Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure


We have now been here for a total of three weeks and unfortunately, it is time to leave. I will see the river women in a few months to get them moved into the forest. I can tell that Alia is having a difficult time telling her sisters good-bye, but it is six in the morning, and I really want to leave before I fall back asleep.

"Thanks father. I'll see you in a couple of weeks to talk about the wedding," Alia said, giving her father his tenth hug from her this morning.

"I'll see you then Rikay. Keep her safe," he added for Elendil.

"I'll try sir, but she is stubborn." We finished the good-byes and took off. The run was nice and natural. I felt better being in the forest instead of all the sand and water. My pack is considerably heavier due to all the shells and goodies I was bringing home for myself and my siblings. That night we pitched camp and Alia and I sat up for a while.

"Did you have a good time Kida?" She asked.

"Of course I did. Your family is wonderful. Everyone will be excited for your engagement when we get home."

"Yeah. You turn twenty in a month, right?"

"Yeah, and I plan on telling my father about Aaron then too. I am not sure how I want to do that."

Alia laughed and replied, "Don't have Aaron around when you do. Your father might just kill him if he finds out that Aaron has been with you for almost two years now. Your mother knows, right?"

"She figured that one out on her own."

We got up early for the next week and made great time. We were in the fire kingdom before the ninth day of travel and were greeted with enthusiasm.

"Elendil, it is nice to see you decided to tie the knot," Levan said as he greeted us at the doors. "Congradulations you two." He stepped forward and hugged the both of them. I sent word to my family letting them know I returned and had to make my rounds real quick.

We rested that night, and I throughly enjoyed sleeping in a comfortable bed. I was up and ready to go the next morning and visited the other three kingdoms. Aaron stayed in the fire kingdom along with the others, so it was just Laki and I. We made it to the air kingdom around seven that night. Since we had left for the trip, it has been a month and a half.

"Kida!" My father swept past his guards and gave me a great hug. "Come on in and we can talk about the trip tomorrow after you have had a good night's sleep.

"Father it was beautiful," I told him over breakfast the next morning. "They all were flawless looking and had eyes like sunset. I had a wonderful time. Oh, Alia and Elendil are getting married."

"Good for them. She deserves to settle down with someone. Speaking of plans, do you want to do anything for your birthday? I know it is a month away, but it will pass quickly with all the things you must do."

"I would rather have a quiet birthday at home if you don't mind."

"Of course not. Just as long as I can come," he said with a smile.

"Father, you are always welcome."

The next day was my last traveling day for a week. When I got to the village, I was immediately tackled by the five young ones, and bombarded with questions. I handed out all their gifts and while they were putting them away, I was able to get some breathing room.

"Hey mother," I said as she gave me a hug.

"Hey darling. Did you have a great time?"

"A wonderful time. Alia wanted me to give you this." I reached into my bag and pulled out a beautiful conch shell. It is about five inches long and if put in the right light, it has a rainbow of color.

"Wow. I'll put it somewhere where the kids can't run around with it." She and I talked for a long time that night, and I realized that I really missed her.

I had lovely battlemaster duties the next three days. There were two new babies to see, boys to train, and people to visit. I felt like I had a permanant smile glued on my face those two days, and it felt good.

Then came trouble. On the last day I was there, some of the Dark attacked. Three men from the patrol group came sprinting into the village shouting, "They have the chief and three others! We were sent back for help!"

"Get all children inside!" I screamed as Laki came shooting toward me, and we ran into the forest after the demons. I snuck in close enough to listen from a tree to the conversation.

"Where is she? Where is the High Queen?" The large thug asked the Chief.

"Not here you bastards. Let me and my men go or there will be plenty of trouble."

The thug punched the Chief. I took a quick count, and there was no more than twenty of them in the area. I jumped.

"Hey guys. I hate to ruin the party, but those are some good friends of mine." I whipped out my stave and flew at the leader. He was dead before he hit the ground. I air bended the rest of them away leaving one left.

"Are you alright?" I asked the villagers.

"Yes, fine Battlemaster Kida. Just find out what the hell they want," the Chief answered.

I walked over to the one I had left with a broken leg. "So, you gonna tell me what the hell is going on?"

He quivered in fear," The great masters wanted to see if you were still in charge and powerful."

"Well, I am, but you won't be telling them that message. Sweet dreams." Then I did something that I never have done before. I felt the air going into his lungs and sucked it out, making his lungs collaspe. It was kind of freaky. I got the three of them home and then sat up in my room for a while. I asked myself if I felt any guilt or shame in what I had done. I never got an answer. What a whirlwind of a first week back.
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Lots going on, didn't want to make a bunch of chapters for this stuff. Thanks for reading! Comment!