Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure

Family Visits

"Nice to see you again Mother," Alia said to her mother as she stood in the river. Her mother came to see her once a year since Alia has never returned to the sea since the fight between her and her father.

"Hey baby. I was wondering if you would come and visit the sea. Your sisters miss you very much." Your father too. The Sea Queen thought, but knew Alia would never come to see him.

"Actually, I was planning on it. I want you to meet my boyfriend first please."

Her mother looked surprised,"Of course darling." Alia walked to get him and returned five minutes later.

"Hello Your Majesty. It is an honor to meet you," Elendil said with a gracefull bow.

"Looks a lot like his father, Alia," the Queen said. She instantly recognized Elendil as the son of Alia's last boyfriend, Levan, who caused the fight between her and her father.

"Yeah he does mother, but he is not like him at all."

"I can tell. Tell me young Prince, how long have you dated my daughter?"

"Three years ma'am. I was hoping to be able to come and meet your family."

"That would be wonderful. It was nice to meet you. Alia, I must go and return to some nice salty water. Just contact me when you want to tell me your plans. See you soon."

With that the Queen vanished and Alia and Elendil returned to the castle. Kida and Aaron were coming in two days, and they wanted them to come to the sea too.

The next morning, Aaron, Ian, and I left for the earth nation. We arrived in the late afternoon, to find Elwen with a woman who I recongnized from battles. He looked quite happy with her.

"Hey Kida, Aaron, Ian," he greeted us as they walked closer.

"Hey Elwen," I replied. "Who is this?"

"This is Lily, my girlfriend. She was part of the army in the air kingdom when you fought."

"Oh right. Nice to meet you Lily."

"Nice to meet you too, High Queen Kida. Elwen has told me wonderful things about you. I am so grateful to you for helping him with his new kingdom."

"Lily," Elwen said,"I have to discuss some things now, but I'll see you for dinner." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and left. He turned to us and said, "Let's go inside."

"I like her," I said as we were walking into the work-in-progress castle. Elwen just smiled and we went into his newly finished great room.

"This looks awesome," Aaron told him. The room was all stone with the windows made out of fine cut jewels by benders. There were carpets newly woven around the room with the throne up on a dais toward the end. We all took our seats and began our discussion.

Elwen looked very grateful for Aaron's comment. "Thanks. Let's get down to business. All the families have moved in and the kingdom is cleaned up. I have encouraged families to grow their own food until we get some farming going up where the other kingdoms' are. The palace's main rooms are all done, and the soldiers barracks are almost complete. We should be self-sufficent in another two months or so."

"That sounds like you have a great plan Elwen," I told him. "Is there anything you need?"

"Besides cleaning supplies, I think we have it covered. We are developing our trading, so we will be able to get anything we need."

"Excellent. I will send the supplies to you once I talk to Levan."

"I see you all at dinner. The maids will take you to your rooms." We were led to our rooms and I spent the rest of the day walking around the kingdom and speaking to as many people as possible. They all seemed really happy. At dinner, Elwen was joined by Lily and it was a nice evening.

The next morning we went to the fire kingdom and met with Levan and Jade to discuss what is going on with their kingdom. Everything was fine there.

"I want Aaron here for the next few weeks Kida. He needs to practice with the army and catch up on what is going on in his own kingdom. We both feel that his place is here."

Aaron gave me a look that said 'you can do whatever the hell you want' but I ignored it. "Of course he can stay here. I would not want to take him away from his duties." I got a death look while Ian and Elendil tried to hold himselves together. His parents thanked me and we all went outside. Ian suddenly decided to go and talk with some other friends, and Elendil said he had to go and find Alia leaving me alone with a furious Aaron.

"Why would you say yes to them? You could just use your high queen powers, and then I could stay with you."

"I said yes because people would get suspicious if I had you around all the time. Besides you have duties to your kingdom."

He calmed down a bit. "People don't have to be suspicious."

"I cannot tell my father yet. I told you I will after my twentith birthday. I promise you."

"Fine." Right after that Alia and Elendil joined us. "Hey Kida," Alia said, and I got a big hug. "I have some big news."

"What is it?" I wondered.

"I want to go back to the sea in a month and want you all to come with me."

"Of course I'll come. How long will we be gone?" Aaron also answered with a quick yes.

"A month and a half. You need a vacation and this will be a great one for the four of us. What do you think?"

"Sounds great. it would be nice to get away for a while." I wondered how my family would take it. My mother does not like me being gone for long. I'll be seeing her tomorrow and then I will ask her. I think she will say yes anyway, and then it is off to the sea for a nice vacation, probably the last vacation I'll get for a while..
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Alia's story will be told a little more in this one...Comment please!!!!!