Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling

Douchebag Strikes

We were now in Tom's driveway where he, once again, opened the car door for me and I stepped out, thanking him for about the millionth time. We walked up to the front door of the big house and he pulled his keys out of his pocket, placing it in the hole and unlocking the door.

As we got in, my eyes wandered around. It was so pretty. The furniture was wooden and had sort of a retro style to it. The off white walls were covered in pictures of the Sykes family all with big smiles on their faces. It was a nice and homey atmosphere.

"Living room’s this way," Tom informed, gently taking my hand and leading me further into the house.

"Your house is so beautiful," I said in awe, taking everything in. It was probably one of the nicest homes I'd ever been in.

"Thanks. My mum would so love to ‘ear that." He laughed.

"Your mom lives here too?"

"Sometimes. I mean, she and dad have a house not too far from 'ere. She stays with us from time to time. She decorated the 'ole place."

"She's got great taste," I said with a smile.

"Usualleh the girls that come through ‘ere don’t even pay attention to the house. Their main focus is Oleh’s bedroom.” He shook his head with a humorless laugh.

I rolled my eyes. That was just ridiculous. I wondered how many girls actually came through this very house just looking for a chance to sleep with Oliver Sykes. Didn't they have at least a smidge of self respect?

Tom gestured for me to sit on the white couch.

"I’m gonna go make some popcorn. Why don’t yeh choose a movie fo' us?" He pointed to a DVD cabinet beneath the huge plasma TV.

"Okay," I replied, setting my bag down on the couch.

Tom smiled at me and leaned down to give me a kiss on the cheek before heading off into the kitchen, leaving me blushing madly.

I quickly shook it off and stood up from the couch, walking over to the DVDs. There was a wide selection of movies and I had a really hard time picking one. Most were classic horror flicks that dated all the way back to the 1960's. After looking through all of them, I decided it didn’t really matter so I just picked out one I had watched once or twice before in my life.

A few minutes later Tom was back with a plastic bowl of popcorn in his hands. He smiled widely at me before setting the popcorn down on the coffee table.

"Picked one?"

"Yep." I grinned, handing him the DVD case.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "The Shining? Good choice, love. One of my personal favorites, besides being a classic." He walked over to the DVD player, inserting the disc in.

I smiled stupidly. I liked how he called me love. It was so sweet.

"Alright, ‘ere we go," Tom said, plopping down next to me on the couch and bringing the popcorn bowl onto his lap.

"I've only watched this movie twice a long time ago, so I don’t remember much," I said with a laugh, grabbing some popcorn.

"Onleh twice? Hell, I’ve watched this at least fifteh bloodeh times!" He laughed. "If yeh get scared, feel free to cuddle. I certainleh won’t mind."

"Good to know. Though I'm not easily scared." I playfully shoved him.

"We’ll see." He wiggled his eyebrows, causing me to snort in laughter.

I was happy. Today had been perfect. I really enjoyed being around Tom. Too bad Oliver, his own flesh and blood, was the total opposite of him.

A few minutes into the movie, I was actually getting a bit frightened. Maybe the whole old time feel of the movie was what made it so incredibly eerie. At one point, I absent-mindedly grabbed hold of Tom’s hand and gave it a small squeeze. Tom merely smiled at this and didn’t seem to mind at all.

Later on, I found myself sitting dangerously close to him. My head was on his chest while his arm was resting comfortably around my waist. Both of us were so focused on the movie that we didn’t even notice the sound of keys rattling and the front door being opened.

Oliver suddenly appeared in the living room doorway. He stopped dead in his tracks once he caught sight of Tom and I on the couch.

Tom’s focus left the TV screen and landed on his brother, whose face looked extremely puzzled.

"Oleh? What are yeh doin’ ‘ere?" Tom questioned bewilderedly.

Oliver blinked a few times. "I live 'ere," He responded in a monotone voice.

Tom rolled his eyes.

I just couldn’t help but feel so out of place at that moment. With Oliver being there, something bad was bound to happen. I suddenly sat up straight. Tom, however, continued with his arms around me.

"I thought yeh’d be home at five or something. It’s onleh bloodeh eleven." Tom lifted an eyebrow, glancing at the clock on the wall.

Oliver shrugged, resting the left side of his body on the door frame. "I got tired, for fuck sake." His gaze shifted over to me and my eyes immediately aimed for the TV screen.

"Lorelai," Oliver greeted with just a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Oliver," I spoke all businesslike, not looking away from the movie.

He smirked and walked over to the other couch, sitting down.

"What are yeh watching?" He asked, crossing his legs.

Oh God. What the hell is he doing?

"The Shining. Are yeh gonna stay ‘ere?" Tom inquired, clearly annoyed by his brother’s sudden presence.

Oliver shrugged. "Can’t I?"

