Status: Complete and thankfully transferred before it was lost. I just wish it was as good as my other stories. Oh well.

Keep on Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching

01. Dreamer Is No Longer Dreaming

Isabella POV

“Mikey! Just relax, I’ll be fine. This is pointless.”

I’m standing in our apartment with Mikey yelling at me. He was extremely upset that I wanted to walk to work. Especially, after all the crazy new murders. What he didn’t know was I was the one helping to remove these so called murders.

“Look, it’s just not safe. Let me or Ray drive you.”

“Michael,” I only used his whole first name if I was serious, “Its fine. I walk every day and back. Not once have been hurt.”

“After all the killings you’re not a little worried?”

“Michael, If I need help I’ll call you.” I flashed my phone in front of him, “If I lock up, I’ll catch a ride with Jim”

“I’m giving you a ride there at least. Ray we’ll be back.”

Ray grunted. He didn’t even notice our arguing. He was to into his video game. As usual. It was pretty typical of Ray. He loved us. He really did but somedays he was into Halo more.

“Come on Mikey, I’ll be late to work.”

We made it down to his beat up car and got in. He really needed to get a new one but neither of us had the money. The only problem was it didn’t want to work in the winter. Probably with good reason. Our streets never really got plowed. He started it up after three tries and put in into gear. I pushed the radio on.

“Another Female found dead. Officers say puncture wounds in neck and all blood drained. They will not say where they found the body. They’ll probably say it later this week. The wish to take to the family before the release the Vic’s name,” Said Dan the radio host.

“If you ask me Dan, I’d say there vampires with all the blood draining.” Phil said laughing.

“Vampires, in Jersey? You’re insane.”

“Well where do you expect them to go, Chicago?”

Mikey turned the radio off, “That’s what? Twenty people. This is why you need to be careful.”

“You don’t believe this vampire crap do you?”

“No I think its some mental person, but you need to be careful.”

He pulled up to my work and I undid my seatbelt, “No, you’re just worried I’m going to end up like your brother. I’m not going to have a funeral. I don’t plan on dieing just yet.” I got out and slammed the door shut.

“He’s missing not dead.” He drove off.


I put up my hair into a pony tail and walked in the back. I knew it was going to be a rough night. But you do what you do. Right?

“Bella, glad you’re here.”

“Hey Jim…anything good going on?” I shouted over the loud music.

“Two vampires just left with a girl.”

“Kay, I’ll go take care of it.”

He nodded, “Thank you.”

I went in back and grabbed a stake, hiding it in my jacket. Honestly, if any non workers came back here they’d think we were making a little fence or something with all the stakes. Oh well.

I went out back and started walking around the dark ally way. I mean if you’re going to look for a vampire it’s the first place to look right?

Horror movie time

My stomach started to freak out. It happens when I get nervous. I knew I was getting tense. The whole tasting suspense idea I guess.

“Well, what do we have here?”

I turned around and a creature was standing there. He was a few inches taller than me. Wearing all black. Head to toe. His hair was black and messy. Like someone had just placed a mop on his head. I could quite see his face clearly. If he was human, I’d say he’d fit into hot topic perfectly.

He was so fast. Next thing I know I’m up against a wall.

No Way.

I could see his face clearly now. It was Mikey’s brother. He had gone missing.

More like abandon.

“I didn’t abandon him.” His voice was rough.

I started squirming, “Let me go!”

He started laughing, “And let you kill me? No I don’t think so.”

He pressed into me. He nuzzled his head in the crook of my neck “You smell like my brother. Who are you hunter?”

“Bella, a friend of his.”

He threw me to the ground, “Liar.”

I’m not lying asshole.

“What’d you call me?”

I whispered to myself, “I forgot the can read minds.”

He smirked and picked me up, “You not so tough.”

I smiled, “Well, I’m only five foot four. What do you expect?”

“You’re five foot three.”

“I am not!”

“Yes you are.” He growled.

“What does it matter?”

“I like your stubbornness. I might just turn you.”

Oh…hell no. He could try but I would kill him before that. I’m sorry but I don’t dig the living dead. So now it was my chance to try to escape. I kicked him, well trying to. It’s hard when dangling in the air.

He was laughing.

The ass was laughing!

I’ll kill him. I’m going to kill him.

“Sugar, I’m already dead.”

“No shit, really? I’m going to make you into little dust particles. I don’t care what your brother thinks. I was right you are dead.”

I was struggling. He let me go. I plopped on the ground and he started walking away. He can’t get away that easy. No way in hell.

“Hey, get back here so I can kill you.”

He turned to look, “You could try. Now if you don’t mind, I like to find some food. I’m hungry.”

Not on my watch.

“James. Go ahead and play with her. Just don’t kill her.”

Who? God Mikey’s brother is weird.

“I have a name.” He yelled back.

“Yea, what?”


“Alright Gerard, after I handle this guy I’ll come stop you.”

“Good luck, Bella.”

He disappeared around the corner. I heard a growl and it was soon followed by me getting tackled. I hadn’t even seen this guy come out of where ever he was hiding. Kind of annoying in my opinion.

“Get off of me jerk.”

He hissed. I didn’t feel too intimidated. But that’s just me. Oh well. I easily grabbed my stake and drove it into him. He exploded into dust and that was the end of Mr. I think I’m a bad ass.

Well, that was easy.

I heard a girl scream. I grabbed my stake and rushed into the direction. I found her on the ground alone and bleeding. This wasn’t a good sign at all.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded and I helped her up. Gerard appeared out of nowhere and punched me. Where the hell did he learn his manners? Geeze!

It sent me to the ground, “Go, Run to the bar, Jim can help you.”

She ran off and Gerard growled, “She was my meal.”

“Aww, to bad.” I got up and rubbed my cheek, “You punch like a girl.”

Rule #1: Don’t piss off a vampire. I never could learn that one rule.

I was pinned against a wall.


I looked in his eyes.

Bad idea, look away…..I can’t…stupid trance.

His eyes, they where so attractive. The color was unique. I knew this was a bad idea. These vampires had weird powers. A sense of mind contorl if you will.

He smiled and brushed his lips against mine, “Go home, I don’t want to hurt you”

“Okay” I whispered.

He let me go and I ran to the bar. I didn’t even look back. I slipped through the bad and wasn’t really missed. Jim found me in seconds.

“Did you get them?”


He was a good teacher for the most part but I was the not so smart one,“Vampires, oh no…You’re in a trance. What did I say about looking in their eyes?”

I blinked my eyes; my mind seemed so foggy and far away.

“I killed one; um…I need to go.”

He handed me three hundred bills and I left to go home.

I made it up to the apartment.

“You’re home early.”

“Yea, No one was there.” I let my hair down and went into my room.

Soft bed.

I jumped and landed on it. Like a totally belly flop. It was nice. I rolled over onto my back and sighed in contentment.

Then it hit me.

I sat up.

Wait a minute….Did I just listen to what Gerard said to do? What’s wrong with me?

I changed into pajamas and place my other clothes in the hamper. I hear a knock on the door and perked my ears up.

“I’m coming” Mikey screamed.

Who’s coming here at one in the morning? Must be some random fast food place.

I walked out and into the living room part of our apartment.

“Izy, look who should up.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Re-edited and now going to be posted on Mibba. Though, I'm trying to keep as much original work as I can.

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