Once (Fernando Torres Four Shot) Part 1/4

Once (Fernando Torres Four Shot) Part 1/4

Fernando’ POV

Things That Couples Should Do Once... a week

Fight (a bit)

Dear God, that girl takes so long to get ready! I’ve been waiting down here for over an hour now and she’s still upstairs getting ready! “Nando! Nando, can you come up here for a second?” I marched up the stairs, taking two at a time. I followed her voice to the bedroom. She was standing in front of the mirror in her dressing gown, a dress in either hand. She turned to face me when I stood in the doorway. “Nando; which dress? The black one or the blue one?” The dreaded question- because there is no right answer to it. I pointed a finger at the black one. “The black one, it looks lovely on you.” She stared at me.
“Are you saying I look fat in the blue one?” she asked accusingly.
“What?! No!”
“You are aren’t you? Otherwise you wouldn’t have said the black one.”
“Bonita, you don’t look fat. You look great in both. You asked me to pick one so-“
“So the blue dress is horrible?”
“No! No both are lovely dresses. Bonita why do you have to be so difficult? You asked me to pick a dress and I did. If you didn’t want my opinion you shouldn’t have asked!”

Have Sex

Well you didn’t think I was going to tell you about that now did you?

Walk Hand in Hand

“Nando, I think we should head home now. It’s getting really late.” Whispered Bonita, her head on my shoulder. I nodded, and then answered out loud realising that she couldn’t see in the dark. She stood up from the bench, and stretched. She untied Llanta’s lead from the bench and then Pomo’s. “Come on Nando.” I stood up and took Pomo’s lead in one hand, and Bonita’s hand in the other. It was midnight and we walked through the park and streets together. It was autumn so it was quite cold, and the wind was howling. Leaves crunched underneath our feet and the moon shone down brightly. But holding Bonita’s hand made it all worthwhile. This was definitely a moment of the day I lived for.

Compliment Each Other

“Someone has an extra twinkle about them today.”
“Someone scored an unbelievable goal today.”

Shower Together

“Nando! What are you doing in here?” shrieked Bonita, swatting at me with a sponge.
“Taking a shower.”
“Can’t you wait until I’m out?”
“We’ve both got to shower anyway, so why not together?”

Get Into Bed and... Sleep

Yawn. “Goodnight Nando.” Said Bonita, giving me a kiss.
“Night Bonita.” I whispered back, wrapping the duvet around the both of us. Z z z z z z

Let Something Go

We were half way through the movie The Illusionist and I was enjoying it. It was the first ever movie I had watched in English, and I could actually understand it now. The first few times I had to keep rewinding and pausing because I kept missing parts. Or sometimes I didn’t understand what was being said. But now, I could. And it turned into one of my favourite movies. Chew. Chew. Did she have to chew her popcorn so loud? Chew. Chew. I can’t hear what he’s saying! Chew. Chew. Just leave it, it won’t kill me.

Laugh Hard

I read through some emails on my phone, on the way to a game. It was an international game, and Bonita wasn’t coming. Then there was a beep; signalling I had received a new email. I opened the inbox to find it was from Bonita. There were a few smiley faces and a YouTube link. She had written that it would make me laugh. So I opened it up and put my headphones in so not to disturb anyone. But I needn’t have bothered, because the next thing I knew; I was laughing so hard. And I mean really hard. And very loudly too. Pepe (Reina) was sleeping beside me, and he woke up. “Fernando Torres! I am trying to sleep!” I responded by laughing in his face. “What are you laughing about?”
“Just... a... funny... video... Bonita... sent... me!” I gasped in between laughs.
“How funny?”
“Can’t... you... tell?”
“Here, let me see.” I replayed the video for Pepe and then we were both doubled over in laughter. “What the hell is so funny?” asked Carles (Puyol); leaning across the aisle. Pepe passed him the phone and Carles cracked up, and so did Iker (Casillas) who was watching over Carles' shoulder. “What’s funny?” chorused Sergio (Ramos) and David (Villa).
“It has to be hilarious if you lot are laughing that hard.” Said Xabi (Alonso).
“Let me see!” whined Victor (Valdes). So my phone was passed around the entire bus and soon everyone was laughing until tears streamed from their eyes.
“I think I’ve wet my pants.” Laughed Gerard (Pique).
But then my phone fell into the hands of Vicente (Del Bosque).
“What has got you all laughing? And urinating in Gerard’s case?”
“The 40 Year Old Virgin!” cried Iker.
“It’s the chest-waxing scene!” added Pepe.
“Watch it Mister!” called Sergio.
So he did.
He didn’t laugh though.
He smiled and pursed his lips together, as if he was trying to stop himself from laughing.
He passed me my phone back and looked at us all.
“Please do not kill yourselves with laughter, or our hopes to qualify for the European Championship will once be put to an end.” He said before taking his seat again.
Man, nothing ever makes Del Bosque laugh.
♠ ♠ ♠
Part one of four is complete! I'd love to know what you think! Part two will be out shortly...