Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


I didn’t bother wearing anything fancy. Just a simple outfit. Black skinny jeans, a beige top and flats. I had called Tom earlier and suggested we go to the movies, which he had happily agreed to. The movies just seemed so perfect. No one could ruin it for us. And by no one I mean him.

I thoroughly checked myself in the mirror, carefully fixing my makeup and playing with my bangs to make it stay just how I wanted it. After I was done, I smiled, satisfied, and headed downstairs.

"Going out with Tom again?" Liam asked with a mouthful of chips once he saw me coming in the living room all dressed up.

"Yep." I took some cheesy nachos from the Doritos bag he was holding.

"Why?" He questioned.

I shrugged. "Because."

"Because isn’t an answer, Lorelai," He said all too seriously.

I rolled my eyes. He really had to lay off the whole protective brother shit. It wasn't as cute as it used to be.

"What’s the problem, Liam? It’s only Tom."

He shrugged. "I'm your brother. I have to ask questions."

I flicked his forehead, causing him to squeal like a girl.

"Oww!" He shrieked. "What the hell was that for?!"

"For being ridiculous," I answered with a laugh.

"Oh, so I'm ridiculous for wanting to protect my sister?" He frowned.

"Protect me from what, exactly?" I folded my arms.

"From the devious, malevolent, evil minds of men. Duh!"

I snorted in laughter. "Are you even listening to yourself right now?"

He narrowed his eyes. "I'm serious, Lorelai."

"Don't you think you're being just a tad dramatic?" I furrowed my brows.

"Trust me. I know guys. I am a guy."

"Really? I hadn't noticed," I answered, shaking my head at my brother's nonsense.

"Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin," He shot.

"I'm not angry. Well maybe a little. At you." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, sarcasm is just the lowest form of wit."

"Ha ha. You are hilarious. You should be a fucking comedienne!" He laughed fakely, throwing a Dorito at me.

"Hey! I'm dressed to go out if you haven't noticed. I don't need any cheesy stains on my top!" I squealed, throwing it back at him.

The doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting our little discussion. I instantly jumped off the couch before Liam could strike me back.

When I got to the door, I opened it, revealing a very handsome Tom in front of me.

"Hey." I smiled brightly, leaning on the door.

"’Ey." He smiled back.

He took a step forward and began leaning in to kiss me.

"Why hello there, Tom!" Liam suddenly squawked, kicking the door further open and almost giving me a heart attack.

Tom laughed a little. "’Ey, Liam. What’s up, mate?"

"Oh, I’m just peachy. You?" He asked, leaning on the door frame.

"I’m good."

"Good, good." Liam nodded frantically. "So where are you two kids going?"

I glared murderously at my brother, who simply ignored me.

He better not do anything stupid.

"Movies," Tom answered with a nod.

Liam crossed his arms. "Movies, huh? Dark place. Easy to do stuff without people looking."

Tom gave him a strange look.

"Easy to grab stuff." Liam squinted his eyes.

"Okay!" I exclaimed, shoving my brother roughly aside. "Let’s go Tom. See you later, Liam," I spoke quickly, slamming the door behind me once I’d stepped out of the house.

"That was weird," Tom said with a laugh.

I rolled my eyes. "Don’t mind him. Mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby."

He snickered. He then took my hand and we began walking towards his car.

All of a sudden, I could hear the front door being opened. "Don’t be out too late!" Liam yelled after us.

"Shut up!" I yelled back.

"What’s up with Liam?" Tom asked once we were both settled in the car.

"Nothing." I sighed. "He just gets a bit overprotective when I go out with guys." I waved my hand.

"He doesn’t have to worreh. It’s not like I’m gonna kidnap yeh and nevah return yeh to yo’ famileh," He stated jokingly.

"Try telling him that." I shook my head.

Tom chuckled. "Oh! I got yeh something."

I raised my brows. "You did?"

He nodded, reaching for the back seat and pulling out a white flat box.

"’Ere." He placed the box on my lap.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Open and find out." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I obediently opened the box and moved the white crepe paper aside. I took hold of the fabric and held it up. It was an ocean blue shirt that had cats all over it with half of their brains sticking out.

"This is awesome." I gawked at the shirt.

Tom smiled. "It’s from Drop Dead. Yeh like?"

"I love." I put the shirt down. "Thank you, Tom." I leaned in and kissed him.

His smile grew wider. "Yo’ welcome. I gave yeh one shirt to see if ye’d like it. I’ll give yeh anotha one next time."

"Oh, you don’t have to."

"But I want to." He winked.

I smiled at him. "I’m totally wearing this shirt on our next date."

"Looking forward to it." He grinned before turning on the engine.


The movie theater was half empty. Very few people were there. Mostly couples, though. Tom and I had decided on watching some random romantic comedy. I didn’t even bother to remember the name.

"It’s nice when there aren’t many people in the movie theateh, huh?" Tom placed an arm over my shoulder.

"I know," I agreed, placing my hands on my lap.

Then I noticed Tom staring at my neck.

"I like yo’ necklace." He pointed.

"Oh." I looked down, my hand touching my necklace, which had my initials. "Thanks. My mom gave it to me when I was a kid."

"What does the B stand fo’?"

"Bethany. My middle name," I explained.

He smiled. "That’s pretteh. Lorelai Bethaneh."

I loved how he pronounced my name.

"Aww, thanks. What’s your middle name?" I asked.


"Thomas Jordan," I mused. "Good combo."

He smiled, bringing me closer to him. I inhaled his scent of cologne, which I liked. It wasn't one of those strong colognes that made your nose sting and nearly pass out.

We sat there with our fingers intertwined, waiting patiently for the movie to start.

"Yo’ beautiful, yeh know that?" He whispered in my ear, sending a few shivers down my spine.

