Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling

The Beach (Pt. One)

Sunday morning, I was rudely awaken by the telephone ringing incessantly in my ears. I groaned into my pillow as my hand reached out for it on the nightstand. I lifted my head up lazily, placing it next to my ear.

"What?" I answered groggily.

There was a laugh coming from the other end of the line. "Good morning, sunshine!"

I rubbed my tired eyes. "Manda?"

"Yep. Wow, yo' voice is so lovely in the mornings," She said, snickering.

"What do you want?" I asked impatiently in my usual morning humor.

"Okay, okay. I'll cut to the chase. We're going to the beach."

I shifted positions, laying on my back as I faced the ceiling. "Who's we?"

"Me, yeh, and the rest of the guys, of course!"

I moaned into the reciever. "But it's early."

"Preciseleh. We're planning on spending the 'ole day there and it's quite a long drive, so we got to get a move on. I'm picking yeh up in twenty minutes."

I sat up quickly. "Twenty minutes?! But I--"

"I suggest yeh drag yeh lazeh arse out of bed and get readeh. I mean it."

I sighed heavily. "Manda!"

"Don't Manda me, love. Just get readeh, okay? Bye bye then," She sang all to quickly before rudely hanging up on me.

I slumped, staring at the telephone in my hand. What a nice way to wake up. I didn't even want to go to the beach, let alone on a Sunday morning. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and leaped off, as my feet dragged across the room towards the bathroom. I turned on the light, wincing at the brightness before looking at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit. How could Manda possibly expect me to be ready in twenty fucking minutes?

I took my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth quickly and thoroughly before spitting out the paste and exiting the bathroom. I opened my drawers and rummaged around for the only item of swim wear I had brought on this trip. I finally found it and pulled it out of the drawer. It was the only bikini I owned. I was never too fond of the beach, hence the reason I was so pale.

I sighed as I stripped down from my clothes and slid on the two piece swimsuit. I felt so awkwardly exposed when I looked at myself in the full length mirror. I grabbed a white beach dress and slipped it over my head, which covered most of what I wanted. I took my big brush and combed out the knotted mess in my hair, but parts of it were still sticking up. I sighed, taking a hair tie and fixing my hair into a low side ponytail. I looked decent enough.

Twenty minutes had passed by so quickly and I was surprised when I heard a car horn honking obnoxiously outside the house. I took my bag, which had barely anything in it other than the normal beach stuff, like sunscreen and my sunglasses and slipped into my white flip flops.

On my way past the living room, I noticed my uncle lying on the couch in front of the TV, snoring in his sleep. I quickly scanned the room for a piece of paper and a pen. Once I'd found them, I scribbled down the words Went to the beach with Tom and the guys. Be back soon. -Lori and placed the flimsy piece of paper on Uncle Ray's round belly, which rumbled each time he snored.

The honking didn't stop until I stumbled my way out of the house, locking the door behind me.

"WHAT TOOK YEH SO LONG?!" Manda called impatiently as I made my way towards her car. I'd noticed Lee in the passenger's seat and Tom in the back seat.

"I went as fast as I could!" I argued, opening the car door and slipping into the backseat next to Tom, who grinned widely at me.

"'Ey, love. Yeh look so cute," He commented, pecking me on the lips.

I blushed, setting my bag down next to my feet. "Thanks."

"I love yo' dress! Mine's all worn out and ugleh," Manda stated with a laugh, as she started the engine. She was wearing a red beach dress, which had a few noticeable holes in it, but it was still really pretty.

"Nonsense. It's beautiful," Lee said, waving his hand. Then he turned his whole body around to look at me. "'Ey, Lor."

"Hey, Lee." I smiled at him. Then I paused. "Hey, where are the rest of the guys?"

"In Matt's car. They're alreadeh heading down to the beach," Tom informed, placing an arm over my shoulders.

"Oh. So nice of them to wait." I laughed, which made the others laugh as well.

We rode to the beach with the radio turned on in full volume. Tom and Lee were singing a Britney Spears song which had Manda and I laughing like idiots.

"HIT ME BABEH ONE MO' TIMEEE!" Lee squealed, banging his head, letting his shoulder length hair fall all over his face.

"Those people in that car are staring at us like we're freaks," Manda pointed with a chuckle. All our heads turned towards the car next to us, which had a man and woman gawking at us in shock.

"MY LONELINESS IS KILLING ME!" Lee bellowed, sticking his head out the window, freaking the couple out even more.

"I MUST CONFESS, I STILL BELIEVE!" Tom mimicked Lee's actions and I laughed uncontrollably.

About thirty minutes later, we'd arrived at the beach. We all climbed out of the car, and Lee walked towards the back of it, opening the trunk. He pulled out his boombox, placing it over his shoulder while Tom pulled out two chairs.

"I can tell this day's gonna be fun," I said with a laugh.

"I know," Tom agreed, placing the chairs each under his arms. We walked towards the sand, where a bunch of people were spread out in groups under colorful beach umbrellas and others were merely sunbathing.

