Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure

Love's punishment

I left with Ian for my mother's the next day. Aaron was not happy to see me leave without him. I think it is funny when he pouts. We made it to the village, and I got a running reception from all of my siblings. Ian ducked out of the way, but I dragged him into our group hug.

"Kida, how long are you staying?" Kylie, my second youngest sister asked.

"At least for a week."

"YAY!" They all yelled and went back to playing. Ian and I went inside.

"Hey darling. Hello Ian. Ian, how long are you staying?" My mother asked as she handed us homemade cookies.

"Just an hour. My troop is coming to get me, but I will be back in a week for Kida." He left an hour later. My mother and dad were happy to hear that I was staying for longer than usual. I played with the kids for the rest of the day, and ran around for some Battlemaster business.

The next day I was doing laundry when the First Queen appeared. "Hello High Queen," she said.

"Hey, just call me Kida. I have told you that at least twenty times. What do I owe this visit?"

Her face suddenly grew serious. "You are breaking a serious law, and I have come to warn you about some possible punishment."

"What law?" I was confused.

"The law which states a direct heir to the throne cannot marry a second string heir to another. Also, you cannot marry outside your kingdom. You and Aaron must stop this love immediately."

I bristled at that. "Hey, I am the high queen. I can make a marriage like that work because I am from all kingdoms. Besides, I love him more than anything. I cannot just stop."

"I don't care if you are high queen or not. Laws are laws, and because you are one of my decendents I must punish you severely. If you ever marry him in the future, your soul will remain on the earth forever. You will never join anyone up here, and you will walk the forest."

"You cannot do that," I was quivering with anger. "He is my true love. You once explained to me that everyone has someone that they belong with. That other half may not appear during their lifetime, but everyone has another half. He is mine."

"I don't care. You will listen to me." She seemed to get bigger as she spoke. I could see the anger flash in her eyes.

I met the challenge,"No, I won't."

She seemed to shrink back at the remark. "If you ever marry him, you will face your punishment. I will make sure of it."

"Leave now," my voice was like ice. She vanished without a word.

"Bitch," I murmured and returned to my work. I calmed down before my mother came out to help me hang the laundry.

"Where is Aaron this week?" She asked with a smile. She knew I hated to be away from him for long.

"His father wanted him back home. Mother, would it be okay with you if I went to the sea with him, Alia, and Elendil?"

"Sure. How long would you be gone?"

It surprised me at her quick answer. "A month and a half." She cringed a little at the time, but anwered nicely,"You need the vacation, and that is fine with me. I cannot imagine you in safer company than those three."

I hugged her. "Thanks so much mother. I just have to check with father now." The rest of the week was great, and Ian came to get me. I could not shake the First Queen's expression from my head. Did I want Aaron now or later when I can have him forever. I know I want him now, but can I live here forever? Forever seemed like a long time, especially if I was alone. Laki couls sense my nervousness too.

When we arrived, my father was very excited to see me. "Hey Kida. Let's get out of the kingdom for the afternoon." We jumped on our horses and rode around the forest for the next few hours. It was really nice. It took my mind off things for the time being.

At dinner, I asked for his permission to go to the sea.

"That is fine with me. You will be safe while traveling there. Will you be back in time for your birthday?"

"Yeah, I should be back two weeks before." We ate the rest of the meal and then I retired to my room. I planned on telling my father about Aaron on my birthday, but I had no idea how.

Alia's mother waited in the river until she saw that Elendil was alone. Once he was, she called him over to her.

"Hello young Prince."

"Hello your Highness. What are you here for?"

"I need you to keep this visit a secret. Alia has not seen her father for almost one hundred and eighty years now. I plan on bringing him with me and her sisters on the day you arrive. He misses her more than anything, but won't admit it because he is so stubborn. And Alia is just like him, so she will refuse to see him as well. If we keep it a secret, I think this will work."

"Sounds like a plan to me ma'am. I will keep it from Alia."

"Good. I just wanted to warn you because she will probably lose it if he is there. Have a good evening and I will see you all here in five weeks." She disappeared without a sound.

If Alia finds out about this, she will kill me. Elendil thought with a smile.
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