Status: Not sure.

Bring out My Sick Side


I laid in bed, listening to Nirvana and just staring at the ceiling. There was a tap at my window. I threw it open and stared out. "Yo, Gaskarth, we're gonna go crash homecoming. Get your ass down here," Austin yelled.
I sighed, climbed out my window and jumped down. I could have told my parents I was just going to homecoming and they would have been fine with it, but I didn't feel like the extra effort. I landed on my feet in front of Bill. "Hey."
We got into Austin's car and drove to the school. We snuck in through the football locker rooms, and got into the gym. Jack handed me a flask and winked before disappearing. I took a huge swallow from the flask. Straight vodka. Oh well.
There was a girl standing alone in a green dress. I walked over to her. "Hey, wanna dance?"
She glanced at me. "Alright."
I led her to the opening in the gym and put my hands on the small of her back while some ballad played. We swayed a bit. "I'm Alex."
"Holly," she replied.
"Nice to meet you," I told her.
"You too."
She was cold and controlled, and I was extremely turned on by it. She was distant, and I only wanted to bring her closer. The song ended, and she moved to pull away. "How about another dance?" I asked.
She smirked, but obliged. "So, Alex, no girl wanted to come with you?"
"Nah. I crashed it," I smirked. "What about you? Would no guy take such a lovely creature to a dance?"
"Afraid not," she laughed.
"Are you a senior? I don't think I've seen you before," I commented.
"Yeah. Just moved here. My folks made me come to 'make friends.' Yeah, right," she rolled her eyes.
"Wanna ditch and grab something to eat?" I asked.
"Sure," she said, following me out.
We walked to the pizza place across from the school, and sat down, ordering a pizza to share and Cokes.
"So, where'd you move from?"
"New Mexico," she replied.
"Do you like it here?" I asked.
She shrugged, sipping her soda. "It's alright, I suppose. Terribly quiet, I think."
"You're telling me. I've lived here my entire life, and all I've ever wanted to do was get the fuck outta here," I responded.
"That's how I felt about New Mexico, but now I'm out, I feel trapped here, too," Holly said, shrugging again.
Her skin was the color of creamy coffee, and her hair was a gentle brown, to match her eyes. The dark green, strapless dress looked beautiful against her skin, her eyes framed in a soft black, her hair in a simple pony tail. He lips were plump and lovely. I suppressed the urge to kiss her.
The pizza came, and she ate it like one of the guys. Big bites, not using a fork and a knife, using her hands. She gulped down the Coke and burped loudly. "Excuse me," she said, covering her mouth and smiling.
"I've never met someone like you," I told her.
"How so?"
"A girl who could be so beautiful, but could act like a guy, because you didn't eat that pizza like a girl. You took it down, and it was amazing. And I'm pretty sure that's the most impressive burp I've ever heard," I responded.
She threw her head back and laughed. "Alex, you don't know many metal head chicks, do you?"
"I'm afraid not." I grinned at her.
"I bet five bucks I can out drink you," she challenged.
There were shot glasses and bottles of alcohol scattered through Austin's basement. I woke up with a pounding headache, and no memory of anything after the first shot.
I turned to Holly, who was stirring. "Who won?"
"You did, by one shot," she groaned.
"Ah, shit, are your parents gonna be worried?" I asked.
"Nah. They won't give a shit. Now, I think it's time for some hair-of-the-dog," she said, grabbing two beers, tossing one to me.
"Thanks. Do you want a ride home?"
"Sure. Actually, you could just drop me off, give me some time to shower and get changed, and we'll hang out," she offered.
"Deal," I agreed, smiling and chugging my beer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Phew, I guess I'm just a lying whore.
I guess I'm updating this more than I thought I really was going to.
Oh well! Don't unsuscribe, for I never know when I'll find inspiration!