Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


I walked along the sidewalk aimlessly, hands in pockets, on my way to Tom’s house. I would've driven there with my aunt's car, but I decided I needed the walk. He had invited me over to see some of his photography. I was curious to see his work since he talked so fondly about it. The only thing that worried me, though, was having to see Oliver.

I didn’t know how long I could take any more of his bullshit. I seriously didn’t know what that kid's problem was. I don’t think I had ever despised someone so much in my life. Oliver Sykes brought out the worst in me. Clearly me dating Tom would only make things worse and worse. How long would it take before I'd crack?

I was finally in front of the Sykes’ residence. I walked the small cemented path leading up to the front door and hesitated for a few seconds before knocking. I removed my hood from my head, running a nervous hand through my hair.

Please don’t let Oliver be the one to open the door. Please, please, please.

No later than five seconds, the doorknob turned as someone opened the door. I paused.

Can’t luck be on my side just once?!

Oliver, of course, was the one to answer. He stood beside the door, eyeing me.



He smirked.

Must resist urge to slap. Must resist urge to slap.

Didn’t he have any other facial expressions?

I waited for him to step aside so I could come in, but he didn’t budge one inch. I sighed heavily through my nose.

"Yeh want to come in?" He questioned.

"Why else would I be standing in your doorway?" I muttered.

He snorted in laughter.

I crossed my arms impatiently.

He pursed his lips before taking one small single step aside. I sighed and walked in, squeezing myself in the small gap between Oliver’s lanky body and the door frame. I cringed as my body came in contact with his.

"You could’ve taken a larger step to the side." I scowled.

He crossed his arms over his chest; his tongue playing with his lip ring. "I know. I just didn’t want to."

"Dickhead," I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" Oliver questioned, greatly amused.

"Nothing." I rolled my eyes. "Where’s Tom?"


Oh, how perfect. Guess I’ll just have to wait.

I sighed and walked slowly to the living room, sitting down on the edge of the couch. Oliver immediately followed, sitting himself down directly across from me. I looked at him weirdly before staring down at my hands.

Oh, this situation couldn’t get any more uncomfortable.

Oliver crossed his legs. He wouldn’t stop staring, which totally creeped the hell out of me. Something about his look made me feel incredibly annoyed. He tortured me and he enjoyed every second of it.

I narrowed my eyes at him, being the first one to break the silence. "What?"

He tilted his head to the side. "What what?"

I sighed impatiently. "What is the matter with you?"

He smiled cynically. "I should ask yeh the same thing."

"I'm not the one staring like a creep," I snapped.

He raised his brows before standing up from his seat.

Oh good, he’s leaving.

Oliver fixed his hair and began pacing the living room back and forth pensively. I watched in mere confusion.

So he’s not leaving?

"Look," He stated abruptly, coming to a hault. "Fo’ some twisted reason, my brotha likes yeh."

I glared.

He suddenly looked pissed. "I just wanted to say….." He paused, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "That I’m…I’m….I'm......"

What in the world is he possibly trying to say?

I looked at him expectantly. "You’re what?"

He sighed loudly, staring up at the ceiling. "Sorreh."

I gaped in wide-eyed wonder. He’s sorry? Sorry?

This had definitely taken me aback. "You’re apologizing?"

He narrowed his eyes. "Yes."

I laughed humorlessly, too shocked to say anything.

"I’m apologizing because my brotha asked me to," He added in a harsh tone.

"Oh, I see." I crossed my arms. "It's not a real apology."

"What? Of course it's a bloodeh real apologeh!" He argued.

"You don't mean it, though."

He rolled his eyes.

"I don’t believe you for a second." I shook my head, glaring at him.

"Yo’ not gonna accept my apologeh?" He asked incredulously.

“Hmmm, let me think." I placed a finger on my chin, staring into space. "Nope."

He scoffed. "I hardleh apologize to anyone."

I shrugged.

"I’m serious," He pressed angrily.

I quirked a brow. "So?"

"So accept my goddamn apologeh!" He snapped, infuriated.

"Wow, you totally just convinced me!" I shot sarcastically.

He scowled. "Tom told meh that the least I could do is be nice to yeh but that’s clearleh impossible!"

"Tom told you to be nice to me?" I let out a humorless laugh. "Asking you to be nice to someone is like asking a fat kid to guard a pie."

He rolled his eyes. "Look, I promised Tom that I’d try to get along with yeh. Like I said, he likes yeh." He cringed at that last part.

I stayed quiet.

"Could yeh at least try, too? Fo' Tom?" He asked, clear of any sarcasm.

I shoved my hands in my pockets. Even though I hated him, he did seem, I don’t know, genuine? It seemed like he really cared for his younger brother, even though he acted like a complete jerk most of the time whenever Tom and I were around.

I sighed, looking down at my shoes. "Fine. For Tom."

He nodded. "Fo' Tom."

"Trying to get along with you sounds fairly doable but don’t, under any circumstances, expect me to like you," I said crossly. "That ain’t ever gonna happen."

He smirked. "I’m not asking yeh to like meh."

"Good." I narrowed my eyes.

"Good," He agreed.


"Loreh?" Tom’s voice suddenly reached my ears.

My head snapped in his direction. He walked into the living room with a crooked smile on his lips. He was wearing a black baseball cap sideways on his head.

"Hey, Tom," I greeted, all the frustration washing away from my face.

