Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure

The Wedding

Today is the day. Alia is ready to hypervenilate, I feel like screaming, and I heard that the groom wishes to throw up. Alia's mother, father, and sister, arrived an hour ago and her sister, Laya, and I are currently getting our hair done by the maids. We were planning wearing our hair up in indential, intrigate buns. Alia's other sisters and family could not come because it was too far for all of them to travel. Alia was with her mother in the bathroom getting her hair done. I used the air so we could hear their arguing.

"Oh, come on Alia, wear your hair down for once. I will curl it and it will be beautiful," her mother said.

"Fine, but it better look good," Alia replied grumply. "And those men out there better not see me as some whimpy woman."

"You are taking to the women who had nine other daughters and did their hair all day," her mother replied with a laugh. "Also , you will look strong."

We heard Alia sigh, and the hairdressing begin. Laya laughed.

"What?" I asked her.

"Alia has not let our mother touch her hair since she was a hundred years old. After that she chopped her own hair off with sissors and has left it short until she left us."

"She cut her hair?" I could see Alia doing it, but I could not see her winning any battle against her mother.

"Yeah, it was awesome. We all found it hilarious."

After an hour, our hair and make-up was complete. Laya looked amazing with her sunset eyes and perfect face. She caught me starting and said," You are much more beautiful than I you know."

"I don't think that could ever be possible."

"Yes it can. You are not perfect and that is what makes you beautiful. You are beautiful anyway, but just being you makes you amazing. You have some look about you that makes others just stare. I am exotic to elves and that makes me irresible. You are one of them and you are still irrestible. That is where the true beauty lies."

I was going to reply when Alia stepped out of the bathroom. She had make-up on, her hair was curled and down for once, and her dress looked amazing. It was white, sleeveless, and it had reddish orange flowers stiched in it. Just the outlines of the flowers were stiched so that they would not take over the dress. It looked perfect on her skin, and her mother was right, she did look strong.

"Little sister, you look so beautiful," Laya told Alia. I spoke in agreement. Alia smiled shyly, glancing at the mirror and then back at us.

"Thanks, and you both look perfect. The three of us will be turning heads today. You two should head out now. The men are waiting." She said. We both hugged her and left as her father came in. He looked like he was about to cry. We met up with Aaron and another friend of Elendil's in the waiting area. I saw that the River women had taken their seats in the back and looked a little out of place. They were just so damn perfect looking.

There were flowers and ribbons everywhere. Hundreds of elves were there, and some were from other kingdoms. Most of the elves from the other kingdoms were from the air kingdom because that is where Alia lived for the past hundred years. The dresses and suits were all so nice and people looked so happy.

"You look .... I cannot describe it," Aaron said to me.

"That bad huh," I replied with a smile. Soon music started playing and we walked down the asile to our places. Elendil looked fantasic and nervous. Then, the real music got going and everyone stood up for Alia and her father. Alia now had a beautiful pearl necklace around her neck. They came forward and her father passed her hand to Elendil. The ceremony began.

"We are gathered here today....." The elf giving the ceremony began. It was nice and everyone looked so happy. I sat there holding Aaron's hand for the whole thing. After an hour we heard the famous words,"You may kiss your bride," and they did kiss. The elves and River women went nuts for them. Alia was named crown princess of the fire kingdom and was given a beautiful. Then, the party began.

There was food laid out everywhere for people to have whatever they please. I was with Aaron when people started to get the party rolling. Alia danced with her father and then all of us joined in and started speeding things up. People kept smiling, and drinking. This was the first time I had ever seen elves so relaxed and carefree about life. I liked this side of the elves, and hoped there would be more occasions like this one in the future.

"Come on Kida, let's show them how to really dance," Aaron grabbed me and we started going. People joined in and we all had smiles on our faces for the rest of the night. I danced with Elendil, Elwen, my father, Aaron (most of the time), and a bunch of high ranking officals. Alia never stopped smiling and laughing the entire night. She was truely happy for the first time in her life becuase she had finally found what she was looking for.
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Hey, another short chaper I know. I will be wrapping this one up in another couple of chapters and then the finale will begin.