Status: All done! :D

From the Cold Streets to a Loving Home


"Alright," I sighed, leaning against Soda's door frame. "I think we have to talk."

He groaned dramatically, but he sat up, his back against the wall and his knees bent so they were level with his face. "What?"

"I just wanted to thank you for trying with Sandy. She came over earlier, and I thought she was going to apologize but...she kinda didn't."

"She's not really one to apologize much," he shrugged.

"Okay, well, that wasn't my point. I just wanted to say that I'm really thankful for it. I don't know if anything's going to come from it, but it's good to know that you know where your priorities lie."

I didn't get an answer for that, so I just walked out into the hallway, taking a fleeting glance back at the room.

"How'd it go?" Darry questioned out of nowhere. I jumped from the suddenness of his entry but got over it pretty quickly.

"He wasn't much for talking," I informed him, widening my eyes for a second to show what I really meant. "Anyway, I'm going to take a shower and head to bed."

He nodded before leaning over to kiss me on the forehead.


The next day at work, a police officer came over me, inspecting my name tag. "Can I help you?" I asked, trying my best to keep the fear out of my voice.

"You're Julianna Curtis." It was not a question, but a statement. As if he was letting me know that was who I was. Thanks, Mr. Policeman. I had absolutely no clue until you came along.

All I could do was nod. Something told me that if I said anything, it would be a snappy, snarky remark that would get me into even deeper trouble.

"I'm here to tell you that the charges that have been filed against you by..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Slowly, he made it full-size again and read the name written, "Sandy... have been dropped."

My eyes widened. So she actually went through with what Soda and I were pushing her to do. That was surprising and relieving all at the same time.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed happily.

"I didn't do it. I just had to deliver the message. Have a nice day, now."

"You, too!" I grinned. The guy shot me a creeped-out look before turning and walking out of the store.

Feeling elated, I leaned back in my chair and put my feet up on the desk in front of me. The day could not get any better.

And then it did.

"Alright, gang!" Darry exclaimed when I walked through the door. I stopped dead in my tracks, almost toppling over from how quickly I had done it.

"What?" Two-Bit sighed from the couch. He had a beer in his hand and was tapping some sort of unknown rhythm on the side.

"We're all going to go out for dinner. We haven't done that in a while, and I think it'll be fun."

I stared at Darry with shock written all over my features. "Since when are you Mr. Fun?"

"Since...I have something to celebrate," he replied mysteriously, sending thoughts firing through my mind.

"I'm not going to pass up an opportunity for free food..." Steve expressed, getting up from in front of the TV. "So when are we leaving?"

"Now, Big Nose," I smirked, starting for the door.

"Is it too late to say that I don't like her?" Steve mumbled to Two-Bit.

"Kinda," I answered, not turning to face him. "You're stuck with me for life now."

"Not if I move to Timbuktu!" Steve fired back.

"Do you even know where that is...?" Turning around, I saw the blank look in his eyes and knew the answer already. "That's what I thought."

He stuck his tongue out at me, and soon enough, we were on our way to the restaurant.

Soon enough, we got settled into a large table.

"I...don't know what I want," Two-Bit whined.

"That's why you look, stupid," Ponyboy sighed.

"You really shouldn't be calling anyone stupid, stupid," Steve retaliated, puffing out his chest to look superior.

"Excuse me!" Soda cut in snobbishly, drumming his spoon against the table loudly. "I am sensing negative energy here!"

"Shut up," I laughed, shoving him lightly.

There were more shenanigans as the night went on, and we almost got kicked out once, but we didn't let it bother us.

"So what's your news, Dar'?" Ponyboy questioned after we'd gotten our food. Everyone grumbled as we put our food back on our plates and turned our attention toward Darry.

" promoted!"

"Oh my God!" I squealed, getting out of my seat and throwing my arms around him. "That's great!"

"I know." He tried to keep his excitement as understated as possible, but I could tell that he was pumped.

"Now we can raise a family," I whispered in his ear. When I pulled away, Darry raised his eyebrows at me, as if asking me if I was serious. Giving him a simple nod, I settled back in my seat.

Two-Bit looked between the two of us with a smirk. "There was just some dirty talk at the table right there!"

Steve whistled, and I threw a roll from the table at him. He dodged it, and it hit an old man sitting behind him.

I cleared my throat and started to eat, pretending to be innocent, but my blush gave it away. Thankfully, the guy must have not noticed or something because he didn't say a single word. Yay!

When we got home, Two-Bit and Steve went to their houses or to party or something. Ponyboy and Soda went to sleep, and Darry and I were left in the living room.

His hand was on my knee as he asked, "Were you kidding about having kids earlier? I mean, that's a huge step."

To answer him, I leaned forward and kissed him deeply.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, alright... I know this part is absolutely HORRIBLE, and I know that it wasn't worth the over a week wait...yikes. Sorry, guys. I just wanted to get it out there. Next part will be the last one, so please remember the story overall, and not this one chapter. Ha-ha.