Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure


Shelle led us all to the place where she had been spying on the Dark things by the river. They were speaking in odd tones and I could not understand them at all. Their motive was clear, they wanted to kill anything that was against them.

"What are we going to do?" Shelle asked me. She could tell from being with us for that last day that I was in charge. She used my title when she felt like it. I liked her.

"We are going to kick some ass. Those bastards won't know what hit them," I answered. Nani gave a quick translation and Shelle smiled. I told everyone what to do and we fanned out. I stepped from the bushes and all hell broke loose.

One of the enemy shouted and the others turned to me. Something was shot at me, but I deflected it with some air easliy. Alia jumped out swinging wildly, while Nani and Shelle took their positions in the river. They started shooting ice and water at the Dark, killing many of them. I was bending any element that came to mind, and the enemy never had a chance.

There was one left and I pinned him to the ground with my stave. "What were you all doing here?" I asked him. He decided to speak in his own language, so I broke some ribs.

"In elven or english, whichever you perfer," I growled.

"We were planning on taking over the River bitches," he weezed. "If we could get them, you would do anything to help them out." Nani had been listening and she stepped forward and slapped him.

"You asshole! That is what you get for thinking that you would succeed." She stepped back and let me resume control.

"Well you failed, and I plan on winning for a long time," I said.

"You have won this round High Queen, but watch your back because someday we will return strong in number, and you will fall."

"I'll be waiting," I said and finished him off. We cleaned our mess and returned to camp. The next morning Nani and Shelle left down the river to find Queen Lyalle, while Alia and I ran. We returned home about three days later. We went to the human village first so I could see my mother. I was not greeted warmly.

"Kida Christina Maria! How the hell could you do that to me?! I thought you were captrured or worse, dead! If you ever do that to me again, I'll kill you."

"Wow that is the first time she used my three names. She is pissed," I murmured to Alia. "Nice to see you too mother. I am really sorry, but if I had waited or not done anything, innocent people may have been hurt." Her expression softened as I explained the situation.

"I know, I know. Kida off to save the world again. Next time, could you please send me a note before you are gone for almost four days?"

"Yeah, I could do that." She just sighed and hugged me close. Alia and I ate there, and then we left for the Fire kingdom, because my mother said that my father was there. We arrived a little after dinner and Alia recieved a warm welcome from Elendil. Well, warm for us sneaking off.

"I am so happy to see you in one peace. Please take me next time," he said. They excused themselves.

Meanwhile, I got some unhappy looks from my father and Aaron. King Levan and Jade excused themselves as well.

"Hey.." I tried to say something intelligent.

"Kida, could you give me grey hair?" My father asked. He was trying not to smile at me.

"You are only one hundred and fifty years old. You have another hundred years before you get grey hair," I answered, and he came up and hugged me.

"Please do not do that again," he said and left me with Aaron. I tried taking a step toward Aaron, but he stepped back.

"I'm sor-" I tried to begin. He threw his hands in the air.

"Don't say that to me! I wanted to fling myself into the forest looking for you, but your father and Elendil would not let me. Why did you wait so long to send a message, and why didn't you tell me what you were doing?"

"First of all you are making this too personal. I did not tell anyone. I waited so long because I had to see if I was right about some things first. I don't want to put you in any danger. Stop treating me like a child."

"I have to if you are always going to run off like this."

That made me angry. "No you do not! I can take care of myself, but I do not want to worry about you when I am out there."

"I can take care of myself too. I am sixty plus years older than you are. Sure you got lucky in some battles, but I have been through more fighting than you have. You always make sure I am on my toes, and that is really hard. You are being selfish about this."

"Well, if that is how you feel, then don't go out with me anymore," I said in a cold tone, and turned on my heels and started walking out.

"KIDA!" He yelled and and ran in front of me to cut me off. "I don't want it to sound like that. I was angry and I am sorry. I just do not want to lose you because I love you more than anything I the freaking world. Please, please do not be angry with me, but you have to promise that I will be told about little adventures please."

He looked so sincere and handsome I could not help myself. I pulled him close, and kissed him. When we had finished I said, "I will tell you, if you promise you will not come with me every time."

"Deal." He smiled and kissed me some more. I loved him and I knew nothing would change that.
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Sorry it has taken me a while to update. My life has been crazy. Enjoy and comment!!