Drew nodded keeping her eyes on her hands in her lap. "I didn't have to come here with you. I didn't have to leave work and Skylar behind. I did though. I did it because I'm your best friend and I care about you." Drew felt horrible. It was true, Cori left her life behind to make sure that she was alright. She didn't deserve to be treated the way that Drew was treating her.

"I'm a horrible person." Drew sighed. Cori couldn't deny that. "I am so sorry. I don't know if I can go through with this plan. I don't know if I can put myself through the pain." Cori looked over to her with a sympathetic smiled.

"Yes, It's going to be tough. I really do believe that it's going to work."

"I can't stay in California forever." That was true. Both of the girls had their lives back in New York that they couldn't just abandon.

"We'll stay here for a little while. It isn't wedding season so it's not like we have any big weddings coming up." Cori reasoned. "Skylar can come out here soon, he's busy with work now so he won't miss me much." Drew then realized that she hadn't talked to Evan since the night she left. He probably thought that she had left him for good.

"I have to talk to Evan." Drew muttered. Cori grimaced. The reason she devised this plan was to get her away from Evan. Even though Brian's first impression wasn't the greatest, Cori knew that he was a million times better than Evan could ever be for Drew. "I'll be back." Before Cori could stop her, Drew was off in her office. Drew looked through her phone for his name. When she found it, she looked at the picture of the tow of them together. They looked so happy together. The mile on her face as he kissed her cheek looked genuine. She couldn't remember if it was or not. She wanted it to be real, but something in her heart told her that wasn't the case. She pressed the dial button, calling his his phone. The phone rung a few times and Drew thought that he wouldn't answer.

"Where the hell have you been?" He answered on the last ring. He sounded angry but out of breath. His tone left Drew at a loss for words. The thought of hanging up was prominent in her mind. "Honey?" His tone softened.

"I'm sorry," She quietly replied. "I meant to call earlier, but things have been hard out here." Evan sighed heavily. Drew could picture him running his hand through his hair, what he didn't whenever he was frustrated.

"I was worried sick, Drew. I thought that you had actually left me. How would that have looked after the news of our engagement went around?" Word had spread already? Even though they had a very public engagement, Drew hoped to keep it quiet for a little while.

"Who knows?" She asked.

"It would look horrible!" Drew rolled her eyes when he didn't understand her question.

"No. Who knows of our engagement?"

"Everyone!" He exclaimed, confirming Drew's fears. "I announced it through my company. Your boss announced it through yours and the newspaper put us as the prince and princess of New York." Drew groaned rushing to open her computer. IT was far too slow for her liking. Luckily she had her work's website, Evan's website, and the New York Journal all bookmarked in her browser. Sure enough, the front page headline on every website had their picture on it. "I tell you, honey. This is the best thing I have ever done." Drew knew he didn't mean it as romantic, it was all business to him.

"Evan, why? I wanted to keep it quiet for a while." She groaned as she read over the article in the New York Journal.

"Why on earth would we keep it quiet? I want everyone in the world to know!" Drew was furious. All he cared about was getting himself more business.

"I want a small wedding. I won't want anything huge." Evan laughed loudly.

"How is it supposed to be small when we have like 500 people there?" Drew just about hit the floor when he told her that 500 people were coming to the wedding.

"500?!" She gasped, praying she heard him wrong. "I was thinking more like 5."

"There is no way. You deserve the biggest wedding money can buy and I plan to give that to you baby." Drew rolled her eyes again, this was all about Evan being in the public eye. Drew wanted nothing to do with it. "Anyway, I have to get ready. I'm meeting up with some friends of mine who are in town for the ball drop. I love you. Sorry that I won't be kissing you tonight. Kiss Cori." He laughed.

"Bye." She muttered before hanging up the phone. She was so pissed off that Evan had done all of this without the decency of calling her. She quickly realized that he wanted to marry her for the fame. This wedding would put his career on the map; hers as well, but she could care less about that. Drew sighed and leaned back in her chair. She looked around the room at all of her awards and plaques. That's when her eye caught a turned down picture frame. Drew walked over to the shelf and picked up the picture, immediately remembering why it had been turned down.

It was from Brian's 21st birthday. They were having a drunken beach day. In the picture, Brian was holding Drew in his arms bridal style. They were both in their bathing suits and smiling brightly, but they weren't smiling at the camera; they were smiling at each other. If Drew didn't know they were both wasted, it would have looked like they were gazing lovingly at each other. Tears welled in her eyes when she thought they would never look at each other like that again. The way her arms were wrapped around his shoulders and neck, the way his arms held her gently and close. They would never be like that.

