Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure


The funeral for the late Battlemaster was two days ago. I feel drained from it. I had to go through all of his belongings with his family because he had left them all to me. I felt that I didn't deserve all of the things, so I made sure his family got over half of it. That was an emotional drain. I have added a small piece of his stave to my necklace, as did the other members of the family. It is an old battlemaster tradition.

Since then, I have taken over all the training that he used to help with, taken care of his family and my own, and gone through all the battlemaster things. I am now the keeper of histories, and those must be kept in mint condition for years to come. My vacation from the elven world is not seeming like a vacation anymore.

"Hey Kida, I got your message," I did not even turn around, and Aaron was holding me. I had sent word with Laki for him to visit.

"Thanks for coming," I replied. I knew I sounded tired.

"Of course my love. When would I not come and see you?" He laughed and held me close. I just loved how warm he always felt.

"My vacation is gone. I have so much to do and I feel like my time with my family gets cut down every day. I have to leave in an hour to oversee the teaching of the kids."

"You sound like you are such an adult, like you are older than me. That is old. Anyway, why don't I spend some time with the kids? I have not seen them in a while."

"I do not sound old, and that is a great idea," I sighed and just sat there with him for a while.

The overseeing took three hours. I was so tired of it by the end. When I got home, I found the kids having a great time playing hid and seek.

"Time for dinner," my mother called all of us in. We sat and enjoyed ourselves, and Aaron stayed the night.

The next day was a day of rest for me. There was no one to see and nothing crazy for me to do. I spent the whole day playing with my siblings while Aaron did whatever he wanted to do. It was great.

That night Aaron and I camped in the backyard. "Sorry I did not spend too much time with you today," I said.

He smiled,"I have the rest of forever with you, right?"

"Yeah." I answered with a straight face. If this all lasted and I did marry him after I turned twenty-three, I would be spending the rest of my live on earth. I placed these thoughts aside as I just started at him.

"What?" He asked. "Is there food on my face?"

"No," I answered laughing. "I was just looking."

"Is it because of my good looks, charm, my-"

"Modesty?' I asked and we both started laughing. After a while I answered, "It is because I just love being with and around you. I can't help myself."

"Why thank you. I feel like I hardly get time to see you now."

"That is because it is true. I have so much to do all the time. You realize that it will be like this forever right?"

"Yes, but if I marry you in the near future, I will be able to help you with everything."

"I'd like that." He kept staring. "What?" I asked.

"I cannot help myself, either," he answered and started kissing me. It was amazing, and by the end of the night, I had less clothes than I had started with. We had never been so intimate and I loved it.
We woke up early the next morning, and Aaron looked guilty. "What ?" I asked, pulling my shirt back on.

"I feel like I took advantange of you," he answered still not looking me in the face.

I laughed and pulled his chin up making him look into my eyes. "It is not like we had sex or anything. We just had a great night, and I would do that every night if I could. Aaron, I love you, and if that is not obvious by now, then you are never going to get it. I just want you, and I had a great time last night." By the end of my little speech, he was smiling, and he started to kiss me again.

After some time, we joined the family inside. My sister ,Kira, who was fourteen, seemed interested that I slept with Aaron during the night. Aaron left after breakfast, and she and I did laundry.

"Kida, what is love like?" Kira asked me.

"What?" I was so startled that she was even talking to me. She has kept herself distant during the past few months, and I had thought she did not want anything to do with me anymore.

"You heard me."

"You get all warm and fuzzy inside when he is near, and the world just seems right," I answered her. "Oh, and you always have a smile on your face when you see that person.

"Are you going to marry Aaron?"

"Someday, when I am old enough. I have a lot to worry about first."

"Yeah, you are always doing something. Do you want to know why I don't really talk to you that much anymore?"

"Sure," I wasn't sure if I really wanted to hear it.

"I was so jelous of you. You were a princess and then a queen and I just wanted to be you. Even after you were kidnapped, I wished to have a prince like Aaron and people who wanted to serve me. Now I realize that it is not that great to be powerful, and I am sorry. I really love you Kida," she started to cry after confessing this to me. I noticed then how grown up she looked and how I missed being that older sister she could always come to.

I wanted to cry too, but instead I just grabbed her and held her close.
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