"You might’ve mentioned it once or twice," I joked.

He grinned. And that’s when he leaned in closer, kissing me affectionately. I kissed him back while my hand slowly moved up to his hair. I loved the feeling of it.

The sound of someone clearing their throat behind us suddenly caught my attention, but Tom and I continued kissing, ignoring them. But then the person cleared their throat again, only this time louder. I pulled away from Tom to look up.

"AH!" I squealed, seeing someone’s face looking directly down at us with bulging eyes.

I paused as realization dawned on me.

"Liam?!" I hissed; my eyes widening in shock.

"Hey, sis!" My brother greeted cheerfully.

I quickly stood up from my seat. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Chill, Lor. Eric and I were bored and—"

"Eric!" I screeched, cutting my brother off, now noticing my cousin right next to him.

He waved animatedly at me. "’Ey, Loreh!"

Tom looked at both of them confusingly. "Um.....what’s going on?"

"Nothing. We’re just here to watch a movie!" Liam answered defensively.

"Liar! You’re here to spy on me!" I pointed.

"Lori, I really don't appreciate being called a liar," Liam pouted, crossing his arms.

I breathed heavily through my nose. "Go away! Both of you!"

"Loreh, why so tense? We’re just ‘ere to enjoy a good movie," Eric explained calmly.

"Why the freakin' hell would you two be interested in watching a romantic comedy?!"

Eric squinted his eyes. "Romantic comedeh?" He shot a glare at Liam. "Man, yeh said it was action!"

Liam made a face.

I rolled my eyes. "Just leave, please."

"But--" Liam began saying.

"But nothing! If you don’t leave right now, you’ll seriously regret it!" I threatened, pointing my finger at him.

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" He challenged with a wise smirk.

"I’ll flush every single one of your precious little comic books down the toilet. Plus, I’ll tell mom about the 'special magazines' you hide under your bed,” I air-quoted.

Liam’s eyes widened, taking a step back. "You wouldn’t."

I smirked, crossing my arms. "Oh, I would."

He scowled. "Fine! Come on, Eric. Let’s bolt."

Eric sighed. "I’m so sorreh, Loreh. I realleh thought we were gonna watch an action movie!"


"I'm innocent, I swear! Just a po' victim in one of Liam's evil schemes!"

I rolled my eyes. "I believe you, Eric. Now please leave?"

He laughed nervously. "S-Sure thing. Have a nice date. Bye bye." He began following Liam out of the theater.

I sat back down with a loud sigh once they disappeared.

I rubbed my forehead. "I can’t believe Liam."

Tom laughed, pulling me closer. "That was a bit unexpected, eh?"

I shook my head. "I’m so pissed."

"I know what will make yeh feel bettah."

"What?" I questioned intriguingly, looking at him.

He smiled before crashing his lips onto mine.

He’s right. This does make me feel better.

We kissed for a few minutes until I had to pull away to catch my breath.

Tom grinned. "Yo’ a well good kissah."

"Right back at ya." I laughed.

He took my hand again and I rested my head on his shoulder. We then heard loud laughter abruptly coming from behind us. Tom and I exchanged glances before turning our heads to see where it was coming from.

My jaw dropped. I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Or rather, who I was seeing.

This date is turning into a nightmare.

"Tom? Lorelai?" Oliver Sykes approached us with his bimbo girlfriend attached to his hip; his oh so infamous smirk plastered on his face. "What a coinky dink."

This time, Tom was the one to stand up in pure astonishment. "Oleh? What the bloodeh hell are yeh doin’ ‘ere?!"

"SJ wanted to see a movie," He replied, resting an arm over her shoulders.

"Yeah! I ‘eard this one is supposed to be uber good!" SJ said in a giggly voice. She then looked at me. "’Ello! I’m SJ." She stuck her hand out, showing off her bright pink nail polish on her obviously fake nails.

I slowly took it. "Hi."

Oliver smirked. I glared.

What the hell is his problem?

"Come on, SJ. Let’s go sit in the back." Oliver released the blonde and began walking away.

"’Kay, Oleh Boo." She giggled, following him like a little puppy dog.

Tom continued standing for a brief five seconds before sitting back down, dumbfounded.

I gave him a quizzical stare. "What the hell is happening?"

He shook his head. "I have no bloodeh idea."

I sat back, crossing my arms. "Everyone’s out to ruin our dates, Tom."

He laughed quietly.

"I’m serious! First my brother and cousin and now your brother and his girlfriend?!" I scoffed.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Do yeh wanna leave?"

I clicked my tongue. "Nah. I mean, we’re already here so we might as well watch the damn movie. Although that seems highly impossible knowing that your brother is just a few feet away from us." I tightened my jaw.

"I don’t know why Oleh’s acting the way he is."

"I know why. Cause he’s a moron," I mumbled, crossing my legs. "A stupid tattooed moron."

This made Tom snicker. "Just relax. Soon the movie will be ovah and we’ll get the hell outta ‘ere."

I cracked a smile. "Yeah, you’re right."

He smiled and pecked me on the lips.

A minute later, all the lights in the movie theater went out, and the trailers started running on the huge screen. I felt Tom’s arm resting itself on my shoulders and I leaned my head on his chest.

Is Oliver watching us?, I thought. I hoped not. I didn’t have the guts to turn around to see if he was.

Of all places he could’ve gone with his girlfriend, why did it have to be that movie theater? I doubted this was all just a coincidence. He probably knew we were coming here. But how? Did he not want me to date his brother or something? Was that why he managed to ruin two of our dates?


What am I getting myself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
movie theater madness lol poor Lori and Tom! i'll post more tomorrow, mmmkay? thanks to all the commenters & subscribers! =)
xx Millie

Lori's Outfit