Status: Complete and thankfully transferred before it was lost. I just wish it was as good as my other stories. Oh well.

Keep on Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching

06. Days Never End Till Now

Isabella’s POV

I woke up. Like I always tell you, I don’t like it. Today I opened my eyes to a bare chest. A pale white chest. Not skinny enough for Mikey and not tattooed like Frank’s. It hit me. It was Gerard’s chest. Oh hell no. This is not cool. I don’t even remember how I got this way. He mumbled something and scooted closer to me. Eww…Go away.

I pushed as hard as I could and he fell of the bed. With, I might add, a big thump.

He groaned, “What the fuck?”

“Don’t you ever come and sleep next to me. I hate you and I don’t want anything to do with you.”

He sat up and stared at me, “Not according to last night.”

My eyes widen. What did I do…Oh crap. Please tell me I did do something stupid. Or was he playing me? He was an asshole.

“I was drunk last night…”

He sounded annoyed, “Yeah, I know.”

“We didn’t do anything did we?” I sat up and ran a hand through my hair.

“Other then making out and you asking me to bite you...Then no”

“What? I’d never let you do that!”

“Feel you neck…You told me to cause I hadn’t feed in awhile. You said better you then some hopeless girl.”

I felt my neck and closed my eyes. A couple of memories flooded back. He biting and I reacted.

“Oh my god,” I felt the color reach my cheeks.

I let him do that. I was softening up to him. I wasn’t afraid or angry. I’ve spent the last few months killing things like him and now I was in love with one. Well not really in love. I mean he’s hot and all. This is insane. I can’t be falling for him.

I felt a finger under my chin. It lifted my face. Gerard looked me right in the eye. He smiled and leaned close. His lips pressed softly against mine. Good he’s a good kisser. Oh give me a break. I pulled away and blushed.



“Do you like me?”

I looked him right in the eye, “What?”

“Your mind is running a mile a minute. Do you like me?”

I told the truth, “I…Don’t know.”

He smiled, “I think you do.”

“But it’s not right to.”

It was against everything I knew. But it felt right for the most part. I was willing to accept it for a bit but at some point I had to tell myself it was wrong. I mean, it’s just not right. He’s a vampire. I’m a human. It just doesn’t work. It never does.

“And? Who cares?”

“You kill people.”

He seemed upset and desperate, “To survive, I can’t help it. I can only eat human food for so long then I have to feed. I can’t change that. It’s something I have to do.”

His eyes held so many emotions. It was scary how many where there. A tear left his eye. I tried to read the emotions. Everyone always said you could read the truth by looking in someone’s eyes. It’s hard if you ask me.

“Do you think I like killing someone?”

“No, I’m sorry.” I wrapped my arms around his neck. I am getting soft, “Gerard I’m sorry.”

“I can’t every have a normal life. I can’t even have a girl without the risk of them finding out or killing her.”

“You have me.”

He was sounding like a little school kid. “So you like me?”

I giggled lightly, “Yeah”

“Good…I’m happy that I have you.”



“Shut the hell up and kiss me.”

“So you like them then?”

I nodded and crashed my lips against his.

***********WORK/ NEXT DAY********

I felt bad hunting now. I was killing his kind. My own boyfriend’s kind. Well he wasn’t officially my boyfriend. Yet that would be nice. But the point is I felt bad. I mean I was kind of screwing him over.

I was tackled to the ground, “Izy?”

Oh God! Please no! Not him, he can’t be one. It’s not fair. A oh to familiar face was close to mine. A hazel eyed, black haired, tattooed man was on top of me. It was my best friend since grade school. This was just not fair.


He looked scared and concerned, “What are you doing here?”

I smacked him. A cut appeared on his check. Oh shit…my ring. I didn’t feel bad, I was so angry at him! He left me with no notice or anything!

“You left with out saying anything. I was worried. So fucking worried. And you get yourself turned into a fucking vampire. I’m so pissed off at you.”

He glared at me and pinned my arms above my head with one of his hands, “You shouldn’t have hit me.”

Oh hell no, “Don’t act like you’re better then me.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Actually, I think I am. I changed. I changed for the better and I am a whole lot happier.”

“So you like killing innocent people?”

He smacked me. Frankie never smacked me. He never would in a hundred years. He really did changed. He wasn’t my Frankie anymore. I missed my Frankie. I didn’t like the whole “new and improved” crap.

He leaned his head to my neck and pulled back quickly, “You’ve been getting close with someone.”

A hickie maybe? I had no clue what he was saying.

“No…you’ve been marked by a vampire. Someone is in love with you.”

Gerard’s voice greeted us, “Frank…Get off Isabella.”

Frank did so in lighting speed, “Sorry.”

“You stay away from her.”

“You marked her?” He sounded pist.

Gerard was showing his authority figure, “And?”

“Nothing sir.”

Sir? Did he just call him sir? That means, Gerard turned Frank. Gerard polluted my Frankie. He made him into a monster. He changed my best friend into a murder. The man that I got all cozy with was really a double sided soward.

“You asshole,” I stood up and glare at them, “You…How could you do that to him?”

I ran off. Gerard just lost all trust he had earned. I could never forgive such a thing. I mean Frank was everything to me. He was family and now I won’t ever have that.

**********LATER THAT NIGHT********

I was crying in my room. Fall Out Boy playing quietly. My pillow was soaked with tears. He ruined my best friend and didn’t even tell me. I was flipping pages in my photo album of me and Frank.

We had mostly kid photos and some of dances. Or Halloween junk, birthday parties. Times we hanged out with Mikey and Ray. Our perfect life. It was perfect until Gerard came in the picture. Oh how I hate him.


“Go away Gerard.” I chucked the book at him and laid on my stomach. Hiding my face and trying to force my angry down.

“Bella” I felt the bed sink and a hand on my back.

He rubbed slowly, “Bella…I’m sorry. I should have told you. I was afraid you hate me.”

“Oh you don’t know how much I hate you right now. Go away before I kill you.”


I sat up and turned over. I lifted my self up and close to his face. My fist collided with it.

“I told you to leave before I kill you.”

He turned his face back and looked at me with sad eyes. He stood up and pulled me out of bed. I stood up straight and tried to look strong. I felt every muscle want to rip him to pieces. Though I couldn’t.

“Hit me.”


“Beat, kick, slap, punch, and hit me…Take out your anger on me.”

Which I did. Punch after punch to his chest. Not doing a bit of damage. I got tired quickly and stopped. I shouldn’t hit him. He did what he needed to do. It could have been worse. He could have killed Frank. I rested my head on his chest and cried.

He hesitantly wrapped his arms around me and held me close. I just cried. I don’t know why…I just did. I needed to. He was letting me. He ran his hand through my hair softly. This is what I needed. I didn’t want to stop any time soon. He held my closes and continuously apologized.

I looked up at him, “Gerard…”

♠ ♠ ♠
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