‹ Prequel: Lead the Way
Status: Work in progress :)

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Hello Reality

“What the hell! Are all your friends coming over today! I was looking forward to getting some alone time with you!” I through my arms up looking at the man under me.

“Well I didn’t invite them!” he groaned looking at me with a cute little innocent look plastered on his face.

“I’m going to get dressed” I sighed softly climbing off him and walking into the closet grabbing a pair of grey skinny jeans and a pink Eighteen visions tank top that hugged the curves that I had. I walked into the bathroom to get changed and pulled up the pants realizing they were a little tighter then they had been the past two months. I pulled the tank top over my body and looked at myself sideways in the mirror.

I froze as I looked in the mirror there was a small bump protruding from my stomach. I moved and set my hand on the little bump and bit down on my lip. This couldn’t be happening, when I told Michelle that there was a possibility I was pregnant…I didn’t believe it! I had been in complete denial I mean I’d missed two periods and actually three because it was the end of the month. The bump on my stomach was something telling me I couldn’t deny this any longer.

“Babe?” I heard Jimmy knock lightly on the door and I bit down on my lip as I raced to pull his shirt back over my body looking in the mirror it completely hid my stomach.

“Yeah?” I called as I looked at my feet grabbing up the rest of the clothes that I had taken off, the skinny jeans were rather uncomfortable now the more I bent over.

“You ok you’ve been in there a really long time and normally you come out by now…” he trailed off and I could tell he was leaning against the door by just the way his voice was coming through.

“I’m alright I’m just a little nauseous that’s all!” I shouted through the door splashing a bit of water onto my face letting out a quiet sigh.

“Lemme in that way I can hold your hair back or something!” I could tell he was pouting just through the door way. I let out a soft laugh and tried to relax myself as I shook my head clearing the thoughts.

“I’m coming out babe,” I walked over to the door and opened it causing Jimmy to stumble a bit and look at me his blue eyes filled with concern.

“You sure you’re ok beautiful?” He asked softly as he wrapped his arms around my waist kissing the top of my head.

“I promise Jimmy I’m ok.” I tried to reassure him “come on your friends are waiting for us down stairs and probably killing the kitchen.” I teased.

“Promise you’re not keeping anything from me?” He asked softly as he laced our fingers together. I bit down on my lip.

“I promise it’s nothing you need to worry about” I smiled biting down on my lip shaking my head when he gave me a stern look. “No I promise that when it’s right I’ll tell you ok?” I spoke gently kissing his lips lightly.
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