Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure


We looked at each other, and I ran to the balcony to see that the explosion had taken out half the gardens. I grabbed my stave and flew out the window. My bending made the landing soft. I grabbed a man running from the fires and asked what happened.

"They came out of nowhere, High Queen. There were a few shapes in the trees, a scream, and then the gardens blew up. No one was in there, and people are helping the wounded now."

"Where did they go?" I asked.

"That way High Queen," he replied and pointed North. I sprinted off into the forest, leaving all the chaos behind.

I climbed into a tree and followed their tracks. After about three miles, I reached the camp where the bastards were. There were twenty of them all sitting around planning another attack. I decided to scare them with my new way of killing. When I thought about it, it really was not that bad because the one being killed was not in any pain.

I focused on the man speaking and took his air. He collapsed. The others freaked out and examined him. I jumped.

"Hello gentlemen," I said with a wicked grin. They turned around, and the new man in charge knew who I was, and stepped forward trying to hide his nervousness.

"High Queen Kida, what a pleasure to have you join us. Tell me, what has happened to my friend?"

"Let me show you." I made the man next to him drop dead. Now they were really freaked out.

"Ho-how did y-you do that?" He asked trembling. I gave him a wicked grin and stepped closer to scare them. Every step I took toward them, they shuffled back a few steps. I smiled even wider at this.

"I am the most powerful thing to ever live. You tell me." They all stayed silent. I felt movement behind me and let him take the first swing. I stopped it with a burst of air that broke his neck. The bastards started to walk away from me.

"Ah ah ah. I am afraid I cannot let any of you leave because you attacked one of my kingdoms." I leaped into the middle with my stave and started to kick some ass. They were all dead in five minutes, and I was left with bruises on my arm. I returned to the fire kingdom ten minutes later. Yes, three miles in ten minutes, and I felt like I was on top of the world.

"Kida, are you alright?" Aaron came running toward me.

"Just a few bumps and bruises."

"What happened to those who did this?

"They are all dead." After I said this, he just gave me a look. I put out the rest of the fires with water and went to talk to King Levan.

"How did this happen?" I asked everyone sitting in the war room. They just gave me blank stares. I was furious that no one had done anything yet. Then, a messenger came in.

"An enemy has been found near the barracks."

"Tell them to bring him here," I ordered. He bowed and left.

"Kida, did you kill the others?" Alia asked.

"Yes, I took care of them. I put out the remaining fires too."

"Thank you Kida," King Levan said. At that moment, the guards came in with their prisoner.

"Thank you gentlemen. I can take care of it from here," I told them.

"We will wait outside High Queen," they answered as they turned and left. Alia, Elendil, Levan, Aaron, my father and Jade just sat there waiting for me to take charge.

"So," I started, "what did you all plan to accomplish today?"

The thing looked up at me and spit toward my face. I waved it off with some air and smiled.

"Awww. Come on. You can tell me. If not, then I have to lock you up, and we both don't want that." I cold see the others were tense as they tried to see what I would do.

"We will destroy the elves someday," he said. "The dark will take over the forest and the elves will never know what hit them."

"You sound so sure."

"I know this will happen. We will defeat you and then kill your wonderful elves."

"Not while I have anything to say for it. I do admit you gave me a little scare today, but that will not happen again." I collapsed his lungs and turned to my friends. They just sat there staring at me like I had become something new and dangerous.

"What did you just do? He died without you even raising a finger," Alia was the first to speak. She sounded angry and scared, as if she was unsure what I did was a good thing to do.

"I sucked the air out of his lungs. It is a painless way to die." I realized I said this effortlessly, and that response made some of the others step back.

"When the hell did you figure that one out?" My father asked me. He was pale.

"I just did it one day. I cannot explain how that one worked itself out. I discover new powers everyday," I answered. I tried not to make it sound like I was defending my actions.

"You monster," Jade spat at me. She has come to hate me more lately. Especally since she has found out about Aaron and I. I really cannot stand her either.

"Would you rather I tortured him? I could pull him apart piece by piece. Do you think that is better?" None of them spoke after this. I just turned on my heel and left ashamed of myself. I killed so many today, and I never looked back once.
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