Elven Chronicles Book 3: Life and Adventure

Secret is out

It has been a month since the rescue and I cannot get what I did out of my head. I keep seeing him collapse in my dreams, and the worst part is that I feel nothing when I think of it. I have bigger things to worry about anyway. Today is my twentith birthday and I plan on telling my father about Aaron tomorrow.

"Happy birthday to you...." My family and friends were singing. My father, Aaron, Elendil, and Alia were the elves present today. I would see the others in two days when I went to the air nation.

"Thanks everyone. It has been a really awesome birthday," I told them. We ate my wonderful cake, and I had a great evening. My father was staying overnight, while the others were heading to Elwen's kingdom to do something for the fire nation. They left around eight.

"Are you sure you don't want me around?" Aaron asked as he kissed me good-bye.

"He might shoot you if you are here. I'll handle it, and when I see you in three days, I'll either tell you to run and hide, or come and kiss me."

"Fine," he said laughing, "but if he tries to kill you, come and find me so we can run away."

"Bye. I love you Aaron."

"I love you too babe." He raced into the forest toward Alia and Elendil.

The next day I was really nervous. I had told my mother about what I had to do, and she just gave me a thumbs up as I walked into the forest with my father. We made small talk for a while until he brought up dating.

"Hey Kida, I have another date set up for you next week. It is with a Colonel."

"Father, I wanted to talk to you about the dating actually," I told him, while working up some nerve.

"What is it darling?"

"I don't want to go on dates for a while. I know I will be of marrying age in three years, but I don't feel like dating right now."

"Sure thing Kida. I didn't mean to seem like I was rushing you. Honestly, you can wait as long as you want."

"That is not why I want to stop," I said and sat down on a rock. He stopped walking and sat down next to me.

"Why do you want to stop Kida?" He asked.

"Because I am in love," I said in a rush of breath.

"Oh, with who? Do I know him well?"

"Yeah you do. I am in love with Aaron and have been for the past two years."

He just sat in silence. His face turned from pink to red to purple in a matter of seconds. Then came the shouting. "TWO YEARS! ARE YOU KIDDING ME KIDA?! IT IS FORBIDDEN AND I WILL NOT LET YOU SEE HIM ANYMORE!"

"Please calm down father. You cannot stop me from seeing him. I know I am breaking some rules, but I can get around them."

"I don't care about the rules, Kida. What I care about is that you kept this a secret from your mother and I."


"Are you telling me your mother knew about this for a while?"

"Yeah. She guessed it by herself. I really am sorry for not telling you earlier, but I just could not bring myself to tell you." He seemed to cool down a little when I apologized to him.

"Aaron will not be part of your gaurd anymore. I will let you see him because I know what it is like to have to be separated from someone you love. He will only come to the kingdom when I invite him to, and I want to know every time he visits you here in the village. I hope you know what you are doing," he added with a sigh.

I was so happy to hear this. "I do, and oh, thank you father." I hugged him with everything I had.

"Yeah, yeah. And, you can't get married until you are at least twenty-three. I want to have a talk with Aaron too."

"Anything you say father. Thank you for forgiving me."

"I'll forgive you, but not Aaron yet," he tried to look strict. I just laughed as we made our way to the house.

Kida was already asleep along with the rest of the family. Only Tina and Leto sat up for a while talking.

"I cannot believe you didn't tell me about this," Leto said.

"You mean Aaron? It was none of your business at the time. Besides, I didn't tell Gabe either."

"That is not the point Tina. She is a Princess and this sort of behavior is not proper."

"Don't you say what is not proper or not. You got a human girl knocked up and then decided to show up sixteen years later to find out you had a child," Tina snapped back.

Leto fell silent and then Tina felt bad for sounding so harsh. "I did not mean for that to sound so bad, Leto. You are also forgetting that Kida is half-human and is aging that way for the next three years. It is normal for her to have these feelings now. Also, she is High Queen and can make this kind of choice whether you like it or not."

"I am so sorry Tina," it was all Leto could say.

"For what?"

" For everything. For not coming back for you. For taking Kida away, and changing her. For being hard on you about this."

"Leto, I made you promise not to come back for me. We both did not think I was actually going to get pregnant. You did not change Kida, she was already changing. You have every right to be upset about this. Just let it run its course."

Leto looked up and realized why he had fallen in love with a human. They were just so damn smart sometimes.
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Enjoy and please let me know what you all think!