Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure

Asking questions

Elendil hands felt clammy and he wanted to go and throw up. They had been with Alia's family for the past two weeks, and he thought that her parents liked him. He planned on asking Alia's father for her hand this morning and wanted to pee his pants when he walked up to ask to speak with him.

"Hello sir. I was wondering if I could speak to you in private," Elendil said.

"Sure," the King answered. "Come on, and we will take a nice walk."

They walked down the beach a little ways when the King started to speak. "So how long have you known Alia?"

"A little more than thirty years sir. She has been dating me for the past two. We spend most of our time together now."

"And you love her?"

"More than anything. I just love to be around her and making her smile just makes my day sir."

The Sea King could see that Elendil was being very serious. "Why do you love her?"

"I love her for her bravery, loyalty, personality, she is beautiful, and she will do whatever it takes to win or accomplish something. And that is why, sir, I would like your permission to marry her."

The King just stood silent for some time thinking the answer over. Finally he spoke,"That is the best answer any man ever gave me for one of my girls. I trust you and yes, you may marry my daughter. I never actually gave your father permission. He only loved her because she did whatever he wanted and she is beautiful. I tried to tell Alia, but she didn't listen and then never came back to me. Thank you Elendil."

"No, no. Thank you sir. I promise to take very good care of her."

"I know you will son," the King anwered with a smile, and they continued their walk in a comfortable silence.

"I'M GETTIN' MARRIED! I'M GETTIN' MARRIED!" Alia came screaming into camp in every language she knew. She continued running toward her sisters as Elendil stopped by Aaron and I.

"When did you ask for permission?" I asked him.

"Early this morning," he replied with a huge smile.

"Congrats bro," Aaron said. "Hey Kida, will you marry me?" I could not believe he was asking again.

"Someday," I replied with a laugh and hit him. We walked over to a hysterical Alia who just gave me a big hug.

"Will you be one of my bridesmaids?"

"Of course! I would love to be in your wedding!" I answered. I always have wanted to be in one.

We spent the rest of the day with her mother and sisters talking about Elendil and what Alia wishes to do for the wedding.

The next day, we had about fifty visitors from the sea. They were not happy to see us there, and the king looked nervous as they came up to us. They looked different, with the most noticeable difference being their eyes. Instead of eyes like sunset, theirs were a dark blue, almost black, and they contained icy gazes.

"King, sir, what are these murderers doing here?" A woman said and pointed at us. She looked ancient and young at the same time. She was stunning to look at, and seemed to barely contain her rage.

"Excuse me, but what do you mean by murderers?" I asked her.

"Who are you child?" She was curious now. The women behind her came in to listen to me.

"I am Kida, Princess of the air kingdom, and High Queen of all the elves. Who are you?"

"Well, High Queen Kida, I am Queen Lyalle of the rivers. Thirty thousand years ago my people were forced from the forest because your people used up the water and dirtied the rivers. My people died and my mother brought us here for safety and protection. Many women died during this time, including my mother."

"Are you telling me that you were there?"

"Yes, I am. I am thirty five thousand years old. We are the true immortals. The only way we can die is if someone kills us, or we die from despair like my mother. She gave up because she was fifty thousand years old and just taken from her home. Five others died that year with her. Our numbers have dwindled, but I have heard rumors that you, High Queen Kida, rule a little differently, and I wish to come back to the rivers."

I did not hesitate in giving her my answer. "Of course you can. I need to know your terms, where you will be, and what I can do to help. I also need to know that you will not be a threat to the elves or the wolves." We walked over and sat down at a table. She and I talked for an hour with Alia acting as my second, and a woman named Nanina as hers.

"I am happy that we were able to have this chat, High Queen," Queen Laylle said. "I will come back in a week to get to know you all better." She left with her fifty women and disappeared into the sea.

"Well, that went well. I think," I said later that night while sitting with Alia, Elendil, and Aaron.

"It did," Alia said with a smile. "I spoke with Nanina and she sees hope in your and their future. You did a lot of good today. They have been through a lot in the past thirty thousand years."

"How come you all don't live as long as they do?"

"There is a place for us to go to when we think we are ready to die. After about six thousand years the toll of live and stress can get to some. So, they swim past the outer rim and disappear. There is a world for us beyond this one, where we live forever there, but we can leave this world whenever we wish. For the river women, I do not know if they have a place after this world. That is why they live forever here."

I thought about that for the next few days and wondered what Alia was really going to do when the time came for her to leave.
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New characters!!!