Status: Complete and thankfully transferred before it was lost. I just wish it was as good as my other stories. Oh well.

Keep on Preaching, Cause You're Not Teaching

09. Tables Turned and Fliped Over

Isabella’s POV

“Don’t ever think you’re not beautiful,” He cupped my face, “You’re beyond beautiful.”

I blushed and smiled. Never had anyone ever complemented me in such away. It almost shocked me to death. I had no idea what to say. I wanted to laugh at his sudden charm.

“You don’t have to say anything.” He kissed me softly.

I melted into him. He was holding me so close that my heartbeat was vibrating against him. I didn’t want to be let go. He pulled away and sat on the floor in front of me. I got out of my chair and sat in his lap. He just held me. I felt if I was going to lose him.

“You never will.” He mumbled.

“What are we going to do about Frank? ‘Cause if he comes, Mikey going to let him in and I’ll have to act like old times.”

“Then we should go with it. Just for awhile. Just to be safe.”


I paused. I knew how Frank was going to be. And Gerard wasn’t going to like it. This wasn’t going to end well. Frank was picking a fight with him. Why I have no idea. I didn’t want to go along with it. I didn’t want Frank anywhere near me. Especially now that he’s got his new “confidence”. It was just plain scary. I mean he is scary now.

“You’ll be safe…I’ll protect you.”

I nodded and nuzzled my head in his chest. His arms tighten around me. He really wasn’t going to let me go.

************LATER THAT NIGHT***********

“You got to be fucking kidding me.”

I looked at me calendar. Guess what? My monthly “gift” was less then a week away. I glared and chucked my calendar. You got to be kidding me...Me bleeding out with a vampire here.

“Are you okay?” Mikey came in my room.


“I got call today…Frank’s coming over tonight for dinner.”

“Frankie?” I my shock was so real.

“Yup,” He smiled and left.

Oh shit was going through my mind so many times. Then I’m screwed soon followed. Gerard! Right after I thought it he came in my room. I felt like I was going to fall into pieces.

“What’s wrong?”


He came closer and pulled me close. He was looking in my eyes. He looked like he was searching for something. I hate how he can read me and I can’t read him. It’s not fair!

“There’s something else you’re hiding.”

I gulped, “Uh…Well…We’ve hit a problem.”


“Mother nature is being mean to me.”

He looked confused then his face made an “Oh” face. He closed his mouth and started pacing. I was screwed. I needed to go hunting and Gerard needed to go feed. This wasn’t going to end well.

“You’re not hunting while your…You know…”


“Is there any way to delay it?”

“Are you serious? Do I look like I’m God? I can’t “delay” it…You dumbass. It doesn’t work that way.”

“Well are you sure it’s soon.” I nodded, “How soon?”

“Four days…Gerard there is no way you’ll be able to stay here while…”

“Well I’m not leaving you a lone with Frank here.”

“What does Frank have to do with this?”

“Mikey didn’t tell you?”

“Tell me what?”

“He’s staying a few days.”

The color drained from my face and I fell to my knees. Gerard rushed to my side. I….I was….I was going to die. I mean staying for dinner is one thing but actually sa=staying for nights is not a good thing.

“You’re not going to die.” He was becoming annoyed.

“But….He’ll rip me apart…Or…” I didn’t want to think about it.

I was too young to die. I don’t…Arg….This can’t be happening.

“Frank” I heard Mikey’s voice rang out.

Oh God…Not now. Kay focus…You need to relax….Just breathe….Act…Its all acting. I closed my eyes. Pull yourself together. I felt a pressure on my lips. I open and Gerard was kissing me. I pulled back and stood up. Kay. Here goes nothing.

I walked in to the living room part of our apartment and I saw him. Frank was taking to Ray. He was wearing his, one of many, Misfit tees and a pair of jeans. His hair looked clean and healthy…Bath? He saw me and smiled. I smiled and ran and tackled him.

“Frank!” I hugged him.

He was even wearing cologne. It smelled good. The cologne was mixed with cigarette smell. He used to smell like this all the time. I used to love it. I like Gerard’s smell better. He flipped us over and covered my in kisses.

“I missed you so much.”

“I did too.” I wrapped my arms around him…

I can’t believe I was doing this. I could see Gerard standing by Mikey and he smiled slightly. He nodded his head and gave me a thumbs up. I looked at Frank right in the eyes. He was enjoying this. I smiled. Better enjoy it while it last. Which me and my stupidness, Frank had read my mind. His smile grew and He lean down and, softly, placed his lips on mine.

