Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


"So how’d the date go last night?" My aunt asked in barely controlled curiosity, pouring some cereal in a bowl for me.

I pursed my lips. Of course I had no intention on telling her everything. She didn’t need to know how much of an idiot Tom’s brother was and how he managed to ruin our date at the end.

"It was great," I answered with a crooked smile.

"How great?" She questioned.

I laughed. "What do you mean how great?"

"Did you two kiss?"

I suppressed a smile.

"You did, didn’t you?!" She clapped excitedly. "Tell me all about it!"

I took a spoonful of cereal. "Aunt Jo!"

"What! I wanna know!" She waved her arms.

I laughed, shaking my head. "It was in his car."

She squealed like a fifteen year old girl. "How was it?!"

"Well, it was awesome. He’s a very good kisser," I informed with a chuckle.

She laughed. "Planning on going out with him again?"

I shrugged. "I don’t know."

"Trust me, he's gonna call you today asking for another date." She nodded surely.

I looked down at my cereal. I’m sure he is, since our first date had been effectively ruined.

Damn you, Oliver freakin' Sykes.

"Where did he take you?" Aunt Jo asked, interrupting my little reverie.

"Uh, well, first he took me to this cute Italian restaurant. Then we went back to his house to watch a movie." That we didn’t even get to finish, thanks to Scumbag Sykes.

"How romantic! Oh, I really wish I could go back in time and relive my teenage years. Going on dates. First kisses." She sighed dreamily. "The romance was the best part."

I made a face. "Uncle Ray isn’t romantic?"

She narrowed her eyes. "He used to be. Now his idea of romance is him lying on the couch watching football while I rub his feet." She cringed in disgust.

I laughed. "Well, you can change that, Aunt Jo. Just go on a date with him. Y’know, like old times."

She snorted. "Ray and I on a date? That’s a laugh."

"Oh, come on, Aunt Jo. Just try it. Who knows? Maybe you two can recapture the magic." I wiggled my eyebrows at her. She looked up in thought.

"Recapture the magic," She mused, tapping her index finger on her chin. "It’s just what we need."

I smiled. "Then go for it."


Just then, as if on cue, Uncle Ray came waltzing into the kitchen humming an unknown song under his breath. He then opened the fridge, sticking his head inside.

I glanced at Aunt Jo, signaling that this was the perfect time to talk to him. She made a funny face, debating whether she should.

She suddenly cleared her throat. "Hey, Ray?"

"Yeah, love?" He answered nonchalantly, closing the fridge and taking a bite out of an energy bar.

She bit her lip, shooting me another glance. I smiled encouragingly at her.

"I wanna go out," She spoke.

"To where? The supermarket?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Aunt Jo rolled her eyes, sighing. "No, not the supermarket, Ray. I wanna go out on a date."

He scrunched his nose in confusion. "A date?"

"Yes, a date." She walked over to him. "A real date. Where you take me somewhere fancy and tell me how beautiful I look."

He took another bite out of his energy bar. "Is a fanceh place realleh necessareh? I mean, I can tell yeh how beautiful yeh look right ‘ere, love."

"Dammit, Ray!" She suddenly snapped in anger, making my uncle jump back in surprise. "Take me on a damn date!"

Uncle Ray gulped, widening his eyes. "A-Alright. C-Calm down, love."

"I am calm!" She screeched, crossing her arms.

I bit back a laugh. This was just too hilarious.

"Blimey! I’ll take yeh on a bloodeh date if that’s what yeh realleh want!" Uncle Ray held his hands up defensively.

Aunt Jo’s expression instantly softened once he'd spoken those words. "Really?"

He nodded, still a bit frightened. "Realleh."

"Oh, Ray! I love you!" She threw her arms around him, nearly knocking the poor man down.

"I love yeh too, Jo." He shot me a look of confusion. I just smiled.

"C-Can I go back to the living room now?" He questioned when Aunt Jo released him.

"Of course you can, sweetie," She cooed, patting his cheek delicately. He gave her a weird smile before leaving the kitchen in a fast pace.

Aunt Jo turned to me with a huge grin on her chubby face. "I'm going on a date!"

"Good for you, Aunt Jo!" I cheered.

She jumped up and down, completely overjoyed. I laughed at her raging enthusiasm.

Suddenly the phone rang, cutting the moment short. Aunt Jo stopped jumping and quickly grabbed it from the counter, answering it.

"Hello?" She spoke. "Oh, hi! Yes, she’s here. Hold on just a second."

She removed the phone from her ear, muffling it with her hand. "It’s Tom!"

I beamed.

"I told you he’d call! Am I psychic or what?!"

"Yeah, you are." I took the phone from her hand, placing it next to my ear. "Hello?"

"’Ey Loreh," Tom's cheery voice came from the other end of the line.

"Hey, Tom. What’s up?"

"Just wanted to see if yeh wanted to go out again today?"

I smiled brightly. “Sure."

"Great! And don’t worreh. It doesn’t have to be my house."

I laughed humorlessly. "Good."

"It can be wherevah yeh want."

"Oh, I get to pick?"



"Call me once yeh decide on the place, ‘kay?"

"Sure thing. Bye Tom."

"Bye, love."

Click. I placed the phone back on the table in its original spot.

"So what’d he say?" Aunt Jo asked intriguingly.

I smiled. "He wants to go out again."

She grinned widely. "Knew it. Where’s he taking you this time?"

"He said I get to pick." I shrugged.

"How sweet. Got any ideas?"

"None." I laughed. "But I’ll call him once I do."

"I’m sure you’ll think of something fun."

"Yeah." I laughed, resting my chin on my palms.

I didn’t really care where we’d go on this date. Surely I wouldn't need to pick anywhere fancy. I just really wanted to see Tom again.
♠ ♠ ♠
short and simply a filler. the next one will be out in a few minutes :)
xx Millie