‹ Prequel: Outcasts.
Sequel: Creatures.
Status: seven stars so far.


Chapter nine.

Ambrosia’s funeral is being held today. She went into a coma for about two hours after the accident and then her heart had stopped before I could see her. I probably haven’t stopped crying since then.

I felt Jake and the rest of the guys rest their hands on my shoulder has I looked over Ambrosia in her casket. Tears had slipped down my face ruining my eyeliner that I could barely put on this morning.

“You’ve got to let her go, Andy.” Ashley whispered to me in a sadden tone.

I nodded and walked away from her casket and into the dining hall of the church. Everyone was gathered around, dressed in black and frowns. An elderly woman was walking towards me with Jande by her side.

“Are your Andrew Biersack?” The woman asked with a kind voice.

“Yes. Who are you?” My voice cracked, as I looked down at Jande whose face was blank.

“I’m Rosa Gun from Child’s services. I was sent her to hand off your daughter, Jande, to you due to the death of her mother.” Jande looked at what Rosa had just said.

“He’s my Daddy?” She asked in her small voice. Rosa nodded and smiled.

Jande let go of Rosa’s hand and walked to me. I bent down to meet her sad, blue eyes. I smiled sadly at her in which she returned.

“Hi honey.” I whispered.

“Hi Daddy.” She whispered back before wrapping her arms around my neck. I stood up from the church floor and held her against my chest. I walked over to Kent and his dad.

“I’m going to bring Jande to California to live with Scout and I. I don’t think it would be good for her to live her for a while.” They nodded in understanding before they kissed Jande and I goodbye.

“Where are we going, Daddy?” Jande asked me.

“To pack and then to my house.” I told her as I walked down the street to where Ambrosia’s house is. Gyna had given me the key earlier knowing that this time would come.

“Is Mommy going to be there?” She asked innocently. I shook my head and tucked her head onto my shoulder so she wouldn’t see me cry.

“She wont be there but I will be.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Like I said in the last chapter, there could possibly be a sequel in the future if there is great demand for it. Otherwise, this is the end.

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Hate Me.
Sweet Zoë Jane...
15 Years Now Lost

Happy killings,