He glanced at Oliver before turning back to me. "What’s going on?"

I shrugged. "Nothing. I was just waiting for you." I forced a smile.

"How long have yeh been ‘ere?" He questioned.

"Not long at all. About five minutes, I guess."

"Oh." He laughed. "Sorreh I kept yeh waiting."

"Don’t worry about it." I waved my hand dismissively.

He smiled, wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the cheek.

Oliver just kind of stood there awkwardly, with his hands still in his pockets.

"Come on. Let’s go to my room." Tom took my hand and led me out of the living room and up the stairs.

Whew. Awkward moment over.

"What’s up with Oleh?" Tom asked with a laugh while we made our way up the steps.

"How should I know?" I shrugged.

"Please don’t tell meh he was being a dick to yeh again."


I thought hard about what Oliver and I had agreed on. I didn’t want to make Tom upset with his brother and I’s constant feuding. Maybe it was too stressful for him.

"He wasn’t," I lied.

Tom paused, eyeing me weirdly. "Realleh? My brother, Olivah, was not being a dick?"

"Hey, I’m just as surprised as you are." I held my hands up.

He laughed. "Wow. So what I told him actualleh paid off."

I tilted my head. "What did you tell him?" I asked, pretending to be completely clueless of the situation.

"That he should be nice to yeh and lay off the snotteh attitude."

I nodded in understanding. "Ah."

He smiled. "Yeh think yeh can get along with Oleh?"

I pressed my lips into a line. "I will if he will."

"Oh, this should be interesting." He laughed again.

I playfully slapped his arm.

We finally reached his room. It was a really nice room. Big and spacious, with mahogany furniture. The beige walls were decorated with hundreds of posters of bands, movies and other stuff.

I whistled, taking everything in. "Nice."

He laughed. "I made the effort to clean it up just fo’ yeh."

"What? You cleaned up just because I was coming over? You didn’t have to do that."

"I didn’t want yeh to think I’m a messeh guy." He pouted.

I laughed at his expression. "Aww. I would never think that."



He grinned and kissed me sweetly.

"So where’s your photography?" I asked.

"’Ere," He replied, walking over to his bed. "Come sit down." He patted the empty spot next to him and I gladly obeyed.

There was a stack of photo albums beside him and he took one, handing it to me. Most photos were of Bring Me The Horizon at concerts. There were a lot of Oliver singing with all his hair over his face in various positions. The ones in black and white were amazing.

"These are really good, Tom," I said in awe, now looking at one that showed a large crowd screaming with their hands in the air.

He smiled widely. "Thanks."

I looked through a few more albums, just admiring Tom’s mad skills for photography. He was way better than I’d ever imagined.

"I got yeh something!" Tom suddenly sang, jumping off the bed.

"Again?" I questioned.

"Mo' shirts." He grinned, handing me another box.

"Tom, seriously, you didn’t—"

"Oh, just open the bloodeh box!" He cut me off.

I sighed defeatedly, placing the box next to me and removing the lid.

"Whoa, these are sick!" I stared in amazement at all the designs. All of them seemed to be portraying death in a colorful and fun way. "This one’s definitely my favorite!" I held up a blue shirt that had a picture of a killer shark with blood dripping from its mouth and the words Drop Dead written next to it in bright red.

"That’s one of my favorites too. Oleh has one and wears it often," Tom informed.

"Oh, he does?" I smiled crookedly, folding all the shirts and neatly placing them back in the box.

Tom laughed a little.

All of a sudden, Oliver came striding into the room, with his signature smirk playing on his lips.

I instantly eyed him quizzically.

"Tom, I have an outstanding idea," He announced, clapping his hands together.

"What is it?" Tom inquired, giving his brother a strange look.

"I know how much yeh want me and Lorelai to get along." He grinned devilishly at me.

I narrowed my eyes, wondering where he was going with this.

"And?" Tom asked.

"Well, how about a double date?"

My jaw dropped, nearly touching the floor. A double date?!

"A double date," Tom repeated, folding his arms over his chest.

Oliver nodded. "Yeh and Lorelai. Me and SJ."

I glanced at Tom. Why the hell would he want a double date? That just seemed crazy to me on so many levels.

Tom looked thoughtful at his brother. Was he actually considering this monstrous idea?

Oliver looked at his brother expectantly, rocking back and forth on his heels.

"Okay," Tom surprisingly agreed. Then his eyes fell on me. "That okay, Loreh?"

Oliver’s eyes fell on me aswell. I paused as I was now caught in the spotlight.

"Uh….sure?" I choked out.

Damn me and my inability to say no.

Oliver grinned widely. "Great! I will see yeh kids lateh." He clicked his tongue with a wink and spun around, walking out of the room.

I blinked.

Tom came to sit next to me. "Is it too weird?"

Uh, yeah!

"Kind of. I mean….we’re gonna be double dating with Oliver. That’s just flat out bizarre." I shook my head.

He laughed. "This should be interesting."

Correction: this should be problematic.

"Tell me about it," I mumbled, chewing nervously on my bottom lip.

"But at least he wants to make peace with yeh, right? That’s a big step," Tom said with a nod.

I shrugged. "I guess."

He put his arms around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

This is gonna be hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
uh oh? haha Sorry i didn't update yesterday! Things are a little hectic at my house and it totally slipped my mind lol Sorry :)
xx Millie

Lori's Outfit