Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure

A mix of things

I have replayed the scene at my mother's house for the past week and a half now. It felt so right, so peaceful, that I could have stayed there forever. But no, I have my duties and am back in the elven world fulfilling them. There is fighting to do, benders to train, people to pay, and all sorts of odds and ends to settle. I realized that this was going to be difficult, but I had no idea how much I would miss the old me, the human me.

"High Queen Kida, I have a message for you from Lady Alia," a messanger came in during breakfast.

"Thank you," I replied and dismissed him.

Hey Kida, don't forget you are coming for my wedding plans in two days!!! Bring enough clothes for a nice four day visit. Love, Alia.

"Well, it looks like I will be gone for four days," I told my father.

"Just don't spend all your time with Aaron please."

"No luck with that. Alia and I are doing wedding planning." He smiled after I gave him that answer.

I left two days later with Laki. I loved running through the forest and enjoying the fresh air. Some wolves joined us for a little while, and I messed around with them and Laki. Five hours later, I made it to the fire kingdom.

"Kida, I am so glad to see you," Alia was waiting for me in front of the castle with a hug. Some maids came and took my bag.

"Where is Aaron?"

"In the battle areas. Come on, and you can see the training exercises." I followed her and found the men hard at work. The archers were competing, the men were fighting with swords, and there were some races going on.

"Ahhh, welcome High Queen," the general came to greet me. "What do you think?"

"I think your men are working very hard."

" Thank you, my Queen. By the way, one of my men has issued a challenge to you. He thinks that you cannot fight fast enough with a sword, High Queen."

"I'll prove him wrong then. Where is he?" The general pointed him out to me and I walked across the area toward him.

"Excuse me, but I think you issued a challenge to me," I said.

He grinned and bowed to me. I recognized him as the Fire kingdom champion. "Yes, I did High Queen, and would be honored if you would prove me right."

"Let's go then." I took out my dagger and he did the same. Someone yelled go and we started to smack the hell out of each other. He swung at my leg and I deflected it. We went back and forth for about ten minutes until I got the upper hand. I moved fast, faster then ever before and struck his hand with the flat of my blade. He dropped his dagger, and I brought mine right next to his throat.

"Any more questions?" I asked with a grin.

"Well done High Queen. I no longer have any doubts." I smiled and walked away from him as Aaron came to greet me.

"You are here for ten minutes and already you have to kick ass. I love you." He pulled me in for a quick kiss as the catcalls began from some of his army friends.

"Thanks, Aaron. Come on. I have to unpack." I spent the rest of the day with him and the next day, the planning began.

"My mother and my sister Laya will be here tomorrow. We have to get the planning done today, so we can go over it with them," Alia said as we made ourselves comfortable for a long day.

We sat there for hours going over every little detail. What day, time, who was invited, what was Laya and I wearing, the food, and music. In another month, Alia's mother was coming back to take care of Alia's dress. Laya and I would take care of ours tomorrow. I was exhaused by the end of the day just because we had talked and taken care of so much. I envied Elendil for not having to do this with us.

The next day, we met the Queen and Laya down by the river because they needed water all the time. I had made sure it was okay with Queen Lyalle the week before.

"Hey Kida, hi Alia," Laya greeted us.

"Thanks for coming," Alia told them. "Let me tell you what we decided yesterday." She gave them the watered down version, thank God, and then we dicussed the dresses.

"I was thinking you both should be in red. It would go well with your skin Kida, and well with Laya's eyes," the Alia's mother said.

"That is fine with me. Let's decide what style they will be," I said. We spent the rest of the afternoon designing them, and then it was time for them to go.

"I'll see you in a month honey," Alia's mother said.

"Give dad a hug for me," Alia responded. They left and we returned to the fire kingdom. I liked that we were doing something normal for once. I was also looking forward to when we could torture the boys about what they were going to wear.

As we got there some wolves came running toward us. "High Queen! There is trouble in the forest!"

I knew the normalcy could not last. "Who, where and what is going on?" I remained calm.

"One of the river women was taken and hurt badly. We could not get any of the others. It is about twenty miles away, and one of the birds told us about it. I don't know why though."

"Thank you. Wait here and we will be back in a moment." Alia and I rushed to our rooms where our weapons were.

"Aaron! Elendil! Get your asses down here with weapons!" Alia yelled. They came immediately. I told them what was going on as the four of us joined the wolves and rushed intot he forest.
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Sorry it is not that great. I am trying to get my ideas straight. Thanks for reading!