Status: Complete and thankfully transferred before it was lost. I just wish it was as good as my other stories. Oh well.

Keep on Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching

11. Shotgun Wedding With Out The Wedding

Isabella’s POV


No...No, this can’t be possible. Gerard was standing and breathing. He backed up and pulled out the stake. His blood slowly coming out. He gasped and stumbled back a little and then laughed.

“Next time Frank, a little to your left.”

My jaw dropped. That was close. Too close. My Gerard walked over to me and stepped behind me. His arms snaked around me. He held me tightly. He leaned in to my ear and whispered. I was in shock. I just felt coolness against my back. Gerard was bleeding on me.

I was so angry at Frank. He was insane. I grabbed the stake and pulled out of Gerard’s reach. I was going to kill Frank. He now deserved it. I’m making this personal.

I stepped walked till I was about five feet from him. He put his hand up as a signal to stop. He smirked and whistled loud. It was almost ear piercing. I don’t even now if that noise was possible for a human.

Then again he wasn’t human.

With in seconds, people vampires surrounded us. Like twenty people had stepped around us. I turned in a circle seeing all the creatures. Gerard’s face held a cold glare at Frank. I looked back at Frank.

“Now. I didn’t want to use force.”

“Frank...You! Ugh! I don’t even know what to yell at you.” I huffed.

“So, you coming peacefully or do I need. Well, you know.”

“What do you think?”

“Believe me; you don’t want to know what he thinks.” Gerard growled.

“Oh come on Gerard you think the same thing about her.”

He stepped forward and grabbed my out stretched hand lightly. I was being pulled to him. Quickly I tried to get out of his grip. Easily doing so I backed away. If he thinks I’m going with him he is sadly mistaken. No way in hell I’m going with him. It’s like selling my soul.

“Frank I don’t want to.”

“You don’t have a choice”

“I sure as hell do.”

“Come on, please. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“Frank. You and I both know that when I agree you kill them.” My head nodding in Gerard’s direction.

“Like I said. You follow my plans, no one gets hurt. I’m a man of my word.”

I giggled, “Yeah, remember my eighteen birthday? You didn’t keep your word.”

He smiled lightly, “Hey. I had a good reason.”

“Keep telling your self that.” I threw the stake to my left.

It nailed a vampire right in the heart. It exploded and the other vampires growled.

“If you want me. You’ve got to earn me.”

One charged and I dodged his fist. I ran and grabbed my stake, “Well don’t just stand there Gerard. Help.”

After a few minutes and deaths of some vampires I felt a pressure on my back. I turned and looked over my shoulder. Frank had a gun pointing at me. I turned and held my hands up defensively. This was too far. He had completely lost it.


All I remember is the sound of the gun.…

I felt the cold ground beneath me. I had a little pain, but more numb then in pain. Someone was calling me. I focused my eyes and meet Gerard’s hazel eyes. He was crying. Mikey kneeing next to me one my left.

“Gerard…is she going to be okay?”

“Mikey just go call an ambulance.”



“Okay.” He got up and left.

“Bella, you okay? Bella? I’m so sorry Bella”

I tried to get out the words out of my mouth. My tongue flipped flopped. Trying desperately to tell him I’m okay. I was getting tired. My eyes were getting heavy.

“Bella?” I tried to groan, “Come on Bella. Open your eyes.”

I tried and got them to. Only for a second. The closed once more. He slapped my cheek lightly.

“Come on. Stay awake, I need you to. I can’t lose you. I love you.”



“Turn me.”

“No. I won’t. I can’t.”

He grabbed my hand and held it to his cheek. I opened my eyes. He leaned into my cheek. I smacked his cheek lightly and smiled.

“You never do what I ask.”

He nodded, “Yup.”

Darkness came over me…..





That sound was getting annoying. I opened my eyes. A white ceiling. Where am I? Oh, I remember. Asshole shot me. His ass is mine after I leave. I looked over to my side and saw Mikey asleep on Gerard’s shoulder.

“Gerard” I whispered.

His eyes fluttered opened and he smiled.

“Gerard. Come here.”

He carefully moved and Mikey turn on his other side. He stood up and stretched. He stumbled over and sat on my bed. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me. He leaned forward and I cupped his face and kissed him. He shifted and placed his hand on the either sides of my head.

He pulled away and smiled, “You must feel better.”

I nodded and someone coughed. Gerard got off of me and stood next to my bed. A doctor was standing in the doorway. My cheeks redden.

“My apologies if I interrupted. I’m Doctor Cross. It’s good to see you’re finally awake.”

I nodded, “I feel like shit.”

“Well,” he laughed, “You did take a bullet to your chest. Surprisingly, it missed you’re heart my two millimeters.”

“Are you serious?”

He nodded, “You have some one watching over you. Well, I guess I’ll leave you back to where you were. Call a nurse if you need anything.”

He left and Gerard climbed back on the bed. I shifted on to my side and he laid next to me.

“Did you…You know?”

“Turn you? No…I couldn’t.”

“Why not?”

He shrugged.

“How long have I been out?”

“Two weeks.”

My eyes widen, “Are you serious?”


I kissed him. My hand was stoking his face. I missed him. What about him? That jerk…I pulled away.

“What about Frank?”

“Died…I killed him.”


I closed my eyes and felt tears left my eyes. I might hate him, but I knew him my entire life. He was my first best friend. I opened my eyes and Gerard wiped the tears away.

“I’m sorry. It’s just he was taking you away from me. I wasn’t going to let him take you away from me.”

I nodded and nuzzled me head in his chest.


“What Mikey?” I mumbled in Gerard chest.

I sat up and Gerard got off the bed. I opened my arms and Mikey rushed into my arms. I hugged him so tight that it hurt.

“I’m so sorry” He mumbled.

“Oh, shut up. It’s all past.”

“You might get to go home soon.”

“Good. I’m dieing for a cigarette.” The both laughed and I continued, “Seriously…And a cheeseburger and fries.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading. Wow I posted almost all of this in one day! Yay me!

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