"How the hell are we going to find the guys?" Lee asked, looking around.

"Just search for four tattooed men," Manda replied with a laugh as she laced her fingers with Lee's.

"There they are!" I pointed, suddenly spotting Matty taking his shirt off while talking to the rest of the boys. They were near a shaded area underneath a palm tree.

"Good eye, mate!" Manda smiled, punching me lightly on the shoulder.

The four of us began walking towards them. Once I caught sight of Oliver, who was shirtless and laying on the sand, I felt my heart pounding a lot faster than it was before. I couldn't look at him without remembering my stupid dream.

Oh God.

"'Ey, finalleh!" Matty said cheerfully when he saw us. "We thought yeh got lost or something."

"Well, we're 'ere now. Now scoot ovah," Manda said with a laugh. She took out a huge pink towel from her bag and spread it out over the sand. Then she sat down and pulled Lee along.

Tom began setting up the chairs under the large umbrella. Once he was done, he motioned for me to sit on one of them and I did while he sat on the one beside me.

"Nice dress, Loreh," Oliver commented, as he pulled his sunglasses up to look at me with a smile.

I felt the heat flooding in my cheeks. "Thanks."

Oh God, his smile is gorgeous.

I mentally bitch-slapped myself across the face. Look alive, Lori!

Tom pulled his shirt off and folded it sloppily, placing it underneath his chair. I grabbed my sunglasses from my bag and slid them on before lying back on mine.

"Guys, let's go in the watah," Jona stated a few minutes later, playing with his cap.

"Yeah!" Matty jumped up, looking energetic as ever. I noticed five empty bottles of Red Bull lying next to his clothes, and immediately understood where his hyperness had come from.

"Let's!" Matt squealed, jumping off his chair as well.

Oliver laughed and stood up from his lying position. "Alright."

Tom tugged on my arm. "Yeh comin'?"

"Nah. I'll just watch," I said with a laugh.

"'Kay." He smiled sweetly, as he got up. He pecked me on the lips before joining the guys, who all took off running towards the water.

Manda chuckled. "They're such children."

"Right?" I agreed, shaking my head.

"'Ey, come sit next to me," She said, patting the spot beside her.

I smiled at her before getting off my chair and sitting next to her on the towel. I crossed my legs indian style and leaned back a bit, with one arm holding me up.

I watched as all the guys started splashing water on each other and Matty jumping on Lee's back, causing them both to fall backwards. Oliver was laughing hysterically while pointing at them.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeh okay, Lor?" Manda questioned, staring at me behind her red bumble bee sunglasses.

"I think so." I looked down at my hands.

Manda propped herself up by her elbows. "Is yo' dream still bothering yeh?"

"Extremely," I muttered.

She rubbed my arm gently. "Don't worreh about it. It's onleh a dream."

I shook my head. "It haunts me, Manda."

"Try evereh distraction yeh can think of, love. That's the onleh way yeh can forget."

I shrugged, drawing my finger in the sand. "I'll try. But I doubt it'll work."

"Of course it will, Lor. Have yeh had aneh otha dreams with Oleh?" She questioned, crossing her ankles.

I looked at her in thought. "No."

She smiled. "See? Dreams are dreams. They don't mean anything."

I blew some hair from my face, staring at the guys again. "I hope you're right."

We talked for a few more minutes, laughing occasionally whenever we saw the guys do something stupid in the water. I decided I'd try the whole distraction thing and see how it went. It wasn't a bad idea, it just seemed a tad impossible. I saw Oliver almost everyday.

"'Ey guys."

Manda and I looked up only to see Oliver walking over to us, dripping. I stiffened, as he grabbed a towel and dried his wet hair before sitting on the large towel with us.

"Hey," I said quietly, immediately feeling my muscles tighten.

Manda obviously noticed my nervousness and she shot me a sympathetic smile.

"Why aren't yeh in the watah?" He asked me, throwing his towel aside.

"Oh, I don't feel like getting wet right now," I replied with a shrug.

He laughed. "Yeh should seriousleh get some sun. Yo' too pale."

I smiled lopsidedly, avoiding any long eye contact.

"'EY, MANDA! COME 'ERE, LOVE!" Lee shouted from the water, waving frantically at her.

She shot me a dubious glance, which had me shrugging in response. She smiled at me before getting up and running off towards the boys, leaving me alone with Oliver, who had the most serene look on his face. The sunlight bounced against his skin, which made his tattoos seem like they sparkled.

I shook my head fast, realizing I was gawking at him.

Jeez, Lori. You've gotta stop doing that! Act normal.

"Holy shit, Oliver, I can barely see your skin underneath all that ink," I stated with a laugh.

He grinned widely at me. "That's how I like it."

I shook my head, adjusting my sunglasses.

Oliver laid back, holding himself up by his elbows. "Yeh seem a bit quiet today."

