Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure

Letting it out

We had observed the army yesterday, and today I had the whole day with Aaron. Now since we were public, people just gave us happy looks as we passed. I felt much better at the fact that we did not have to lie around everyone anymore.

"Come on Kida. Time to picnic," Aaron came bursting into my room.

"Would you knock please? What if I wasn't decent?"

"You act like that would be a problem," he answered with a smile. I just laughted and flung some water at him. He easily deflected it with some fire.

We went out into the forest for our picnic and picked a nice spot by the river. In another month, the River women would be arriving. We ate, and I just got to relax for the first time in a month.

"Kida, you look exhausted," Aaron said after we had eaten.

"I just need some sleep. I'll be fine."

"Really? I heard that it is a little more than lack of sleep."

"What did you hear?"

"Your father told me that you are having those horrible nightmares again. Kida, you need to tell me what is the problem. No one knows how to help you. Maybe if you write it down-"

"Don't tell me what would help! You have no idea what it was like. I was starved and tortured for someone else's pleasure!" I was upset now.

"I would have an idea if you would tell me."

"I can't. It is so frightening. I see all their faces and hear their voices in my head and I-" Tears were streaming down my cheeks at the memories. Aaron grabbed me and pulled me close as I let all the tears I had hidden soak his shirt. He just sat and let me get it all out. Soon, I started to talk.

"They beat me all the time. I got regular slaps to the face and punches in the arms. I was constantly hungry and the bread they gave me was disgusting. The water was not much better. I was laughed at me, and they enjoyed it when I expressed pain. Most of them would watch as the life was sucked out of me. After twenty days I had lost hope of being found. I kept thinking that I was going to die and no one would find me. I would cry a little at the pain when they weren't looking.

"When he touched me. I grew all red in the face as the others laughed. Olag had that terrible smile, and I thought he was going to rape me. I was so scared for that ten minutes as the others encouraged him to. I had never felt so embarrassed and helpless. Those feelings come back in my dreams and I cannot shake them off. I choke up when I hear a name that reminds me of them and it becomes hard to breathe. I do not think any of this will ever go away, but the memories might fade just a little.

"When the nightmares come, all the fear and pain comes back clear as day. I see the bastards as clearly as I see you now, Aaron. I freeze in my dreams and all the bad things that didn't happen, happen. When I wake up, it is like I have to remind myself where I am, so I don't become lost again. I feel like I lose a little piece of me every time the nightmares come back to haunt me."

Aaron just stayed quiet after I was done speaking. I had told people what had happened, but I had never told anyone how I had felt. I felt his arms hold me tighter as he came to terms with what I had told him.

"Thank you for letting me in Kida," he said after a little while. "I think that will help you a lot." I could see he was trying to hide his anger for my sake as I started to feel even more tired than I was before.

"I am afraid of losing you," I whispered through my exhaustion.

"You cannot get rid of me that easily," he answered me, holding me even tighter.

I just smiled and fell asleep. There were no nightmares, and I woke in Aaron's arms two hours later.

"Thanks," I said. He leaned down for a kiss and got a great one. When we were done, we headed back to the castle. I was prepared to face anything someone wanted to throw at me.

"How did it go?" Leto asked Aaron when Kida went upstairs to wash up.

"She told me everything. How she felt, what happened, she really let me in. I think the nightmares will start to fade."

"Thank you Aaron. That is a huge comfort." Leto felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders for the time being. Something else bothered him though.

"Your very welcome sir." Aaron turned to go upstairs and check on Kida.

"Oh Aaron," Leto called.

"Yes sir?"

"Kida cannot marry until she is twenty-three," Leto told him with a smile.

"Understood sir," Aaron answered with a similar smile and did all he could not to go running up the stairs.

I stood in my room trying to clean up when Aaron came in.

"You okay?" He asked.

" Do you knock? Perfect," I answered with a smile. "What is so funny?" Aaron looked like he was about to explode with laughter.

"I guess your father felt like I was about to pop the question, and he told me that you are not allowed to marry until you are twenty-three. I just thought it was funny."

I started laughing when we heard the explosion outside as elves started screaming.
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Learning a little more about our characters. I have no comments! I really need to know what you guys are thinking so please comment!