Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling

D Is For Disaster

I was staring out the window, trying hard to come off as calm. But I wasn’t. I was the exact opposite of calm. My hands twitched a few times on my lap as I breathed in and out steadily. I suddenly felt Tom’s hand resting on my hands, making them stop moving at once.

"Don’t be so nervous, love." He laughed.

"Oh, I’m not nervous."


"And I’m the queen of England." He smirked.

"Okay, I'm a little nervous." I sighed. "But this is just strange. Why the hell would Oliver suggest something like this?"

"I don't know, Lor. My brotha is a strange fellah." He laughed.

I sat back, resting my head on the head rest.

"Um, there’s something I should warn yeh about," He said, with his eyes focused on the road in front of us.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"SJ….she’s not exactleh the brightest bulb in the tanning bed."

I raised my brow. "Are you saying she’s dumb?"

"Like a bag of doorknobs!" He shook his head. "I honestleh have no bloodeh idea why Oleh is with her."

This made me laugh. "I’m sure she’s not that bad."

He snorted. "Yeh say that cause you’ve onleh met her fo’ a second at the movie theateh. Trust me, the girl is bloodeh dim.”

I shook my head, still laughing.

"Ah, see. I'm making yeh laugh. At least yo’ not nervous anymo', right?" Tom said, laughing also.

"Yeah. Thanks, Tom."

"Always at yo’ service, love." He saluted.

I smiled.

About five minutes later we arrived at a restaurant that looked a bit less fancy than the one Tom had taken me to on our first date.

Tom and I stepped out of the car and walked hand-in-hand into the restaurant. I scanned the place and spotted Oliver sitting at a booth near the windows with SJ at his side.

"Ah, there they are," Tom acknowledged. "Brace yo'self."

I laughed under my breath as we approached SJ and Oliver’s table. Once Oliver saw us coming, he quickly wrapped his arm around SJ’s waist, pulling her closer.

"’Ey, Oleh. ‘Ey, SJ," Tom greeted. "Yeh want to sit near the window, Loreh?"

"Uh, sure. Yeah." I sat down on the cushioned seat, sliding over to the window while Tom sat next to me.

"Hi," I greeted Oliver and SJ with a small wave.

"’Ello! Nice to see yeh again!" SJ smiled, showing off her pearly whites.

"’Ey," Oliver replied with a nod.

I folded my hands on top of my lap as a small silence took over. SJ rested her arm over Oliver’s shoulders, laying her head on his.

I looked at her discreetly. Her platinum blonde hair was pulled up into a stylish bun, with parts of her fringe cascading down the sides of her face. I couldn’t really tell if she was wearing a dress or a skirt. Either way, her whole entire outfit was hot pink and her face was loaded with makeup. I then noticed she also had a few tattoos. The heart with a green diamond inside tattooed on her chest was what really stood out the most, as she was wearing a low neckline showing off way too much cleavage for the occasion.

Oliver, on the other hand, was wearing a white shirt with a black jacket that had a picture of a skull on it. His hair was straightened, as usual, and his fringe covered his forehead entirely. Seeing him this up close, as he was sitting directly across from me, I’d never really noticed how….good looking he was.

All of a sudden, Oliver’s gaze fell on me and I was caught staring like a stupid moron. I mentally slapped myself, immediately looking away. I hoped to God I wasn’t blushing. Thankfully, a waitress abruptly came to our booth, distracting Oliver.

Each of us ordered our drinks first and then the main courses. While we were waiting for the food to arrive, I felt Tom gently taking my hand under the table. I smiled warmly at him and he leaned in, planting a kiss on my cheek. As he did this, I noticed Oliver staring. He then took SJ and began kissing her roughly.

I grimaced. Gross.

Tom merely looked away from them, clearly uncomfortable. Once Oliver was done with the makeout session, he pushed SJ away.

"Oh, Oleh." She giggled, fixing her hair.

I turned my head away to roll my eyes.

"So. Loren, is it?" SJ asked, looking at me.

I was a bit surprised at her attempt to make conversation.

"Lorelai," I corrected.

"Oh." She giggled. "Where are yeh from?"

"Orlando," I answered bluntly.

She gasped. "Oh wow! Yo’ from California, then?!"

I glanced at Tom who just shot me an ‘I told you so’ look. Oliver, however, lowered his head.

"Um, no," I replied.

"Huh?" SJ looked confused.

"Orlando is in Florida," I explained.

She looked deep in thought before bursting out in a fit of giggles. "Oh! Funneh, I always thought Orlando was in California."

I could hear Tom snickering beside me. He wasn’t kidding about SJ, was he?

"Oh, well….honest mistake, I guess," I said with a crooked smile.

She grinned. "How did yeh and Tom meet?"

"Party at my cousin’s house."

"A parteh? Aw, that’s so sweet!" She giggled madly. Man, did this girl giggle.

I just smiled, trying to be as polite as possible.

"If I hadn’t accidentalleh bumped into her, we probableh would’ve nevah met," Tom said with a laugh.

Oliver placed his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his palm. I wondered why he was being so quiet. Wasn’t this whole godforsaken double date thing his idea?

