Status: Complete and thankfully transferred before it was lost. I just wish it was as good as my other stories. Oh well.

Keep on Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching

03. Damn It All

Isabella’s POV

I woke up and groaned. My clock read ten thirty. The shower is on. Now, I know Mikey should be gone by now. I lifted of my blankets and headed towards the kitchen. I saw a familiar head.

“Mikey? What are you doing here? You should be at work.”

He turned to me munching away at a Pop tart. That bastard! Those were mine! I bought those with my own money damn it! Gah! How could he. Wait. If he was here who is in the shower?

“Are you eating my Pop tarts Mikey? Who is in the shower?”

He hid the half eaten pastry behind his back. Wait, I thought to myself. Yeah, a pop tart is a pastry. A toaster pastry. My lovely randomness.

“You’re not going to believe this. I get to go in at noon. Its Thursday…remember?”

“Oh yea…So who is in our shower?”

“Well,” He took a sip of juice, “I woke up to a knock at the door and I open it. It was my brother.”

“Gerard? The artist?” Trying to act if I hadn’t met him.

“The one and only. He looked like shit. So…”

I finished the sentence for him, “He’s taking a shower.”

“Yep, He’s going to stay with us for a few days. So I was wondering if…”

“Hey Mikey, are my clothes done?” Gerard’s voice rang out.

“Uh I’ll check.”

I was standing here alone. I have a vampire in my house. This isn’t fair. I reached for a pop tart package and opened it. I loved them. Chocolate in the morning was good. My head started to hurt. Oh God, I thought, not now.

“Mikey, I need my meds. Can you get them please?”

He returned and handed me the bottle, “Migraine?”

“Yeah, starting really quickly.”

I get migraines a lot. Doctors don’t know why…I just have them. So I have pain pills that knock me out. Which would be good on any other day, but today I have a vampire in my apartment.

“You could have at least told me she was hot. Damn Mikey, How’d you get something like her?”

I glared at the new presence.

He strides over to me and put out his hand, “Gerard, you must be Isabella.”

I rolled my eyes and shook his hand. It was weird holding his hand. My hand still hurt from last night. I let go and stood closer to Mikey.

“Oh, so since he’s staying I was wondering if you’d mind letting him sleep on the couch in your room.”

I glared at him, “What? I do mind!”

“Aww, I don’t bite hard sugar.”

My glare hardened, “I don’t care if you tickle. Why can’t he sleep on the one in there?”

My finger pointing in the generally direction. I’m not having him sleep anywhere near me. It was too close for comfort. I was ready to kill him. My hand reached up to my head. This was too much to handle all at once. I’m blaming Gerard.

“Cause you and I both know Ray sleeps there until Danni arrives.” Gerard was looking at Mikey as he spoke.

Oh hell no.

His powers suck. That’s just plain cruel. I was thinking every cruse word I could think up. Gerard smirked.

“Just let him. I got to get ready for work.” He stormed off.

I whispered to Gerard, “You’re an asshole you know that?”

His sly smirk returned. He walked right up to me and leaned by my ear, “but you like assholes.” He partially screamed in my ear.

Migraine and screaming don’t mix. I pushed him away and held my head. I hate him. I fucking loathe him. That really sent off my head.

“Oh, I’m sorry.” He giggled like a little kid.

“Fuck you.”

“Name the place and when. I haven’t had sex in like three months.”

“I can see why.”

“Bye guys” Mikey screamed and slammed the door shut.

I groaned. This wasn’t fair. I was getting tired. I went into my room and grabbed my cell. I need protection or something. I mean I was almost scared to let my meds knock me out. I dialed a familiar number.


“What Bella?”

“He’s living here?”

He sounded tired, “Who?”

“Gerard…Mikey’s letting him stay.”

“Are you okay? You don’t sound too good.”


“Well, be careful and get some rest.”

“So the fact I’m living with a vampire doesn’t mater?”

“Just live with it for a while. I need to go.”

The line went dead. Fine, be that way. I chucked my phone on the nightstand by my bed. I closed my eyes. Stupid migraine. Stupid Gerard. Stupid Mikey. Stupid Jim and stupid life. I sighed and the room grew darker. I open my eyes and saw Gerard by the window. He was placing a dark cloth over the blinds on my window.

Now, why I don’t know. Because the vampires here in real life can stand the sun. There just like us and act like us. The have reflections, Not allergic to garlic, holy water has no effect. The only think that is true is a stake in the heart.

My bed sank next to me, “I put in on there, because when it’s dark, you head doesn’t hurt as bad.”

“Good point.”

He was lying next to me. Just staring at me. It was freaky. I didn’t like it. Sadly, I was too tired to care.

“I swear to god if you do anything while I’m asleep. I kill you.”

“Sugar, I’m already dead.”

“You’ve told me. Don’t call me sugar.”

“Why not?”

I yawned, “Cause…”

“You’ll have to come up with something better then that.”

I groaned and tried to shove him away, “Go away.”

He had a giggle in his voice, “No.”



I was getting really annoyed, “Why not?”



Gerard decided to call names back, “Bitch.”



“Man whore”




“Oh hell no.”

“Well you are.”

I was not a shrew. “I am not.”

“You act like one.”

“Oh go away. What do you want with me?” I was trying to remember where my nearest stake was so I could kill him and live a nice happy life.

He crawled on top of me and sat on my hips. He shrugged, “I don’t know. I just find you attractive.”


“Hey, you think the same thing.”

I blushed, “I do not.”

He raised an eyebrow, “That’s not what you where thinking last night.”

“What was I thinking?”

He smiled, “You think I’m a good kisser.

I was bright red, “I do not think that.”

“You where in the car with Mikey. You liked the way my lips are so soft. You liked how…”

I raise my hand up and covered his mouth, “Shut up.”

He moved my hand away, “Well, are you going to admit it?”




His lips crashed against my own. Okay…they are soft. He smirked against my lips. He pushed into me causing me to gasp. Just like last night he took it as an invitation. Damn him. I bit his tongue and he pulled away. He was still smiling.

“Oh, so you like to bite? I can too.”

He nuzzled my neck.

“Please no. I’m sorry.”

“To late now.” He mumbled.

He was nipping at my neck. Kissing lightly, trying to find a pulse.

I was so drowsy from my medication that if I tried to fight I probably would end up hurting myself before him. “Please.”

He looked at me, “Admit it.”

“Admit what?”

“That you like me kissing you.”

“I like you kissing me.” I whispered.

Like last night and wrapped my legs around him and flipped of the bed. I landed on him. He’s a good cushion. I crawled back in bed and wrapped myself in a blanket and started drifting asleep. I felt an arm wrap around me. He was lying next to me. Just great…He pulled me closer. My back was right against his chest. Oh whatever. So much for killing him. I don’t really think I want to now. I still am blaming him.

♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to foREVer.JoanJett (I think I did it in the last one but I can't remember.

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