Status: completed

With out love where would you be now?


Sara: have I done something to piss you off? Do you need space? What is
it? you not want to be around me anymore? I hate to sound
childish but do you not want to be friends?

He looked me shocked.

Matt: ofcourse I want to be around you. You are my best friend. I mean
its cause of you me and Val are even together.

He stood up and looked down at me confused.

Sara: I don't understand then. You only come over to your convience

Matt: I do not.

Sara: then why arnt you with Val or the guys?

Matt: they are busy.

Sara: I told you. I am at the bottom of your list. You wouldn't have
even bothered if none of them were busy. Then you get mad at me. I don't
think so. If its to much of an inconvience having me around then just
say so. Don't beat around the fucking bush Matt.

Matt: I don't know. I didn't know I was making you feel that way.

I rolled my eyes.

Sara: just leave I could be doing better things with my time. If you
want space you got it.

I got up and opened the front door. He walked out slowly then turned

Matt: I'm sorry.

I just held up my hand and shook my head.

Matt: you're still coming to the party right. Cause there is no point
if you don't show up.

Sara: yeah I'll be there.

He smiled a little then walked off. What a day. What a weekend. Johnny
came over and I helped him with his project. Monday came around and I
hated it. School sucks and we know it does. I saw Jenn at our locker.
Jimmy by her side. Talking up a storm.

Sara: hey assholes.

Jenn: its to early.

I shrugged. She looked like she just woke up. Which she probley just

Jimmy: hey tiny Sara.

He laughed a little. I am the shortest out of everyone. I'm about 5'2".
Yeah pretty damn tiny compared to Jimmy.

Sara: where's Brian?

Jenn shrugged lazily.

Jimmy: he's probley still sleeping. So who's the vampire?

I gave him a what the fuck are you talking about look. He smiled slyly
and pointed at my neck.

Jimmy: that.

Jenn: geeze...nice hickey. Let me guess.

She gave me a look.

Jimmy: oOoO...who's the lucky guy Sara?

Sara: I got to go to ceramics.

Jimmy: aww come on.

I kept walking.


I smiled a little and walked into ceramics. Hmm... No Johnny. I got my
stuff and started working.

Johnny: hey Sara.

I just smiled at him and he sat down. We talked and did our work. Same
old same old. Nothing great happened. That's just how life is. The
whole week was uneventful. Its my life boring. All I did was help Johnny on
his project and not even that much. I skipped my english class to
watch his presentation. The art teacher Ms. Misoda was cool with me.

Johnny: most of you picked stuff you want to become or want in the
future and crap. That's cool. I decided I would pick things that actually
directly effect me.

Ms.M: and your art work.

Johnnhy: oh right.

He held his poster up. It look amazing.

Ms.M: ok go ahead explain it.

Johnny: ok 1st off since its about me I'm the major focus hence the big
picture of me. I also love bass and I play. That's what the bass for.
Now I have pictures of who help me out with life and crap. For example
Matt, he's letting me fill in bass in his band. The rest of the band
helps me out as well cause they are in the band. Let me know what its all
about. Then we got the family too for obvious reasons. And ofcourse I
put the amazing Sara Sanchez. She has the 2nd biggest picture on my

I hadn't even noticed I was on it. I was to busy looking at the bass on
the poster. Seeing as I pretty much made that for him.

Ms.M: and why does Sara have the 2nd biggest picture on your poster.

She glanced at me and smiled.

Johnny: she's my best friend...I can't really explain it. I just know I
like beind around her. She makes you feel good about yourself. And she
could give a sh- I mean give a crap about what other people thinks.
And I wish I could be more like that.

He looked at me and smiled shyly. He continued with his presentation.
Which was the best. Not just cause he's my friend but cause it was most
realistic. Not formal.

Johnny: what'd you think of the poster.

Sara: it came out amazing Johnny. Your best work so far.

Ms.M: I would have to agree. Johnny you have really improved your

Johnny: I can only thank Sara for that. She helps me out.

She smiled at us. We talked with her until the bell rang. We walked to
my house.

Sara: I'm home!

No response. We walked into the empty house. I walked to the back door
to see my dog asleep.

Johnny: your dog is bigger than me.

I laughed. He opened the door and we went outside. I sat on the grass
while Johnny sat on the step. My dog came over and licked my face.

Johnny: your dog is so badass looking.

Sara: he's a cutie. Right Chato.

He's an all white boxer with one brown ear. He layed down next to me.
Slobber seeping from the corner of his mouth. Johnny came and sat close
to me. Chato looked up for a second then laid his head back down.

Sara: he's such a lazy puppy.

Johnny: its cause of the sun.

I nodded and looked at Johnny. He had his eyes closed and sitting up on
his hands. I kissed his cheek. He looked at me with a smile.

Johnny: what was that for?

I shrugged and wrapped my arms around his middle. We laid back.

Johnny: you really are my best friend Sara. Even if you don't see us
that way. I consider you my bestfriend. Matt can kick my ass if he wants
it won't change what I feel.

I looked at him. He had a serious look on his face. I just reached up
and kissed his lips. We laid there. Just talking about random stuff.
Chato then sat up. He walked over to the back door. Me and Johnny just
kept talking.

Mom: que estan haciendo en el suelo? (what are you guys doing on the

I looked up at her. She had a smile on her face.

Johnny: hi Rosa.

Mom: hola Yoni. Como estas? (how are you?)

Johnny: I'm good and yourself?

Mom: bien. Como te fue en escuela?(how was school.)