"Well," SJ began saying, wrapping her arms around Oliver. "Yeh know Oleh’s in a band, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I’ve been to their concert."

She smiled, snuggling her head against his. "Isn’t he wondahful live?"

Oh dear God.

I shrugged. "Sure."

Oliver, upon hearing this, sat straight up in his seat; the inevitable smirk reaching his lips. "Why thank yeh, Lorelai."

I smiled awkwardly. Was being nice to him really worth it?

"See this?" SJ suddenly asked, practically shoving her hand in my face. "Oleh gave it to me."

I then realized she was talking about her bracelet, which was made of black and red beads with little hearts on them.

"Oh, it’s pretty."

"I know, right?!" She squealed, slightly affecting my ear drum. "Oleh’s the sweetest!"

Yeah, the sweetest pain in the ass.

Even with SJ always manhandling Oliver and showering him with compliments, he seemed a bit nonchalant about the whole thing. Almost as if he didn't care about the blonde bombshell.

"Well, I’m going to the loo," Tom suddenly announced.

My eyes widened. "What?"

He cannot leave me alone with these people!!

"The loo," Tom repeated, ready to get up.

I quickly grabbed his arm, stopping him. "Why?"

He looked at me weirdly. "Because I’ll piss my pants if I don’t." He laughed. "Relax. I’ll be right back."

I sighed as he stood up and began walking away from our table.


"Aww, look at that. Lorelai can’t stay away from Tom for mo’ than a minute!" SJ cooed.

Lord, shoot me now.

Oliver smirked. "Yeh love my brotha, Lorelai?"

I narrowed my eyes.

"Do yeh?! Oh, that’s so cute! Yo’ in love!" SJ squealed, clapping her hands.

"N-No." I shook my head fast. "I’ve only known him for a while."

"Oh, but love can come any time. Whetha yeh know the person fo’ a month or even onleh a day!" SJ sighed dreamily.

I raised my eyebrows. What did I do to deserve this?

"SJ, yo’ embarrassing her." Oliver snickered. He was obviously enjoying the situation.

"Sorreh. Didn’t mean to! I’m just saying what I think is true." She giggled.

Where’s the hole I can crawl into?

"That’s okay," I mumbled, sitting back.

"Oh, Lorelai. I love yo’ earrings!" SJ squealed, making my ear drums buzz wildly.

I wonder if I'll be deaf by the end of this date.

I smiled crookedly. "Thanks."

"Where’d yeh get them?"

"It was a gift from my grandpa. He got it for me when he was in Barcelona."

SJ gasped, with a hand on her chest. "Barcelona! I’ve always wanted to go to Paris!"

My smile faded. Oliver closed his eyes briefly.

"Spain," I corrected. Jesus Christ.

SJ giggled. "I’m not very good at Historeh."

"You mean Geography?" I said.

She looked puzzled. "I’m not good at that eithah."

Oliver looked like he wanted to laugh, but didn’t.

I tapped my fingers against the table. Why the hell is Tom taking so long?

SJ leaned on Oliver and began nibbling on his ear. He looked a little red in the face, but I doubted he wasn't relishing that. I figured if I'd stick around for too long, I'd be granted a live sex show right at my table.

"Uh…I’ll be right back!" I chimed, sliding out of my seat.

Before they could say anything, I quickly walked away, dodging through all the tables. I sighed a big sigh of relief once I reached the entrance way of the restrooms. Coming on this date seemed like the biggest mistake I'd ever made in my entire life. I began pacing around, mumbling my thoughts to myself.

Just then, Tom emerged from the men’s bathroom. He stopped when he saw me walking frantically back and forth.

"Loreh? What are you doing?"

"I had to get out of there. Why did you leave me alone with them? I was dying!"

He laughed.

"It’s not funny, Tom! And you weren’t kidding about SJ, either." I sighed.

"Of course I wasn’t." He shook his head. "Sorreh I left yeh, love. Blame my bladder."

I rolled my eyes.

He took my hand. "Come on. Let’s go back."

"Do we have to?" I pouted.

"’Fraid so." He made a funny face.

"Ugh...I'd rather drill a hole in my forehead," I mumbled, which only caused him to laugh.

We walked back to the booth, noticing that the food had already arrived. Once we were seated, we began eating in silence. I ate my food a bit fast only because I couldn’t wait to leave.

"'Ey Lorelai, do yeh have any tats?" SJ asked, playing with the salt shaker.



I looked at her. "Um…I just don’t."

She giggled. "I have loads."

"I can see that."

"I’m thinkin’ about gettin’ one on my ankle." She grinned. "It's sexeh. Right, Oleh Boo?" Her hand trailed across his upper leg, which made him cough out awkwardly.

"Right," He choked.

I rolled my eyes.

"And maybe one on my wrist," SJ mused, examining her tattooless wrist.

"Wow, you’re brave," I muttered unconsciously.

She laughed. "Brave?"

"I have belonephobia." I shrugged.

"Huh?" Her eyes popped at the long word.

"It means I'm scared shitless of needles," I explained the best way I could.

