One Day


Kristie was walking the few blocks to her high school and a boy stepped up next to her, falling in step with her.

"Hi." He said.

"Hey Damien."

Damien had just moved into town a couple days into Summer and she had hung out with him almost every day since. She looked up into his crystalline blue eyes and her breath caught. His eyes were so beautiful and they were staring straight at her. Her chocolate brown eyes were just as pretty, but she wished she had his eyes.

"You haven't been over for a couple weeks..." He stated as if it weren't obvious.

"My dad passed away." She said quietly. Tears were stinging her eyes, threatening to fall. Her father was the only thing that kept her mother from beating her in a drunken rage every night, he would restrain her until she passed out.

Damien stopped suddenly and grabbed her arm, pulling her to a stop. She winced and let out a yelp. She was wearing long sleeves which kind of tipped him off that something was wrong.

He spun her to face him and yanked her sleeve up, revealing the cuts and bruises. His eyes widened in shock but then turned into eyes filled with determination.
"My mother. Dad always saved me, and the night he died, she came home drunk. She has every night since."

Tears started slipping down her face and he pulled her into a hug. "I'm so sorry."

Her arms finally wrapped themselves around his torso, squeezing tight as her ragged breathing became sobs.
He wound his arms around her protectively. They had become best friends over the Summer.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for Damien." She sobbed.
"I love You, Kristie."
"I love you too."

Images of her mother when she first came home drunk flashed through her mind.

"You're nothing but a worthless brat!" She yelled, stumbling towards her. Her father stepped beside her mother and he wrapped his arms around her, pinning her arms to her sides. He lifted her off the ground kicking and screaming and headed for their bedroom, after about an hour their room finally fell silent and he came out.

"She passed out. I'm sorry you had to go through that babygirl." He said giving her a hug.

Kristie forced herself to let go of Damien and wiped her tears off, thankful her mascara was waterproof. But another image flashed through her mind, her mother drunk at her father's funeral, it was open casket. She had waltzed right up to the casket and said, "You're better off gone, you old fool. Nobody really needs you."

Tears spilled over her cheeks again for a moment before she gained control. Damien stepped forward and pushed his lips against hers, she was surprised, but let herself kiss back. She had dreamed of a time where Damien told her he loved her.

He wiped away her tears and grabbed her hand, pulling her into the school.

The rest of the year passed. They acted like best friends, and soon, it was graduation.

"Damien White!" The principal called. Damien strolled up and grabbed his diploma. And walked back to his seat, smiling.

"Kristie Young!" She stood as he sat, and went to the principal to get her high school diploma.

When she sat back down, Damien leaned over. "Meet me under the pavilion at the graduation party." She nodded right before standing up with everyone else and throwing her graduation hat into the air.

Graduation Party

Kristie's older sister, Ivy, had gone to the store and picked out a dress for the party, buying it for Kristie.

"Think of it as a graduation gift..." She whispered when they got out of the car. Kristie headed for the pavilion, wondering why he would want to meet there. There were people surrounding it and they parted like the red sea when she came through.

There he was, standing at the center of the pavilion, Smiling right at her. She took the steps of the pavilion two at a time and stood in front of him after giving him a hug. "What's this all about?" She whispered in his ear.

He bent down on one knee, slipping a small box out of his pocket while doing so, and looked up at her, smiling wider. He was a little nervous that she would say no.

"Kristie, will you marry me?" He couldn't think of any other way to put it.

She gave him a hidden wink, and he understood to play along even though he couldn't see why she would play anything right now.

Then she put on her offended face. "No,I would not like to marry you, Damien." She said. Then she smiled and leaned down to his ear, "I Would Love To." Then he put on a disappointed face and they both stood, and the crowd shouted "no!" as if disappointed at what she said.
Then they both smiled and she jumped into his arms.

Why wouldn't she marry him? He had been there for her when her mother had beaten her, he had been there the whole time.

The world seemed to have erupted in cheers around them, but neither noticed, they only noticed each other, Kristie was staring straight into his eyes.

The most beautiful eyes she had ever seen.

Later on in the next few months, they were married. A few years later, Kristie was pregnant. In about nine months, twins were born, a boy and a girl, Ivan and Jessica.

Kristie was alone with Damien one day while the twins were at his parents house.

"You wanna know what my favorite part of Senior Year was besides the Graduation Party?" She asked him as they laid there on their bed, her head on his chest.


"The first day. The day you said you loved me." She whispered.