It felt weird with him kissing me. I didn’t like it. Not one bit. He dragged his tongue lightly over my lip. Yeah, right…Like I would. He easily parted my lips and slid in. Fine, If I play along, it’ll end soon. I start responding and he moaned. Just go die you asshole. I bit his tongue lightly. I was done. He pulled back and came close to my ear.

“Save the biting to me” He laughed slightly, “Because I do it better then anyone.”

Get fucked.

“You guys done?” Asked Mikey. He looked so annoyed.

“For now.” Frank got off of me.

*********AFTER DINNIER*******

“So, I take it I’m bunking with you.” Frank plopped down on the sofa next to me.

Over my dead body.

He laughed and brought his mouth to my ear, “If you want me turn you, all you had to do was ask. And yes, I think I will sleep with you tonight.”

“As long as you keep your paws off of me.”

“Aww. What’s the fun in that?”

I got up and kissed Mikey’s cheek. I went to Ray kissing him on his cheek as well. I went to Gerard kissing him as well. “As well” was my new favorite word.

“Night all.”

“I think I’m going to go too…” Gerard got up and followed me.

We entered and he plopped on my bed. I went and changed. Yes, in front of him. I really didn’t care. He pulled off his pants and shirt. Snuggle time…I laid down and Gerard laid next to me.

“Now, now Gerard. I believe I’M sleeping with her tonight.” I looked and Frank was leaning against the door frame smiling.

“Besides. Mikey thinks I am.”

Gerard tightened his grip against me. He sat up with me and pulled me in his lap. He stood up. Well wobbled, because he had me in his arms. He sat on the couch and I looked up at him.

“You can take the bed.” Gerard mumbled.

Frank pulled off his shit and started unbuttoning his pants. I turned in Gerard’s lap and hid my face.

I heard my bed squeak and I looked at Frank. He padded the bed.

“Come on Izy. I don’t bite hard.”

Gerard sifted a little.

“Relax Gerard. I can’t bite her. She’s marked, but I can bite Mikey if I don’t get what I want.”

Can you say weird version of black mail?

Gerard growled, “Stay away from him.”

“Hey, all I want is to sleep next to Izy. That’s all. She plays along, no one gets hurt.”

“Gerard let me go.”

“No” He tightened his grip.


“Not one mark on her…”

“Hey, as long as she plays along, I’ll keep my word.”

Gerard released me and I walked over to my bed and collapsed next to Frank. I was scared. I didn’t want to do this.

“Ahh…Welcome.” Frank moved close to me.

“I want my Frankie.”

“You have him.” He smiled.

“No. I want my innocent, cute, huggable, never hurt anyone Frank. You’re not him.”

He rolled his eyes, “Honey. He’s long gone. I’ve never been happier.”

“Gerard…” Mikey’s voice rang out.

Gerard sighed and got up, “Don’t hurt her or I’ll rip you apart.”

He left. I was alone. I was alone with a vampire who could easily kill me. This was not right in anyway. I looked at him and he moved on top of me.

“How about we make things more interesting?”

I wrapped my legs around him and turned off the bed. We landed with a soft thud.

“I’m not an easy lay.” I mumbled.

He looked up at me and laughed slightly, “But you’re still too weak.”

He flipped us over and had me pinned. I couldn’t move. Gerard! I was screaming his name in my head. Nothing happened. I was getting worried.

“Oh. Just so you know he can’t hear you. By now he’s to far away.”

I looked up at him with a shocked face, “What?”

“He’s not coming to help you.”

I started fighting out from under him.

He held my arms still, “Aww come on…”

He leaned down and trying to kiss me. I turned my head and he sifted. He had my hands in one while the other was holding my head straight up at him.

“Now. Just go along with it and no one gets hurt.”

“I hate you.”

He frowned, “Well, hate is a kind of love. So in that case, I love you too.”

His lips slammed against mine. His tongue entering my territory. I bit him so hard I could taste the metallic taste in my mouth. He pulled back and glared. He got off of me and dragged me to my desk chair. I was thrown in it and he grabbed my pocket knife off of it.


He grabbed my hand and sliced it open. I gasped and he threw the knife. He pulled it close to him…

“Frank…No. NO!” I started beating and kicking him.

“I’m going to drain you dry…And I don’t even have to bite you.”

♠ ♠ ♠
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