Or maybe they could. If Drew went along with Cori's plan, and it actually worked, Drew could have her hot at finally being with him. Yes, it would hurt her at first; but Brian was worth it. Her happiness was worth it. Drew brought the picture over to her desk and sat it right net to her computer. She would need her motivation to her through this. Drew quickly printed off the front pages of the websites and walked back out to the living room. Alice was awake now, looking like hell had taken residence in her head. Drew handed Cori the papers and smiled.

"What is this?" Cori asked as she read them over.

"Evan's doing. My motivation to take down the bitch." Cori smiled brightly.

"You're in?" Drew laughed and nodded.

"I'm in."


Zacky's house was a madhouse that night. People were practically flowing out of the place. There were some familiar faces and and some who were crashing the party. Not like Zacky cared or even noticed. Cori and Drew walked into the house, taking it all in. Zacky would throw parties like this all the time.

"Is it always this crazy?" Cori asked as they passed a crowd of people men cheering on two girls who were heavily making out. Drew rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"They've gotten worse since I left." They continued to walk through the house, being as invisible as possible. Their attempt proved difficult since all the men around were wasted and they all wanted attention from the girls. Drew and Cori decided to show up at 11 so they wouldn't have to stay long. "Lets find one of the guys." Cori nodded, following Drew's lead through the madhouse. Everywhere Drew looked there were a sea of faces. She had begun to get frustrated. Who throws a mega party and is no where to be found? Suddenly she felt a pair of calloused fingers grip onto her hips, causing a gasp to escape her lips. "If you want to keep those hands, I suggest you get off." Drew growled, turning towards their owner. "Oh, Johnny." She laughed. "I was about to kick your ass."

"Still as feisty as ever, I see." Drew smiled lightly. Johnny and Drew weren't the closet in the group, but that was only because he had come into the group later. She treated him like a little brother. "I wanted to say that I am sorry for how I acted the other day. I was just shocked, mad, and just in an all around bad mood." He told her looking down; ashamed. Drew smiled and hugged him tightly. It took a minute for him to return the hug, but when he did Drew felt like things were getting closer to back to normal. "I've missed you."

"I missed you too." Drew laughed. "I'm so-" He cut her off by placing his hand over her mouth.

"He misses you too, Drew." Drew sighed and took his hand from her mouth, kissing it lightly. "He was devastated when you suddenly left. He's hurt that you came back for all of this and not him."

"Why would I not come back for all of this? That's heartless, I'm not heartless." Johnny shrugged, putting his arms over his chest.

"Brian thinks you are." Drew rolled her eyes. She looked over her shoulder to see that Cori was gone. She probably wanted to give her and Johnny time to talk but Drew needed her friend to remind her why this plan was good. "He'll get over it eventually, but you need to talk to him."

"Easier said than done." She muttered. Johnny sent her a knowing glare. "What makes everyone think that he even wants to talk to me? You saw him here the other night."

"He was dealing with the funeral of our brother, Michelle being a naggy bitch, and then you showing up out of no where. Cut him a break." Drew crossed her arms over her chest and focused on the rowdy party-goers. "Drew," Johnny sighed.

"Where is he?" She asked stubbornly. he wanted to get this inevitable talk over with so that the plan could actually begin.

"He's drinking out on the beach." Drew groaned lightly. "He's not drunk. He's had one beer." Drew took a deep breath before heading for the door to the backyard. Johnny quickly stopped her. He smiled and held up two beers that magically appeared. "A little peace offering wouldn't hurt." Drew rolled her eyes, took the beers, and kissed his cheek as she made her way out to Brian.

As soon as she stepped outside, a shiver passed over her body. Even thought she was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans, the ocean breeze was cool as it whipped around her. She looked out towards the ocean, scanning the shore for her fallen friend. It didn't help that he was probably wearing black and it was pitch black out. The sky was clear bit the moon was new so it Lent no light to her search. Luckily, a car passed the house, it's headlights casting a glow long enough for her to find him near the waters edge. She took another deep breath and walked towards him. With each step she took her brain kept screaming at her to turn around and tun home to New York where it was safe. Drew was tired of running from Brian. She would never be able to live her life if she didn't finish this with him. Whether the end turned out good or bad, she needed some kind of closure. Once she was right up behind him, all the words she had planned to say flew out of her mind. She was blank. He hadn't even seemed to notice that she was there. She thought of a million ways to get his attention. All of them would have been better that what she had decided to do. Drew brought her foot back and kicked a good amount of sand at his back. He jumped in surprise and turned with a glare at her. Drew smiled brightly and held up the beers in her hands.

