Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


I was in a creepy clearing. The only thing surrounding me were dark crooked trees, with barely any green on the leaves and an eerie atmosphere. I was completely alone. My hands trembled out of fear. I looked down at myself, noticing that I was wearing a white nightgown that reached down to my knees.

Where was I?

I tried calling for help but my voice wouldn't come out. Only air. It was cold and it seemed to be growing darker by the minute. I began walking, trying to reach the woods, but the clearing grew longer and wider everytime I took a step.

I whirled around, acknowledging that there was no end. I was stuck in the middle of that strange clearing and I couldn't get out. I felt like crying but, just like my voice, tears wouldn't escape my eyes.

I breathed heavily and sat down on the brown grass, pulling my knees tightly to my chest. I rocked back and forth, afraid to look around me. Afraid to see something I didn't want to see. I lowered my head, closing my eyes. I prayed to get out of there.

My ears twitched slightly once I heard a sound. It was the sound of footsteps rustling against the fallen leaves on the ground. It was approaching me. I shivered, not wanting to look up. Was it a monster?

"Pssst." Someone said, trying to catch my attention. I breathed deeply and, very slowly, my head began to move up; my eyes landing on a dark figure. I squinted my eyes, tilting my head to the side. Out of nowhere, a beam of light appeared, revealing the face of the darkened stranger.

"Oliver?" My voice scratched its way out of my mouth.

He smiled down at me, holding out his hand. I took it, feeling the warmth radiating from his skin. He hauled me up and I was standing very close to him.

"W-Where am I?" I asked in wonder.

"I don't know," He answered; his hazel eyes staring intently into mine.

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here?"

"I don't know," He said again.

I sighed. "Don't you know anything?"

An usual grin surfaced on his lips. "Yes."

"Why are you so calm? We're stuck in the middle of nowhere." I frowned.

"I'm glad," was his strange answer.

"You're glad? I don't get it."

His eyes were shining against the light. "I've wanted this."

I crossed my arms. "Wanted what? I don't know what you're talking about!" I became angry. What was it with the short, strange responses?

He didn't say anything as he took a step forward. I watched attentively as he took my hand into his.

"What are you doing?" I asked in a trembly voice.

"Just be quiet so I can try something," He whispered.

"Try what?" I gulped.

He placed a finger to his mouth, motioning for me to silence. My breathing became louder, echoing throughout the clearing. He leaned forward, and his face was merely inches away from mine.

"O-Oli--" I spoke breathlessly.



My sentence couldn't be finished because his lips unexpectedly collided with mine, shutting me up completely. I froze, feeling his hands resting upon my cheeks. With each breath, he deepened the kiss and I could feel a weird sensation running throughout my entire body. I didn't understand anything of what was happening but I found myself playing along.

Oliver's tongue poked at my own before it explored the inside of my mouth. My hands no longer trembled and they shyly reached for his neck, pulling him closer and closer to my body. I felt like I was going to faint. He kissed me so intensely.

"Loreh?" He whispered, now feverishly kissing my neck.

"W-What?" I moaned in response, not letting go of him for one second.

I felt his hands running across my back all the way down to my legs, roughly pushing them upwards, wrapping them around his waist. He deepened the kiss once more. I gasped in surprise when I suddenly felt us both falling down to the ground, only the ground wasn't hard. I opened my eyes briefly, realizing we were on a fluffy bed in an unfamiliar room.

"W-What's happening?" I asked confusingly, as I was on top of Oliver, whose hands never left my body.

"What I've been waiting fo'," He replied in barely a whisper, kissing me passionately. He removed his shirt and pants in one quick motion. When I went to reach for my dress, I was surprised to see that it was already off and I was in just my undergarments.

Oliver's hands roamed around every inch of my frame and I could feel him undoing my bra. It suddenly snapped open and disappeared from my body entirely. Although I was beyond confused, I didn't stop kissing him. My hand started shaking as they reached for my panties, only to find out that they were gone, too.

I swallowed hard. I was beginning to lose my notion of direction. None of this made sense. How were my clothes disappearing from my body so quickly? The rough kiss Oliver planted on my neck was enough to keep me from thinking about anything else. I found myself playing along again.

Just like that, Oliver was suddenly on top of me, and I stared up at his glistening hazel eyes. He looked at me with a sort of adoration.

"Is this really happening?" I managed to choke out, as his hands trailed over my curves, making my eyes roll all the way to the back of my head.

He grinned, leaning down. "Yeah."

I breathed heavily. Oliver began moving slightly and a loud obnoxious moan escaped my lips once I felt a sudden spark emitting from inside of my body.

My eyes snapped wide open, as my body jolted upright in paralyzing astonishment. My breathing was loud and heavy, not too mention shaky. My eyes wandered around and I noticed I was in my room on my bed. My clammy hands flew up to my face, which was covered in sweat with a few strands of hair sticking to my cheeks. I looked down at my shirt, only to see it was completely soaked in more sweat.

I roughly pushed the covers off my body to let my legs breathe. I was feeling unbearably hot and uncomfortable. I pushed my hair away from my face, and reached for my short black shorts, pulling them off. I instantly felt a breeze hit my thighs, making me feel a lot better. I threw my shorts carelessly on the ground and laid back down.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself, placing my hands on my head. "What the hell was that?!"

Why on earth would I dream about something like that? And with Oliver? Everything just seemed so real. Oliver's hand touching me, Oliver's lips kissing me, Oliver's body under me and then on top of me...

I shivered, remembering the details of my bizarre dream. How could I dream about something that seemed so incredibly realistic? I knew I was enjoying doing all those things with Oliver and yet they were simply coming from the inside of my head. None of it was reality.

"Oh God," I muttered ruefully.

I had a sex dream with Oliver Sykes while I was dating his own brother! How twisted is that?! Not to mention so beyond wrong.

But it wasn't my fault! I can't control my stupid dreams!

I bit down nervously on my nails as my eyes fixed on the ceiling.

This...was only a dream. I blame this on that stupid spin the bottle game! That game made me have this dream that I now felt so ashamed of. Never, in my entire life, have I ever had such a dream. Sex wasn't something I thought of very often. In fact, it scared me a bit. Why? I was a virgin. Yeah, that's right. I'd never done it before. What I knew about sex was what I learned back in high school. Sad, but true.

My heart thumped loudly against my chest, and I put my hand over it. I breathed through my nose, hoping my excitement would fade.

This is crazy. This is crazy.

I knew my mind wouldn't forget about this dream so soon. It would bug the hell out of me for sure. But just because I had this stupid dream, it didn't really mean anything.....

.......did it?
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whoa, intense lol how many of you ever had a dream like that with Oli?
I know I have BAHAHAAHA seriously! hehe that's kinda why i wrote this chapter. anyhoo, thx soooo much for the comments, peeps! they make me smile like the jolly green giant :D i love you guys this much *spreads arms out widely*

He's so adorable, I wanna slap him lol ----> Awwww