Status: Complete and thankfully transferred before it was lost. I just wish it was as good as my other stories. Oh well.

Keep on Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching

05. Mistakes, Lies, and Truths

Isabella’s POV

Tenth round. Yup, My Tenth round. I’ve been drinking water too. I think my bladder’s going to explode at some point. It was almost the end of my shift. Like twenty people are still here. I was finally getting a buzz.

Gerard was sitting up at the counter drinking as well. He was staring at me and not saying anything. I rolled my eyes and finished my beer. I stood straight up and threw it away. I went and grabbed a bottle of Vodka. If I’m getting drunk might as well make it worth it.

Bathroom first.

I headed there and returned. I felt better. Unscrew the top and tipped it to my mouth. Taking long swigs trying to drown the bottle quickly. Trying desperately to get drunk. Because when I get drunk I don’t have to think. Lately thinking just plain painful.


“What” I growled looking at him.

“I thinking you might want to stop drinking for the night.”

My eyes narrowed and I grabbed another bottle of Vodka. I unscrewed the lid slowly. It threw the lid at him. It collided with his nose. He closed his eyes and smiled. He finishes his beer and climbs over the counter. He grabbed the bottle and placed it on the counter.

I backed away and slammed into Jim. Jim helped steadied me. I was really getting tipsy.

I knew he wasn’t talking to me, “You taking her home?”


Gerard grabbed my arm and we walked out of the bar. Now, I haven’t gotten drunk like this since Frank was with me. I was stumbling over my own feet. This was going to take a while.

I leaned into Gerard’s chest and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. He smelled good. He laughed. I nuzzled my head in his chest trying to get to that smell. It was so sweet. I’ve never smelled anything like it.



“Stop and pay attention.”

My words were so slurred, “You smell so good.”

“That’s nice. Now pay attention.”


After God knows how long we made it to the door. Gerard reached into my pocket and grabbed my key. He placed it in and helped me in. He took my hoodie and cell, placing them somewhere.


I looked and say Mikey. He looked tired. He must have just gotten up. I went over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Mikey…I love you. You are so sweet and cute.”

I hugged him. I don’t know why, but I did. I missed spending time with him. He hugged back.

“Okay…You need to go to bed.” Mikey untangled my hands. I backed up and sat on the couch. I took off my shoes and socks off. It took a little while but I did it.

“I’ll help her. Go to bed Mikey.”

He backed off from his brother and headed towards his room, “Okay.”

I stood up, “Good night Mik.”

I stumbled to my room. I was going to die tomorrow. Good thing I have tomorrow off. Gerard followed me in. I just noticed something. He’s hot. I mean absolutely gorgeous. He was leaning in my door frame smiling. That cute sly smirk that we all know and love.

He came in and went to my bureau and took things out of it. He came over and sat me on the bed.

“Lift your arms.”

I did what I was told. He took off my shirt and placed a new one on. I stood up and tried to unbutton my jeans. This was not working. I mean come on. It’s just a button for god’s sake. Be smarter then the button Isabella.

Gerard sighed and moved my hands away. I smacked his hands. I was going to unbutton my jeans. He held my hands above my head. I felt the other hand unbutton my jeans. Fine be that way. He released my hands and I pulled them down. Stepping out of them and picking them up. He took them and handed me a pair of Mikey’s boxer’s…Yes, I steal Mikey’s clothes. I looked at the tag. M.W. Okay, just making sure. Gerard left and returned by the time I had pulled the boxer’s up. Due to Mikey’s height, they covered most of my thighs.

I crawled into bed and Gerard pulled his shirt off. Aww so cute. He smiled and collapsed on the couch.


“What sugar?”

“Come keep me warm.”

“I have no objections to that.”

He came and laid next to me. Resting he head on his arm, looking down at me, “If you where sober would you be letting me do this?”

I shook my head, “No, so enjoy it.”

“I will.”

He crashed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. This felt so good. Never in my life have I ever felt so good. He leaned in closer and decided to crawl atop of me. He sat on my hips and pulled away. I frowned. Pulling him closer and kissed him again. He leaned down and kissed my neck. Nibbling slowly, he moved to dragging his teeth across parts.

I moaned, “Gerard.”

“Hmm?” He continued

“If you need to bite then do it…Just don’t drain my dry.”

He shifted his gaze to my eyes, “What?”

“You haven’t feed in a while. Might as well be me then some helpless girl.”

“No. I told you I’d never hurt my brother’s best friend.”

“I’ll cut my hand open and wave it in front of you.”

“Not if I don’t let you up.”

I was getting frustrated and still trying to make my words coherent, “Gerard just do it.”


He leaned in as I tilted my head. Instantly he started kissing my neck. Most likely trying to find a pulse. It felt so good I arched my back. He placed a hand on my stomach and pushed it down. He bit me. I gasped. It didn’t hurt too badly. It just felt weird. He pulled back trying to stop his sudden blood lust. I reached up and pulled his head closer. More he had…Less he had to get later. I ran my hand through his hair slightly. After a few minutes he pulled back. His tongue was running around the holes.

“That actually felt good.”

He smiled, “Okay?”

He licked the blood from his lips and leaned down to kiss me.

“You taste so sweet.”

Great. I was letting a vampire slowly eat me alive.

♠ ♠ ♠
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