"We’re kind of in the middle of a date, if yeh haven’t noticed," Tom stated impatiently.

I crossed my arms, wishing hard for Oliver to leave. It was almost physically impossible to stay in the same room as him.

Oliver threw his head back and let out an obnoxious laugh. "A date?!"

"Yes. A date," Tom uttered sullenly.

Oliver looked at me, but I continued staring forward. I really didn’t want any eye contact between us.

"Say, Loreh. Oops. I mean, Lorelai. Didn’t yeh say yeh liked my brotha as a friend?"

I frowned, having no choice but to look at that douche bag. He was wearing his usual smirk on his face, except this time there was something different. Something evil.

I wanted to smack that stupid smirk right off. I could feel one of my hands balling into a fist.

Tom sighed frustratingly. "Olivah, get the fuck out."

"No, it’s my bloodeh house," He retorted.

Why is he trying so hard to ruin this date?

"Yo’ such a wankah. I don’t go in yo’ room and ruin yo’ dates," Tom fumed. I could feel his body shaking slightly in anger.

"What the hell are yeh talking about? I nevah go on dates." Oliver crossed his arms.

"Oh, right. Yeh just have one night stands." Tom rolled his eyes. "I swear, if yeh weren’t seeing SJ, yeh’d be up in yo’ room right now fucking some random girl.”

Oliver laughed cynically. "Something yeh’d nevah do, eh Tom?"

I sighed heavily. I couldn’t take this guy anymore. The tension in the room was unbearable. I quickly stood up from the couch.

"Look, Tom. I think I better go," I said, with my back facing Oliver.

"No, wait! We can go somewhere else. Somewhere Olivah won’t be," He said as the anger washed away from his face.

Oliver snorted and I shook my head. "No. I’m tired. I just….wanna go home."

Tom’s face fell. Oliver couldn’t stop smirking.

"No, stay, Lorelai. Keep my lil’ brotha companeh. He hasn’t been with a girl in months."

Tom breathed out and shot off the couch. "Olivah, I swear to God--"

Oh shit.

"Tom, come on. Just take me home. He’s not worth our time." I glowered at Oliver before placing a hand on Tom’s shoulder.

Tom continued breathing heavily in pure rage.

"Come on," I urged, taking his hand in mine, which seemed to ease him.

Tom nodded slowly. "Fine."

Oliver looked highly amused. It took all the strength in my body to not bitch slap that boy right across the face. He was just deplorable.

"Let’s go," Tom growled, leading me out of the living room and out the door.

As we got in the car, I could hear Tom mumbling profanities under his breath.

"I’m so sorreh, Loreh," He said quietly just a few seconds later.

"It’s not your fault your brother's a jerk," I said just as quietly.

"He totalleh ruined everything." He shook his head sadly.

I gave him a sympathetic smile, rubbing his shoulder. "Seriously, don’t worry about it."

He forced a smile, but my words didn't seem to make him feel better.

We rode in silence the whole way back to my aunt and uncle’s. I knew how upset Tom was, but he had to stop torturing himself. It didn’t bother me as much as it bothered him. Sure, I’d give anything to break Oliver’s jaw for all the shit he’d done, but I wasn’t gonna do that. I was a decent person.

Tom stopped the car in front of the house and turned off the engine, resting his head on the wheel with a loud sad sigh.

"I had a really great time," I spoke with a small smile, unbuckling my seat belt.

He laughed quietly. "Me too. Except for the last part of the date."

"Forget about Oliver."

He shrugged. Clearly he wasn’t gonna let this go very easily.

I stared at him intently. "Tom?"

"Hmm?" He said, still not looking up.

I bit the corner of my lip nervously and leaned forward, taking his face in my hands. He just stared at me wonderingly. I smiled warmly at him before placing my lips softly on his. For a second, he seemed surprised, but I could soon feel him smiling as he kissed me back. It was a very sweet kiss. Not rough, but not too soft either. We stayed like that for about two minutes until I slowly pulled away.

Tom's eyes were wide. "Wow."

I grinned.

"That was um....that was.....w-wow," He stuttered.

I chuckled. "I better get going."

He nodded with a dazed look on his face. "’Kay."

I pecked him on the lips. "Bye."

"Yeah, b-bye."

I took my bag and stepped out of the car, closing the door.

"Bye, beautiful," Tom called, waving.

I laughed, walking backwards towards the house, returning a wave. "Bye, handsome."

He shot me another ear-to-ear smile before starting the engine and slowly driving away. I watched the car make a turn until it disappeared from my view.

I stood on the sidewalk with the most idiotic look on my face. Not even Oliver Sykes could ruin this for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
aww =) Tom's a sweetheart. there's more to come, loves, so stay tuned :D
xx Millie

LOL this is funny ---> Tom<3