"What do you want?" He growled. Drew held out one of the beers towards him.

"Peace offering." She smiled. Brian rolled his eyes but took the beer from her before turning back towards the ocean. Drew took it as an invitation to sit down next to him. Neither of them spoke. They sat in complete awkward silence, listening to the waves crash over the shore. Drew glanced over at him, seeing a scowl etched on his face. He was even sexy when he was mad.

"Could you quit staring at me?" Brian muttered, glancing over at her. Drew sighed and turned her body towards him.

"I'm sorry, is it bothering you?" Brian rolled his eyes and stood up. "Brian, wait."

"I really don't want to talk, Drew." He replied as he walked off. There was no way that Drew was going to take no for an answer.

"Brian, Stop. I'm really trying here." She sighed.

"Maybe I don't want you to try!" He yelled turning back towards her. Drew stared at him, standing up.

"Then tell me what you want me to do!" She pleaded. Brian groaned, turning his attention away from her.

"Leave me alone. You seem to be pretty good at it." Drew glared at his dig at her.

"Stop it! I get it, OK? I fucked up! I'm trying to make everything right again and I would appreciate it if you would stop throwing that in my face!" She exploded. Brian simply stood there as she screamed at him.

"Feel better now?" Drew shook her head.

"No. I won't feel better until you forgive me." He laughed loudly. "What?" Brian turned and walked closer to her.

"Then you're going to be feeling bad for a long time." Drew sighed, looking away from him. She would never let him see her cry.

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Brian felt bad that he was upsetting her, but he was only giving her a taste of her own medicine. She hurt him, why couldn't he hurt her? That's when he saw a tear slowly falling down her face. He hated when girls cried. It was worse when he saw Drew cry. No matter how much he told himself to be mean to her, his soft spot in his heart couldn't do it.

"Tell me why you left. I want the truth." Brian demanded. Drew's heart dropped to her stomach. She couldn't tell him the truth; she wouldn't. She quickly thought of a lie that would seem believable.

"I got the offer for me dream job. However, I had to leave that day. I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity." She slowly looked up to Brian's eyes. To make a lie convincing, eye contact was key. Brian searched her eyes for a few moments, trying to decide whether to believe her or not. He seemed to get lost in them though. He dreamed that he would get to look into her eyes again someday. Now that the day was here, he never wanted to look away.

"Why didn't you tell me about it before?" Drew breathed a sigh of relief; believe he had believed her lie.

"You wouldn't have let me go. I'm sorry that I didn't tell anyone, but this was my chance at the job of my dreams."

"You had the job of your dreams! You owned your own business." Drew nodded lightly.

"I moved out to California because I was tired of the slow lifestyle of North Carolina. Even though I love California and all of you, It was still too slow. New York is so quick. It has a crazy energy that I love. I'm 29 years old, Brian. I couldn't stay here forever." She explained, sitting back down in the sand. She looked up to him with a sad smile. "I wish I would have told you. That fact that you hate me hurts more than anything in the world." Brian sighed and sat down next to her.

"I don't hate you. I could never hate you." She smiled lightly. "I don't want you to ever leave me again."

"I can't promise that, Bri." She replied, her hand held lightly onto to his as she moved to get a better look at his face. "But I will promise to never fully leave you. I'll keep in touch."

"You leaving soon?" Brian asked. Drew smiled and shook her head as she laid down in the sand.

"Cori and I are staying until spring." Brian smiled lightly and held onto her hand.

"I can't promise that we'll ever be best friends again." Drew sighed and met his eyes. "But I promise that we'll work on it." Drew smiled brightly and grabbed the beer she had brought out, holding it up to his.

"To working on it." Brian laughed as he clinked his beer against hers before sipping from it. Drew sipped from hers and set it in the sand to look up at the stars. Suddenly, Brian's lips were down upon hers. Drew gasped in shock before her body automatically began kissing him back. The taste from his beer mixed with the scent of the ocean made her head swim and her heart soar. Brian pulled away from her, smiling like a mad man. Drew's eyes widened when she saw fireworks explode over his head, casting an angelic glow over him. Had she been drowned in the tide and he was her angel?

"Happy New Year." Brian muttered. The fireworks suddenly made sense. Brian laid down next to her to watch the firework show above them. All Drew could focus on was the tingling of her lips.

Thank You, Cori...Best. Plan. Ever.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've had this chapter written for like a week now. Haha. Just haven't had time to put it up. Enjoy!!!