OCD a way of living if you can call it that.

chapter 4

It was strange spending time with a guy, even stranger that he was also good looking. We had barely said two words to each other since I had gotten in the car, so I had spent the time admiring how clean he keeps his mini, it was actually kind of impressive. As we pulled onto our road he stopped right outside my house, how did he know were I lived? Maybe he has seen me going to my house out of his window or something. I was about to undo my seat belt when he Lent over and said ‘so ill see you tomorrow? If you meet me here at half 8 I can give you a lift again, but only if you want to of course’ how could I say no? well I wasn’t going to of course.

‘sure yeah that will be great!’ I said beaming, it really was great. I jumped out and waved as he sped away from the curb and up the road to one of the bigger houses at the top, I couldn’t quite see which one he pulled into. I skipped in through the front door shutting it twice, then went into the living room. The door was open and a strange smell was coming from inside, it was like a mix between alcohol and cigarette smoke. Since when did my dad drink and smoke? I tentatively walked inside, the smell was awful. My dad was just sat there, cigarette in one hand, whiskey in the other. Staring off into the distance, I wondered what he was thinking about, he hadn’t even noticed I was in the room yet.

He never did, I couldn’t stand being in that room any longer I rushed out, shutting the door behind me once. I ran upstairs shutting my bedroom door once and threw myself on the bed. My mother was dead, and soon I think my father would be to.

The next day of school was kind of boring, it was Tuesday morning so Adam was in design technology and that meant I had no one to talk to. People avoided me like the plague, I don’t know why, no one ever seems to talk to me since my mum died. Maybe they just don’t know what to say, or maybe they just think I’m weird I don’t know. So there wasn’t much to do but concentrate on my cooking, this wasn’t hard it was my second favorite thing to do, cleaning comes first of course.

Heading out of the school gates I saw Adam waiting in his mini, my heart nearly jumped out of my chest. He looks so handsome, it makes me want to do things that I shouldn’t really be thinking about. Does this mean I fancy him? I’ve never had a crush before.