Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure

Life is Busy

It has been a year since the new kingdoms began constuction. I am nineteen, just three months shy of twenty. I have been running around for the past twelve months playing High Queen, battlemaster, big sister, and date. My father has had me start dating two months ago and I go with it because I cannot tell him about Aaron yet. It is amusing to me to play along.

"Kida!" Little Prince Fenel, Isabel's son, yelled to get my attention. I was watching him as Isabel walked about the kingdom supervising the last house. That family will come tomorrow and then both new kingdoms will have all their subjects moved in.

"I see you," I replied laughing. He was just starting to walk at three years old, and I was supposed to watch every step. He was walking earlier than most elven babies. It takes forever for elves to grow, but I was much too used to humans. I loved spending time with him and he has become like another brother to me.

"Hey Kida," Aaron had come to join us. He and the Air General's son, Ian, were always with me on all of my travels for my protection. Ian preferred to hang with the other guards in the army.

"Kida, the General is coming to take Fenel. Isabel told him to come and get the kid," Aaron said this with an affectionate smile toward Fenel. Fenel just smiled back knowing he was the center of attention.

"Really?" I wondered about this General and how close he was to Isabel. He was constantly at her side helping with all the duties of her new kingdom.

"Hello, High Queen, Prince Aaron, little Prince Fenel," the water General greeted us.

"Henril!" Fenel looked very excited to greet him.

"High Queen, Queen Isabel says thank you and she will see you in a week for the meeting."

"Tell her anytime. If you will excuse us, we really must be going." I called Ian and he and I went back to the air kingdom. Aaron was returning home with one of his friends. While Ian and I were running he slowed to a walk and asked him he could talk plainly to me.

"Of course you may Ian. We have become friends in the past year. What is it?"

"I heard from my father that you will be going on a date with me sometime this week. He and King Leto have planned it. I know that you have feelings for Aaron, so I propose that we should just do it and hang out," he said this a bit hesitently.

I laughed to ease the tention he felt in having this conversation. "You are very good. Yes, I am dating Aaron, and I have been for almost two years now. Please keep that to yourself."

"Absolutely. I just thought you should have a warning."

"Thanks. Let's get going." We ran to the kingdom and made it in time for dinner. I sat with my father and talked about the little things that have been going on while I have been running around the kingdoms.

"Elwen has a girlfriend," he told me.

"Really? Is it that girl he helped teach?"

"Yes, that is the one. Her name is Iris, and he seems very happy with her."

"Good. He is two hundred years old. It's about time he found a girl. She is only one hundred ten right?

"Yes, but age does not matter. Speaking of dates, would you mind going on one with Ian? The General was wondering. It would be in four days before you have to spend some serious time here."

He slipped that one in well. "Sure father." We finished and went to bed. The next three days were mine to spend with my family, and to be the battlemaster for a while. I caught some rabbit along the way, and surprised my mother with it.

"Oh Kida," she said as I walked in. "You are always thinking about us. Thanks."

"I could never stop mother, I-" I froze as my little brother, Koda, walked into the room. I felt a strange energy around him and realized what it meant. He is only three.

"Come here," I said in a shaky voice. He did and I closed my eyes and put my hands on his shoulders. I knew I was right at once.

"He is the next battlemaster." It was some strange feeling I had in my gut. The old battlemaster had told me how he knew I was the battlemaster, and I was having the same reaction.

"What?" My mother said not believing me. "Is it possible to have two from the same family?"

"No idea. I'll go and ask my Masters about it." I did and they said it was possible but unusual. They told me to watch over Koda, and when he started to train at age six, that would confirm my thoughts. They also said it was weird to identify him as such a young age. I just had to keep an eye on him as he grew up.

I spent the next three days helping my mother and some others in the village. I promised that I would visit soon, and left for the kingdom. That night I had my date with Ian.

"Hey Princess Kida," he adressed me formally due to my father standing right there.

"Hello Lieutenant Ian. Come on, let's go and eat." We walked out of the castle and started laughing. I was fun to pretend. The evening was nice and I found Aaron in my room when I turned in for the night.

"How did you get in here?" I asked him.

"Oh I came in early because you have to go to my kingdom tomorrow. How was your date?"

"Just a joke, more of a formality really. Ian and I had fun talking about what my father and the General must be thinking. There will not be another fake date, I promise."

"Thanks. Come sit with me. We have to talk."

I sat next to him on my couch and asked,"What is it?"

"When do you plan on telling your father about us? This has been going on for a year and a half now. Not like I mind that much, because I think he'll kill me, but he does need to know sometime.

"I cannot tell him yet. I'll tell him after my twentith birthday."

"Alright then. I have to go back to my room. We don't want the maids asking questions."

He gave me a kiss good night and went to his room. I really had to think about when I was going to tell my father about him. I could mean a lot of trouble for the both of us. I find myself to be more tired lately to all the running around I have to do. It is almost constant. I am hardly in one place for more than three days. I barely sleep here in my own room because I have to take care of everyone else. It is like I have aged five years instead of one. Hopefully after this week I can take a vacation.
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Hey, book three!!!! There will be a lot going on in this one! Comment and let me know what you think.