Status: Just a little one shot I wrote. ;)

My Best Friend's Sister


It felt nice to be back in Stratford. The cool, comforting air made me feel so.. Normal. And that's the last thing I should be feeling. I like to think I'm still a regular kid, but then I hear my song on the radio and lose all of hope of being that ever again. It feels nice, though. Knowing that I'm loved by millions of girls.

I tapped the fingers of one of my hands on the side of my Range Rover, while the other hand guided the steering wheel. Just the fact that my mom let me bring my car here put a smile on my face. That smile turned into a grin when she said I could drive it to Ryan's house. I was so caught up in my good mood that I completely ignored the faint ringing coming from beside me. I had told everyone I didn't want any buisness calls while I was home, so it couldn't be that important.

I drove around the many curves that led to Ryan's house that I knew to well. Oh, the memories of steeling Ryan's dad's car and driving around. Those will never be forgotten. The memories of his little sister Rylie snitching on us won't be forgotten either. I always hated her, obviously you can see why. I shook my head and focused back on the road, trying not to care about his stupid little sister. I moved my head along to the music as I drove down his driveway.

"I bet the neighbors know my name, they be stressin' while we sexin'." I let the song play a few more versus before actually shutting off the car and getting out. That song was so funny to me. I walked up to his front door and pressed the doorbell, and within seconds a girl answered. Her expression changed from annoyed to shocked. I had no idea who she was, or why she was in my bestfriend's house, but she seemed to know me.

I had to admit, she was pretty hot, though. She was wearing a long, flowy, orange, Shakira-type skirt, and a white tank top that was cut off at her mid section. You could see her dangly bellybutton ring, too. I changed my mind. She was sexy. "Justin?" The girl asked, her eyes pretty much bulging from her head. The voice was so familiar.. Then it snapped in my head. Her blue eyes, long blonde hair..

"Rylie?" I asked, dumbfounded now. Last time I saw her, she had braces and wore her hair in an annoying ponytail, and her face was covered in blemishes. Now she has perfect teeth, her hair is down and wavy, and her face is almost flawless. She. Grew. Up.

She smirked when she saw me staring, "The one and only." Her voice was seductive, but in the way where she wasn't trying to be. Like Beyonce. Yeah, she reminded me of Beyonce..

"You, uh.. Look different." I said, trying to keep my eyes on her face. They kept falling to her chest, though. She took after her mom.. Let's just say Mrs. Butler is one of those, "Stacy's mom has got it going on" mom's. You know what I'm sayin'? She snorted, "I could say the same thing, Bieber." She said, stepping to the side. I stared at her, not sure what to do. "Are you gonna come in or what?"

I felt my face got hot as I stepped inside. "Ryan's not here, but he'll be back in like a couple hours, and no doubt Chaz will show up sooner or later.. So, yeah." She told me, putting her hands on her curvacious hips. She was like a mix of Beyonce, and Shakira, and.. Kim Kardasian, because she definitely grew into that butt of hers. God damn, how did Ryan's sister get so hot?

"You can wait here if you want.. Or leave.. Whatever." She sat down, then patted the seat next to her. "But I think it'd be more convienent if you just waited." She gave me a grin as I sat down. "So, whatcha' wanna do?" She asked, sitting on her knees facing me. She was always a happy one.. Sometimes too happy though, which is why I didn't like her much. But now, now I think I could start to like her.

"What were you doing before I got here?" I asked, eyeing her outfit. She giggled. "Practicing my dancing. I'm apart of the dancing team at school. The guys tell me I'm really good at it." I laughed at her naive 15 year old self. "Is that what you wear when you dance?" I asked. She nodded, still grinning. Now it made sence.

"Well, then, you can dance.. And I'll just sit here." I felt so awkward around her. I shouldn't, though, it's just Ryan's dorky little sister.. Ha, scratch that. It's just Ryan's vivacious, sexy as fuck little sister. I felt myself harden in my tight pants. Stupid skinny jeans Ry Good makes me wear..

She nodded and got up, walked over to a stereo and started to play a song, which was ironcally 'Beautiful Liar' by Beyonce and Shakira. Once she started dancing, and by dancing I mean swaying her hips and moving her booty up and down, I got harder. I grabbed a pillow and casually put it on my lap, acting like I was playing with the fraying threads on the sides.

She was a beautiful dancer, but it didn't help my pants dilemma any. Once she was done, she turned to music off and smiled at me. "Did you like it?" She asked, using that seductive voice again. I gulped, trying to get the knot out of my throat so I could answer. "It was.. It was great." I said, choking on my words. More than great.. Fantastic, more like it.

She crossed her arms and sat by me, "Why are you acting so weird, Bieber? It's just me, you know.." She was sitting so close to me, it was like she was practically on my lap. I gulped again, "I.. I, uh.. Your just so different and.." I trailed off, too embraressed to say anything else.

She laughed, "Your such a hormonal boy. You see one good looking girl and get all tongue tied." She pulled the pillow out of my grasp and smirked. "Oh this is too great. Justin Bieber's bestfriend's little sister made him horny. Out of all those other girls. I'm so proud of myself." She smirked at me, getting closer. She didn't seem so naive anymore.

She was now in my lap, knees on both sides of my hips. I only wished her skirt was shorter. Way shorter. She leaned in so that our faces were about an inch away from each other. "You've gotten hot, Bieber. I'll give you that." She giggled, running her fingers through my hair. With anyone else I would have goteen mad.. But with her it felt so good. Pants problem just got worse.

It was a few seconds before she actually kissed me, and another few seconds before I actually kissed her back. My hands instantly made there way to her hips, then lower, then back up, rising to her rib cage. I didn't know where I was getting so much courage to do so. Her hands were still in my hair, lightly tugging on it. As our tongue's battled, I softly moaned, causing her to smirk.

Her lips moved to my neck, and her hips decided to have a mind of their own a grind their way to victory. Now moans were spilling out of my mouth unwillingly. I felt her smirk again against my neck. She didn't get it, though. It wasn't just the fact that she was hot, it was because I've really never goteen to do this sort of thing with a girl. I was silently thanking her, but cursing her for being so.. Naughty.

And that's when I realized it. I was making out with Ryan's little sister. Little Rylie, who was like a sister to me. Well, she was. Now, not so much. All the thoughts of how wrong it was were punched in the face when I felt one of her hands reaching for my pants zipper. I gasped and pulled away from her lips. She raised an eyebrow at me, sort of pouting. God, she was sexy. I bit my lip, then kissed her again.

After smiling with victory, she fully unzipped my jenas, then started to rub me through my boxers, like she knew exactly what she was doing. She didn't jut get hot, she got whore-ish. If my suspitions were true.

I groaned and gripped her hips harder. She was still.. Doing what she was doing.. Which felt utterly amazing. Best thing I've ever expirienced, and that statement is coming from me, Justin Bieber, who has met pretty much every famous person you can think of. But she was still going at it when we both heard a door open and shut, then a familiar voice yell, "Rylie!"

"Shit, that's Chaz." She said, jumping off of my lap. I quickly zipped my jeans up again and flipped my hair so that it wouldn't look so messy, right before he walked in the room. Now, to anyone really, we probably looked suspicious. I no doubt had a grin on my face, and I'm pretty sure Rylie's lip gloss was ruined and all over hers and my face, so, Chaz had every right to start laughing when he saw us.

"I don't even want to know."
♠ ♠ ♠
The end was so awkward to write. xD
That's why I can't write stuff like this often.. Haha.
Tell me what you think! (;
It was just an idea I had..