Status: New to writing. Please comment. =]

Just When I Needed Him

Chapter 2

“Why don’t we go for a walk together? What do you say?” he said trying to convince me.

“Can’t you see I’m in the middle of something here?” I yelled at him angrily.

“No, I don’t. I just see someone about to make a big mistake. I see someone who’d lived without love for so long that she forgets what if feels like,” he started. Although he was rude and stupid for interfering with fate, I couldn’t help but listen to his mesmerizing voice. “I see a girl who’s been practically starving for the past few years, someone who has been forgotten by everyone who should have cared for her. I see a scared, young girl that has strayed off the path fate has created for her.

“I don’t know your name, your favourite colour, or anything about you, but I know who you are. You’re one of the unlucky teenagers who have had to deal with more than they can handle. I’ve been through my fair share of struggles and more, but if you come down right now, I can promise you you’ll have a father, best friend, boyfriend, or whatever you want me to be.” He looked into my eyes as he said this, as if I really mattered to him. I could feel myself staring to loose control of my emotions. No one has talked to me like this since I was very little.

I brought my hands over my face to hide the tears that I knew were streaming down my thin, pale face. Throughout his touching speech, he had hit several mental nerves. Not only did he sound caring and apologetic, he seemed loving. Sometime during this, I must have forgotten about the wire that I was holding onto: my lifeline.

Before I could comprehend what was going on, I let out a horrific scream. Whether I wanted to live or not was completely irrelevant now, destiny was in control. I felt my torso lean too much, and I knew I was too late. My feet and the rest of my body quickly followed. For a brief moment I was free. I could feel the wind rushing past my head, and as terrifying as it was, I welcomed it. There was nothing I could do now. Screaming, crying, thrashing would do nothing now; I might as well die happily. After all, this was what I’d originally wanted. Snap!

As quickly as my fall started, it suddenly stopped. My arms were whipped above my head, ripping my shoulders painfully from their sockets.

“Don’t you dare let go”, I heard the man yell angrily from above. Right now, I would do anything for this angelic voice. I knew I was hearing the voice of an angel. Even with the fear devouring my every thought, I held on. I could feel the man slowly pulling me up over the rail. Every time he moved, he would grunt and I would let out a scream. My mind was so focused on not letting my arms rip off that I nearly didn’t notice when I was safely up on the bridge again. This man, whether he knew it or not, had saved my life.

“Are you… okay?” he asked, unsure if that was the right word to use. As I was falling, I learned something very important about myself: I didn’t want to die. There were so many things that I haven’t gotten to do yet, so many places I haven’t yet been. To throw that all away was a… waste, really.

“I’m perfectly fine”, I said, quite surprised I could actually talk coherently. “You saved my life.” I blurted out, only to wish that I hadn’t. As I looked at him again, I knew for sure that he could really see me for who I really was: a girl who needed someone in her life to love her.

“It’s a life worth saving. Does that mean you’ll go for that walk with me?” he asked after we were both standing up, facing each other. He was a good half-foot taller than me, and had hair blacker than night. He smiled at me like I was the only thing in the entire world that mattered.

“I’ll go anywhere with you” I said stupidly as I gazed into his emerald green eyes. This man just saved my life and I couldn’t make a half-decent ‘thank you’ come out of my mouth. I’m still pathetic, but maybe with him here, we can work on that. Maybe he can help me become… normal.

“Have I mentioned you’re beautiful?” he said while moving a strand of hair from my face to behind my ear. I knew he’d never lie to me, but this couldn’t possibly be true.

So, when nothing else came to mind, I giggled like the pathetic loser I am, but knew things could be worse, heck, I could be dead!

This day has really turned around, and I liked it. I wished that all other days for the rest of my life were like this, except for the small suicide bit that was no longer a thought in my mind. I knew then, that life with this fine, caring guy was a life worth living.
♠ ♠ ♠
Story = Complete. :)
Please let me know what you think. <3