Voyage Du Mauvais Sort

A Meeting With Fate.

Andrews smiles graciously, his face charming and smooth while directing passengers to their state rooms. He is nothing short of shocked seeing some of the people who paid a great deal of money to board a ship; his ship.

After helping more than twenty people find their rooms, he finds himself on deck as hundreds of boisterous passengers shout cheerful, as well as excited farewells. Children playing tag cross his gaze, making him chuckle quietly.

Across the deck he spies a young couple seemingly happy and in love. Their hands intertwined while the joke and laugh together. He wishes he could have a love like theirs. Quickly he regains his focus, carefully weaving his way through the passengers to make his way to the captain.

Andres easily finds the cheery man talking to Officer Murdoch. Captain Smith is older with snow white hair and a beard to match. His arctic blue eyes reveal tales of the deep blue; tales only a great captain could dream of knowing. His wrinkles portraying scars of the many dangerous battles he has had with the oceans.

“Good morning Captain Smith, perfect sailing weather,” Thomas offers gaily. His smile illustrates his eagerness to find out Titanic’s strength.

“Ah, indeed it does Mr. Andrews. I am looking forward to giving her legs a stretch and seeing what she is really capable of.” Smith bares a sonorous voice, which carries throughout the room. “I believe you’ve built quite an extraordinary ship, I do applaud you on your virtuous efforts.”

Thomas is dying inside, his heart races with excitement. “Thank you sir, it means so much coming from you.” Victor extends his hand for a shake before withdrawing back to the deck smiling ear to ear.
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The chapter is kind of short, I hope to make the next few a little more lengthy. Enjoy.