Status: Complete and thankfully transferred before it was lost. I just wish it was as good as my other stories. Oh well.

Keep on Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching

04. Give Em Hell

Isabella’s POV

I hate to wake up. I sat up and stretched. I was alone. Maybe it was just a dream. Just a pathetic dream. Gerard could have been a figment of my imagination. I mean it’s possible isn’t? Or maybe this is a dream. I pinched my self.

“Ow that fucking hurts.” I mumbled

No dreamland for me. I lifted of the blanket and headed to the kitchen. The microwave showed six o’clock. Mikey should be home.

“MIKEY!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR SUPPER?” I love screaming on top of my lungs.

“He’s not here.” Came Ray’s voice

I walked over and saw him playing a video game against Gerard. Gerard’s fingers were running over the controller about twice the speed of Ray’s but Ray was putting up one hell of a fight.

“Well, what do you ant for supper then?”

“A fancy banquet,” Gerard turned his head to me.

I glared, “Bite me.”

He smirked, “Okay.”


“Mikey’s getting take out.”

Thanks for telling me.

I glared at his head, “Oh…well I’m going to go take a shower.”

I turned away and headed to my room. Picking out a Misfits tee shirt. It was Frank’s. Frank was and still is, my best friend. We’ve known each other since we were five. Even went to prom with him too. We’ve never dating, but we act like it. I love him to death. But he’s disappeared a month ago and hasn’t called us. I have been worried. I miss him terribly. We never spend more then five hours apart. But that’s cool if he wants his own life.

My favorite memory was on Halloween. It was his birthday. We were so drunk that night. We were like 19. We partied so hard. I think I had sex with him that night. I don’t even remember. My eyes started to water. Oh relax…he’s fine.

I grabbed a pair of jeans on other items…I rather not say out loud. But…you get the picture. I went into the bathroom and set them on the counter. I turned to close the door and gasped. There stood the asshole.

I mean Gerard.

He closed and locked the door and I spoke with a rough voice, “Get out.”

He came up and turned me around. He hadn’t said anything but I was a little creeped out. I still didn’t trust him, “What are you doing?”

“Looking at the tag.”

I could feel him reach the tag on my shirt, “That’s what I thought. Arms up.”

“What?” I did what he said.

My arms where raised above me. He grabbed the hem off the shirt and pulled it off quickly.

I turned slightly to him, “What the hell?!”

“You where wearing my shirt.”

I turned to him completely and folded my arms. I felt pretty bold anyways. He looked so confident but I knew that was Mikey’s shirt.

“That’s Mikey’s shirt.”

“No. It’s mine. He took it when I left for collage.”

“Prove it.”

He showed me the tag. I leaned closer and say there was writing on the tag. It was in a faded black color but it had initials. G.W. Which , you and I both know are not Mikey Way’s initials.

“G.W. Stands for Gerard Way...My mommy put it on there so Mikey wouldn’t take it.”

I rolled my eyes. He is such a loser. I mean seriously. You mom writes on your tee shirts? My mom would shoot herself before she’d do that. Mama’s boy. Sissy boy! I laughed to myself.

“Hey be nice. I didn’t even have sex with you and you’re in my clothes.”

I glared at him and pointed at the door, “Get out.”

He placed the shirt in the hamper and placed the top of the toilet down.

“Nah…I think I’ll watch.” He sat down and smirked.

I was ready to bash my head in. I wish he’d just drop dead already. Or maybe if I could just kill him. Oh….I hate him.

“Go away.”

“Why? Bugging you is so much fun.”

Maybe reverse psychology? I unfolded his arms and sat on his lap. He smirked and raised an eyebrow. I wrapped my arms around his neck and scooted so close that our chests where touching. If he hadn’t gotten laid in three months then this will work.


He smirked the famous look, “If you think this is going to work, then you going to be disappointed. I like the thought though.”

I frowned. I pressed into him harder. His eyes closed and he hung his head back. I kissed his newly exposed neck. Eww…I can’t believe I’m doing this. A vampire. I was touching a vampire. Not killing it but being affectionate to it. I’ve gone insane. He laughed.

