Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure


We started running two days ago, since the accident with Nyra. Queen Lyalle has no idea that Nani is working with Alia and I to go up to the mountains to find out what is up there. I know that there is evil there doing something, and the three of us are going to find out. We have not had contact with anyone, and I know my family, and Aaron are probably freaking out on me. Elendil is definately freaking out on Alia.

"Where is she?" Aaron asked King Leto. They were at Christina's house where Kida should be with her family. He figured that she had run there after not showing up in the fire kingdom a couple of days ago.

"She has not sent a message to me or Tina, Aaron. I figured that she was with you."

"I have not heard anything. Elendil has heard nothing from Alia either. We have no idea where either of them are. Laki has not been seen."

Leto thought about the situation for a moment. He knew that nothing bad had happened, just because he had a feeling about it. He could not understand why Kida could be missing.

"What if she was taken again?" Tina's voice was at a whisper. Aaron cringed at the thought.

"I don't think so," Leto quieted her fears. Just then, Laki flew in, dropped a message, and flew out the window. Aaron grabbed for the message and it read:
We are fine. Just following a hunch. Please do not come after us because I may have to kill you. Sorry about this. Love, Kida

Aaron let the others see and Tina started laughing. "This is so Kida. I cannot stand her."

Aaron sat there wondering if he should go after Kida.While the others kept laughting because of thier relief.
It has been two days and I sent the message with Laki earlier this morning. I do hope that they are not too upset with me.

"Kida, what do we plan on doing if we find any evil up in the mountains?" Nani asked me.

"We find out what thier plan is, and then we kill them. I have no patience for them."

"I agree," Alia said. "We should get moving if we want to find out what is going on." We got moving and really covered some ground.

Three days later we had made it to the mountains. Nani did not sense anything by the river, so we continued on in the river. Alia and Nani swam easily, and I just used bending to propel me forward.

"Get out!" Nani yelled. I jumped out of the river, followed by Alia. Nani got out and we hid behind some bushes. A second later, two Dark creatures came sniffing for us by the river. I made us undectable by manipulating the elements, and they soon left.

"Nice call Nani," Alia broke our silence.

"They are definately looking for something," I said. "Does anyone have any idea what it is?

"There is a River woman by the name of Shelle who should be here. I fear that something may have happened to her," Nani answered me. "We should continue by land and search for her.

Alia and I agreed and I led us forward. We walked on for a few hours and came upon the camp. There were about one hundred of them all doing something, but there was no sign of Shelle. Nani let out some of her power and did not detect her anywhere. We retreated about a mile away to sit and think about what we were going to do.

"They have been gone for seven days, Elendil. We should have gone after them," Aaron was trying to convince Elendil to go and look for the girls.

"Aaron, Kida told you not to come for a reason. She is fully capable of taking care of herself, and so is Alia. Just relax and wait for them to come back. If they do not come back in another week, we will go out for them."

"What if we are too late by then? A week is too long."

"Aaron, I understand you are heads over heels in love, but how do you think I feel. My fiance is out there, and I have no idea where she is. I am just trying to stay calm."

"I am practically married to Kida. I cannot stand this."

"Please Aaron, just stay here with me." Elendil could see that he finally got his brother to drop it for a while.

Alia, I hope you are not doing anything stupid, Elendil thought.

I woke in the middle of the night to the feeling of someone approaching. The steps were too fluid and soft to be any Evil, so I got up and traveled in the trees toward them. They turned out to be a woman who looked very distressed. I dropped to the ground about fifty feet in front of her. She shot some ice at me and I deflected it easily. She took a step back confused and said something in Alia's language.

"I am a friend," I told her in english. Something seemed to register in her eyes as I stood still in front of her. She paused as if she was remembering what to say.


"I am the High Elven Queen Kida, and I am here with the Sea Princess Alia, and Lady Nanina. We have come to help you Shelle."

She seemed startled that I knew her name and she recognized Alia and Nanina's names. Then she responded,"I will follow you to them."

I led the way and soon we were back a camp. Alia and Nani were up because they had noticed that I was gone. Nani ran to Shelle and started talking to her rapidly. Alia translated for me. "She is asking Shelle what happened and Shelle said that the Dark has been here for two weeks now. She could not get close to the river to send a message, and no one came up here. Shelle has not been injured, and she thanks you for helping her."

"Tell her 'your welcome.'" Nani turned to Shelle and told her what I had said. She nodded and bowed in reply while speaking to me in english,"High Queen, I am honored that you help me. I thank you much." Her english really was not that poor.

"No problem. I will help anyone." She understood and started speaking to Nani.

"She wants revenge," Nani told me.

"Then lets go and give her some," I replied with some enthusiam.
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Sry it took so long....i have had a lot of school wrk and other stuff...hope u like it and I will try to update soon!