I furrowed my brows. "Oh...I'm just....relaxing," I lied, quite convincingly.

He nodded with a small laugh. "Still got that pinecone?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, I do. My room smells like a forest."

"Ha! See, I told yeh it would!"

I just laughed.

Everything he does seems cute.

"Yeh know that wasn't a real gift, right?" He stated, raising a brow.

I looked at him strangely. "It wasn't?"

"'Course not! I'm still deciding on what to give yeh as a belated birthday gift." He grinned cheekily, which made my heart skip a beat.

I simply shrugged the feeling off. "You don't have to get me anything. I like the pinecone. It's unique."

"It's retarded." He laughed.

"Aw, don't say that."

He shrugged. "I'll surprise yeh one of these days."

I sighed. "There's no point in arguing with you, is there?"

"None whatsoevah." He winked.

"Damn. You're such a hardass, Sykes." I shook my head with a laugh.

"And how would yeh know if my arse is hard or not?" He stated amusingly, raising a brow. "Have yeh felt it befo'?"

"You know what I mean, Oli," I replied with a laugh, shoving him playfully.

"Hey!" He laughed, sitting up. "Yeh called me Oleh."

"Well, that is your name, isn't it?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah, but...I'm so used to yeh calling me Olivah." He grinned cheekily. "When yeh say Oleh it sounds so bloodeh cute."

I felt the blood rush through my cheeks in pure embarrassment.

Don't play with me, Oliver. I beg of you.

"Well, if you can call me Lori, then I can call you Oli, correct?"

"Correct." He laughed. "It's cool that we're on a nickname basis now. Not too long ago I used to go by dickhead and dumbass."

"You still are a dickhead and a dumbass," I stated with a laugh. "Only more likeable."

"Aw, I'm a likeable dickhead? That's so sweet, Loreh!" He ruffled my hair, which totally messed up my ponytail.

"Hey, hey." I swatted his hand away, which made him chuckle.

"LOREH!" Tom suddenly called as he came jogging towards me. "Come into the watah."

"Oh, I'm not in the mood," I stated, fixing the damage Oliver had done to my hair.

"Aw, come on! Everyone else is!" He pouted.

"I don't feel like getting wet," I whined.

"Yo' at a beach, fo' chrissake!" He laughed. "I see yo' gonna have to go the hard way," He mused; a devilish smile appearing on his lips.

I narrowed my eyes confusingly. "Huh?"

He abruptly bent down and lifted me to my feet before picking me up bridal style.

"Tom!" I squealed, laughing. "Put me down!" I wiggled in his arms.

"Help me, Oleh!" Tom laughed in struggle, looking at his brother.

"Gladleh!" He grinned, scrambling to his feet.

"Grab her legs!" Tom instructed.

"No!" I squeaked, as Oliver took hold of my legs, gripping them firmly.

"Hold still, Loreh!" He laughed loudly.

They both began carrying me towards the water with me struggling to break free from their arms, but it was no use. They were too strong and I was a mere weakling.

Manda and the guys laughed once they saw us coming.

"INCOMING!" Oliver yelled.

"NO! NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Before I could even blink, they threw me in the water, causing a massive splash. Needless to mention, everyone laughed hysterically.

I felt the pressure of the water prickling on my skin, and I quickly swam to the surface, spitting out the salty water in disgust. "SCREW YOU, SYKES!"

Both of them were laughing so hard that they were holding their sides.

"Which one of us are yeh talking to?" Oliver asked.

"Both of you! Gah, I just swallowed a shitload of salt!" I gagged, pushing my hair out of my face and hitting the water in rage.

"Aw, come 'ere, babe!" Tom cooed, scooping me into his arms. I scowled.

"Can I get a kiss?" He asked in a baby voice, sticking out his bottom lip.

"Can I drown you instead?!" I slapped his chest.

He laughed, seemingly unaffected by the impact, and leaned his head down to my face, planting a wet kiss on my lips.

"Oohhh, salteh!" He squealed, once he pulled away.

I slapped him again and managed to wriggle free from his arms.

"That was fun! Let's do it again!" Oliver clapped excitedly.

"No way!" I splashed a wave of water in his face.

"'Ey!" He squealed, pushing more water back at me.

"WATER FIGHT!" Matty roared, with his hands in the air. This immediately had everyone splashing water on each other from every direction, creating total chaos among the other beach visitors.
♠ ♠ ♠
so this chapter was supposed to be just one, but as i wrote it, i realized it was way too long, so i divided it in two :) i'm pretty sure i'll be posting part 2 today! if i don't, then definitely tomorrow.

woot! i feel so accomplished everytime i win subscribers LOL i'm so giddy today. maybe it's cause i'm currently listening to Spice Girls. haha yess, you heard it, Spice Girls! i loveddd them when i was a kid and they remind me how awesome the 90's were! *sigh* it was a simpler time.

anyhoo, my pointless rambling ends here :]

I you all!

Lori :)