I asked again, “Please.”

“But I like this.” He looked me right in the eyes.

I tried to pull out. He wrapped his arms around me and held them there.

“You cutting off my circulation Gerard.”

He giggled and let go. I got up and backed away from him. I felt extremely dirty. Even drunk I’ve never done that. I really feel like a whore. I have dignity damn it! Not much but I do.

He stood up and leaned into my ear, “Since you were so kind I’ll leave.”

He left and I locked it back up…

“By the way…You look cute shirtless” He said through the door.

My face got all red. I’m causing global warming with the heat radiating off of it. I leaned against the door and hear him walk away. I had crossed ever line I was every taught not to cross. I was so screwed.


I’m being attacked. By five creatures. This is insane. I’m the shortest one…This isn’t fair. I reached right and drove in a stake in a guy’s chest. He exploded and I continued. I got punched by a girl and slammed the stake in her. How dare you punch me? You think you’ll get away with it? I highly doubt it. I got tackled and my stake went flying.

Just great.

And as usual…I don’t have another one. God, I need to remember to bring extra. I pushed him off and dived for it. It was kicked away by a tall guy. I felt someone step on my back holding me down.

“What does he want with you?”


I was kicked, “What does he want with you? Why is he interested?”

“Who?” I was kicked again

Oh god…This hurts like hell.

“When I say leave her alone I mean leave her alone.” I turned and say Gerard walking down the ally towards us.

I was picked up and held close against someone’s body. He groped me slowly as his grip tightens.

“What good is she? She’s human.”

“I said…leave her alone and you do what I say. Cause if you don’t,” He grabbed a vampire and drove a stake in him.

He exploded, “You get hurt or worse.”

What the hell just happened? Did he just kill one of his own kind?

I mean seriously. Did he? Really? Na…Can’t be…He killed him. I was let go and the last two took off. Gerard ran past me and went after them I was in complete shock. He killed his own kind. There is something seriously wrong with him. I was tackled…again. I am so tired of getting tackled! This isn’t football damn it!


My eyes bulged. I mean bulged out of my head, “Jim?”

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, you?”

He was bleeding from the neck, “Look you need to leave.”

“Jim you’re hurt I can’t leave you.”

He has never been so serious towards me, “Isabella…You need to go.”

He got off and I helped him up, “I’m taking you back to the bar.”

“No.” He mumbled.

I was doing it anyways.

“Who bit you?”

He groaned, “It doesn’t matter.”

“You’re hiding something from me.”

“No…It just doesn’t matter.

*********20 Minutes Later***********

I was up at the counter.

“So…sweetheart, what does a girl like you doing in a place like this?”

This guy has been hitting on me all night. I was getting sick of it. I go through this every night. It was driving my common sense out the fucking window. I was tempted to kill him just for the hell of it.

“So I have the pleasure of rejecting horny losers like you.”

His smiled turn to a frown in less then a second. Girl: one point…Loser: Zero.

“Hey sugar.”

I smiled, “Hey Gerard,” I reached over the counter and kissed him on the lips.

Gerard turned to the guy, “Is he bugging you sugar?”

“Yeah, hitting on me.”

“You do know she’s taken right?”

The guy glared, “Why would she want trash like you?”

Gerard grabbed him by the collar and brought their faces close. Almost a kiss. I wanted to laugh so badly. Gerard punched him and let go. The guy fell to the ground. I laughed a little.

“Take it outside.” Jim yelled from the door that lead to the back. He was holding a rag near his throat still. I was a little worried.

The two boys left and I knew one was going to come back.

Five minutes later Gerard was sitting at the counter smiling. I grabbed a cloth and wiped the blood from his chin. He smiled and grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. I was hanging over the counter. Which is really uncomfortable.

“I think I deserve a kiss.”

I smiled, “For what?”

He glared and pressed his lips against mine. I was looking at him. I was getting lost in his eyes. I could stare at them for ever. I placed the rag to the side and pulled his head closer. I loved his kisses. I pulled back. Jim was pissed.

“Sorry,” I went and got another round of beers and headed to a table.

I was in so much trouble.

♠ ♠ ♠
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