Oliver’s eyebrows raised. "Realleh? Scared of needles?"


"I didn’t know that." Tom laughed.

"You didn’t ask." I laughed quietly.

"That's too bad that yo' scared. Getting a tattoo is quite pleasurable," SJ said with a giggle.

I forced a smile. I bet everything is pleasurable to this girl.

The rest of the double date passed by pretty quickly, which I was greatly thankful for. It was just one of the weirdest days I’d ever spent. I still wasn’t quite sure why Oliver had suggested it, though. I mean, he barely talked. SJ, however, was the exact opposite.

Despite her not being the sharpest tool in the shed, she seemed like a sweet person, I guess. She wasn’t the kind of girl I thought I’d ever have a conversation with, much less go on a double date.

After the night ended, I said my goodbyes to SJ and Oliver. SJ pulled me into an unexpected hug, which I awkwardly returned. Oliver just nodded, mumbling a goodbye.

"I had a great time! We should do this again!" SJ squealed, wrapping her arm around Oliver’s thin frame.

Thanks, but no thanks.

I just smiled crookedly, trying to hide the pain I felt upon hearing that.

"Y-Yeah. We should."

I could see a smirk beginning to form on Oliver’s face when I said that. He knew very well I was lying through my teeth.

"Come on, Loreh. Let’s take yeh home. See yah lateh, Oleh," Tom said to his brother, lacing his fingers with mine.

"Lateh," Oliver answered, as he and SJ turned around, heading for his car. Tom and I walked the opposite way.

"Well, that was.....interesting," Tom stated, once we got in the car.

I snorted. "If by interesting you mean incredibly awkward, then yeah. I totally agree."

He laughed. "SJ seemed to realleh like yeh."

I shrugged. "She’s a nice girl. Too bad she’s got the brains God gave a bag of rocks."

Tom bursted out into fits of laughter. "That’s a good one."

I chuckled. "Has she always been so......"

"Annoying? Irritating? Loud?" He began counting off on his fingers. "Pretteh much, yeah."

"What does she do, exactly?" I questioned out of curiosity.

"She's a model."

Ha. Go figure.

"She models for Drop Dead. She's well known around the internet." Tom shrugged.

"Oh." Was all I said.

Tom took me home, kindly walking me to the front door. He then took my face in his hands and kissed me, while my arms slowly wrapped around his neck. I loved the way he kissed me. Even though we’d only known each other for a short amount of time, I felt like I knew him my whole life.

We pulled away, and his hands were still on my face; his thumb caressing my cheek. I just gazed into his icy blue irises, practically melting.

"I’ll call yeh tomorrow," He said with a smile.

I nodded. He gave me one last peck on the lips before releasing me. "Bye, beautiful."

"Bye," I waved, watching him walk back to the car.

He honked twice before driving off. I sighed and opened the door, stepping into the quiet house.

"Back already?!" Liam’s voice suddenly met my ears, making me jump back in surprise.

"How was the date, Loreh?" Eric asked out of nowhere.

"What the hell, you guys?" I walked further into the house, throwing my bag on the couch and flopping on it afterwards. Eric laughed and Liam came to sit beside me.

"How serious are you with Tom?" He questioned, lifting his eyebrows.

I gave him a dirty look. "I’m not gonna answer that."

"Why the hell not? It’s just a simple question!"

"Which is totally personal!" I retorted.

Liam rolled his eyes.

"Tom’s a nice guy, Liam. I wouldn’t worreh about him being with Loreh," Eric said with a shrug.

"Thank you, Eric." I kindly smiled at my cousin.

"I don’t trust anyone that goes out with my sister." Liam crossed his arms stubbornly.

I rolled my eyes. "Give it a rest, Liam."

"Yeah, mate. Seriousleh, there’s nothing to worreh about. It’s not like she’s dating Olivah Sykes, fo’ chrissake!" He laughed hysterically. "Now him yeh should be worried about."

I made a face.

"Yeah, I guess you’re right," Liam mused. "I mean, I really don’t know what I’d do if Lori dated Oliver. He’s fucking awesome and everything but…I’d tear his damn head off."

I shook my head unbelievingly. Were they actually having this conversation?

"Sorry, Lor. I’ll try to be less protective if that’s what you want."

I smiled at my brother. "Thanks, Liam. I mean, I really do appreciate that you care for me so much, but sometimes you just take it too far. And I'm afraid that if you continue with it, I might just have to kick your ass."

He shrugged. "Whatever."

"Hug it out!" Eric grinned. "Where’s the sibling love between the two of yeh?"

"Shut up, dude." Liam grabbed the nearest cushion and thrusted it at him.

"What the bloodeh hell was that fo’?!" Eric squealed, taking the cushion and thrusting it back at him.

I blew some hair away from my eyes, announcing, "I’m going to bed." Then I stood up, taking my purse with me.

"Night, Loreh," Eric called, stuffing the cushion in Liam’s face, who let out a muffled yell.

I laughed, shaking my head. "Night, Eric. Night, Liam."
♠ ♠ ♠
okay i just now realized how long this chapter is hahaha i love me some comedy (:
xx Millie

Lori's Outfit