Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure


A month has passed without any problems (big shocker there), and we are on our way. Alia took care of most of the packing, since she has run many missions before. It should take a little more than a week to get there. We have to travel north, so all of our clothes are a little heavier than usual. Alia said that it is warmer on the beach, but in the forest it just seems colder. I had said good-bye to my parents yesterday.

"Come on ladies. If we want to get there on time, you have to move," Alia said to us on the second day. I knew she was talking to Elendil and Aaron because I can run endlessly now.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll get there," Aaron mumbled. I gave him a playful smack on the head and that speed him up a bit.

Three days later, we had made great progress. From Alia's maps, we had about five more days to go. That night, Alia and Aaron fell asleep by the fire and Elendil and I sat up for a while. Now, we are not that close, but have become good friends in the past year.

"So Kida, you like my brother?" Elendil said trying to start conversation.

I was a little surprised at the conversation. "Yeah, I do. I love your brother. Why?"

"Because he is crazy about you. We have sat up talking a lot and you are the topic of conversation for a lot of the time. He would do anything for you."

"Thanks for telling me that, but I think I already knew he would. I have a question for you. When are you going to marry Alia? I know she wants you to ask her."

"I want to ask her soon. I wish to ask her parents first because it seems like the right thing to do."

"That is so awesome. I have spoken to her about it a few times and she would say yes."

He looked relieved. "Oh good. I figured that she would say yes, but I have a feeling that if I ask her parents first it would make it easier."

"Hold up. You said parents. I thought that her dad did not speak to her." He cringed at the fact I had picked up that minor detail.

"Shit, you should not know that. Listen to me. You need to keep this a secret from Alia. Her father is coming, but he does not know that she is going to be there. Her mother wants to surprise the both of them."

"That sounds like a great idea! She is going to flip though," I added in a less hopeful tone. Alia can be a little crazy.

The rest of that week was great. We saw waterfalls, different creatures, and all parts of the forest. I learned new names for all sorts of plants, and Alia astounded us all with her knowledge of everything. The day before we got there, Alia was restless. She kept pacing back and forth wondering about her family.

"I have not seen some of my sisters for at least a hundred years. Pearl, the eldest, I have not seen since the last time I was at the sea," Alia told me while we made dinner.

"Why haven't you seen her with your mother?"

"She hates me, and always has. I am not too fond of her either."

We dropped the subject after that. The next day we headed forward at full speed. Alia kept us moving through lunch and bathroom brakes. We could see her shaking with excitement. All of a sudden she cried aloud in a strange language and sprinted forward. We kept close behind, and I could smell it. It was a salty, fishy smell, and it was wonderful. In a few minutes we had made it to the beach.

"Montia!" Alia yelled and dropped her bags. She ran across the beach toward her waiting family. We dropped our bags and walked slowly toward them. Alia was hugged by her mother, and I counted eight sisters present. I guessed that Pearl was missing. Most of them had eyes like sunset. They were speaking a language made up of clicking and odd sounds. Her mother switched to elven for our benefit.

"Welcome fire Princes and High Queen Kida. We are honored to have you here."

"Thank you for inviting us, Your Majesty. It is very beautiful here," I replied.

Her mother continued to speak in elven to Alia. "Honey, I have a huge surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"Turn around." Alia did and froze. The man coming toward us froze as well. He looked timeless, wise, and had eyes like sunset. He froze as well and just stared at her. Everyone was silent as we waited for what was going to happen. After a few long minutes he spoke one word.

"Rikay." (Rye-kay)

Alia started to tremble as tears flowed down her cheeks. She took a couple of unsteady steps toward him and then rushed into his arms. They both stood there and cried for a while and her mother had all of us step away from them toward some food set out. She had a huge smile on her face and I could see the tears rushing down her cheeks as well. Alia's sisters all started to talk at one to us, for the sake of the King and his daughter's pivacy.

"Daughter, I thought that I would never see you here again," the Sea King told Alia.

"I missed you so much. I am so sorry for what I said when I left."

"I am the one who should be sorry. I was selfish because you were choosing something that I could not deal with, death. I realized that if you had married him and stayed as an elf you would choose death. I am sorry." He was crying as well, and Alia could see how sorry he really was. The past had been huring them both.

Alia looked her father in the eyes and smiled,"I love you daddy."

He smiled back and the sea seemed to grow more blue. "I love you my Rikay, Alia, my riptide."
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Ah, the love and drama. Keep reading for some more. Comment please!