Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure


As we rushed into the forest, I realized how excited I was for some action. My life has been so busy over the past months, that I just wanted some serious action. I ran point next to the lead wolf, with the others spread behind me. We were running toward the river so Alia could find Queen Lyalle.

When we got there Alia said,"I will find the queen and bring her up the river to where the wolves said. Leave a trail for me and I will follow." She jumped into the river and started her search.

"Let's go," I commanded. We ran for about an hour and I left a water trail behind us. The trail would stay for a few hours. As we ran, I thought about the poor River woman and what they might do to her. I got some flashbacks about my own capture.

"High Queen, the path is getting feint for us here," the lead wolf said.

"Stop," I said in reply. Everyone waited while I felt the earth. I sent out my power and felt the path the bastards took. We continued on.

We found them about four hours out. I kept us hidden by manipulating the elements, and we scouted it out. There were about thirty of them, and the Water woman was tied up in the center. We listened.

"Tell me where the River Queen is," the head Dark man said. "I won't hurt you if you tell me."

The woman muttered something in Alia's language and spat at him. He slapped her, and turned to the others.

"We will kill her and find the other one that was up in the mountian," he told them. He approached her with a knife, and I jumped from the bushes.

"Back off," I growled. He took a step back and the others stared at me. Aaron and the others had started to move around the camp.

"High Queen Kida, thank you for joining us today. After we kill you, my men can start taking elves, and River women."

"I don't think so," Queen Lyalle declaired, followed by Alia, Nani, and ten others. All their eyes looked like fire and I knew that these were different river women than the ones who ran away thousands of years ago.. Queen Lyalle started killing them, and the rest of us joined in. I took out five of them, and then I realized it was over. Their bodies disappeared and Nani rushed to the bound woman.

Nani and the woman were speaking in their language rapidly, while I ordered the elves and wolves to search around in the area. The beaten up woman turned to me. She did not look like she had any serious injury, and I was thankful that we arrived on time to help her.

"Thank you High Queen Kida," she said in english. I had forgotten that most of them did not know our language, elven. "If it were not for you and your wolves, I would be dead." She was seriously concentrating on what had to be said.

"It was an honor, my Lady, to help a friend in need. If anyone needs help I will always come."

Alia turned to me with a strange look on her face and spoke rapidly to me in elven. What she said and her tone told me that she did not want the River women to understand her. I just gave her a nod, and she returned to helping Nani and the other woman, whose name was Nyra. Aaron, Elendil, and the wolves returned after that.

"There is nothing else in the area Queen Lyalle. Your women should be safe enough to return to the river."

"Thank you Prince Aaron. Thank you all for your help. Kida, would you thank the wolves for me? I am told that they understand elven better than english."

I turned to them and thanked them for her. After that, they left along with the other river women that Lyalle brought with her. Aaron and Elendil left too, to make sure that there was nothing else roaming around. Arron had given me a quick kiss telling me that he would see me soon. I felt bad for not telling him exactly what was going on.

After an hour Lyalle was able to take Nyra back to the river to take care of her. Alia and I were about to rush off when Nani stopped us.

"Oh no you two. If you think I do not understand elven, think again. I heard everything you said Alia, and I will not be left out of it." She stood her ground and I could see it getting icy around her.

Alia shot off something rapidly in her language. Nani answered in elven,"What else was there to do in the ocean? I studied the elven language and history so I would be able to understand them better. Whatever you are up to, count me in."

"You cannot leave her out now. It is her river," I said. Alia just shrugged.

"Fine then," Alia began. "I found some trace elements of the dark on Nyra. That means that there are more than just that group of evil in the mountains. I planned on taking Kida with me to look around. I did not want to involve you guys, because I figured that Lyalle would take you in there screaming and killing like crazy. We need to find out what is going on first."

"Count me in, and when do we leave?" Nani responded.

"Now," I said. We followed Alia in the opposite direction of the others.
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Just adding a bit more flavor. Comment and enjoy!