Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling

The Beach (Pt. Two)

It was afternoon and the sky looked a bit yellowish, with the sun just a few inches above the ocean in the distance. I was a bit cold, thanks to Tom and Oliver, who had so graciously tossed me in the water along with my dress. I was wrapped in a blue towel, leaning my head on Tom's shoulder while his arms were around me.

Lee had turned on his boombox a little while ago, and we listened to a few upbeat songs. Once a slow song came on, Lee pulled Manda up from her spot on the sand and they began dancing closely with each other, which earned them a few awwwwwwwws from me and the boys.

Tom then poked my shoulder and I looked up to see him smiling goofily down at me. "Wanna dance?"

I laughed. "I'm not a good dancer."

"Doesn't mattah," He replied with a chuckle before standing up. "Come on, Sullivan." He took my hand and pulled me up.

"Aww, you're seriously gonna make me do this?" I cried fakely. Tom led me towards Lee and Manda.

"Oh, we've got anotha couple to entertain us!" Matt whistled.

I flipped them all the bird before gracing them with a sweet smile on my lips. They laughed in response. Tom and I faced each other and he took my right hand while placing his other one on my waist, and I rested my left hand on his shoulder. Manda grinned at me, while her chin was resting upon Lee's shoulder.

Tom and I began dancing uncoordinatedly, which made everyone else erupt in laughter. I just shook my head, unable to contain laughter myself. We looked ridiculous, to say the least.

"Tom, yeh suck!" Oliver booed.

"Oh, like yo' any bettah!" He retorted, rolling his eyes.

"'Course I am! Shitloads bettah!" Oliver laughed.

"Alright, then." Tom suddenly let go of me. "Let's see it."

"I'm sorreh, bro, but I refuse to dance with yeh," He snorted, holding his hands up.

"'Ere, take Loreh." Tom pushed me forward, which made me stumble a bit.

"What am I, an object?" I laughed.

Oliver's lips formed a sly smirk. "Okay." He stood up and walked over to me.

"Better not step on any of my toes, Sykes," I teased.

"Oh, shush." He took my hand gently in his while resting the other one on my waist. I instantly felt a tingle, but I ignored it. I placed my hand on his shoulder, doing my best not to show my awkwardness.

He began leading me into a slow dance, and we swayed in synchronization to the soft sound of the love song, while everyone watched in amusement.

My jaw dropped. He is good.

"Told yeh I was bettah!" Oliver taunted, sticking his tongue out at Tom, who merely rolled his eyes in response.

"Wow, I must admit, you've got mad skills." I laughed as we both whirled around.

"Why thank yeh, sweet Loreh." He grinned widely, winking.

I smiled moronically.

"Alright, alright. Yeh've proved yo' stupid point." Tom waved his arms. "Give her back to me."

"No! She's mine now!" Oliver laughed maniacally, suddenly sweeping me off my feet and over his shoulders. I gasped in total surprise.

"Save me, Tom!" I squealed, as Oliver began running away with me.

"I'm coming, Loreh!" Tom called in mock desperation, which had everyone in fits of hysterical laughter.

"RUN, TOM, RUN! HE'S STEALING YO' GIRL!" Matty called, as he placed his hands around his mouth, simulating a megaphone.

Tom began chasing after us, which only made Oliver run twice as fast. I felt like I would fall off his shoulders any minute and faceplant on the sand, but he seemed to have a pretty firm grip on my legs.

"You're crazy, Sykes!" I laughed.

"And yeh just now noticed?!"

We passed a few families, who stared at us like we were a couple of circus freaks. Which of course, we were.

"Oli, I'm gonna fall!" I squealed, covering my face.

"I got yeh, Loreh. Yeh won't fall!" He laughed. I uncovered my face and lifted my head up, realizing that Tom was nowhere in sight.

I suddenly noticed us approaching a large rock, which Oliver used as a hiding spot for us.

"I think we lost him," He panted, setting me down gently on my feet.

I too panted, resting my body against the rock. Then I crossed my arms over my chest. "That was completely pointless."

"And fun," He added with a laugh. "I didn't think I could have this much fun with yeh, pip squeak."

"Pip squeak?!" I slapped his arm forcefully. "Who are you calling a pip squeak!"

"Ow!" He yelped. "Relax, I'm onleh kidding!" He shoved me playfully. "Yo' freakishly strong fo' such a tiny person!"

My jaw dropped. "Me tiny?! Well, you're a.......giant!" I mentally kicked myself, knowing I couldn't even muster a good comeback.

"Oh, wow. That hurt me to my vereh core," He stated sarcastically, placing a hand over his heart with a roll of his pretty hazel eyes.

"I don't appreciate being called tiny, Sykes."

"A thousand and one pardons, madam." He laughed. "Just speaking the truth."

"Shut up!" I slapped him again on the chest. "I'm going back to Tom."

"No, wait! Let him find yeh. It's mo' fun this way!" He took my arm, stopping me.

"Why do you insist on torturing your brother?" I questioned.

He released my arm and grinned widely. "Because it amuses me."

"Seek amusement elsewhere."

"No, thanks."

I shook my head, fixing my dress, which was still damp. "Thanks for wetting my dress, by the way."

"It was no problem at all," He replied with a wink.

"It's damp and it's fucking cold!" I whined.

"Take it off, then! Jeez." He rolled his eyes.

I groaned. "I didn't bring other clothes. Damn. See, this is what happens when people rush me. I forget stuff!"

"I brought two shirts. Yeh can borrow one," He suggested with a smile.

I eyed him suspiciously. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Yeh can have it when we get back to the guys. But right now, Tom has to find yeh."

I rolled my eyes, and removed my dress, which relieved the coldness from my skin. Oliver's eyes widened briefly before he quickly turned his head away.

Ah damn, I shouldn't have taken it off now.

"Hey, Oli?" I said, folding my dress.

"Yeah?" He looked at me again, and I could see his eyes scanning my bikini quickly before focusing on my face. I'd never seen him blush that way before.

"Where'd you learn how to dance like that?" I asked curiously.

He shrugged, chuckling. "Movies."

I laughed. "Seriously? I would've never guessed you were such a good dancer based on your looks."

He looked amused. "Well, I'm just a lil' box of surprises, aren't I?"

"Indeed you are," I replied with a laugh.

"I wish I could say the same for yeh. But, dear, yeh suck at dancing." He snickered.

"Gee, thanks." I slapped my dress on him.

He shielded himself with his arms, laughing. "Good thing I was leading yeh. I was afraid yeh'd fall flat on yo' arse if I didn't hold yeh tight enough."

"Okay, now that's just cruel!" I whined.

"It's a cruel world, love." He smirked.

I punched him hard on the shoulder.


"AHA! FOUND YEH!" Tom yelled out of nowhere, startling both Oliver and myself. "Surrendah the girl, Oleh!"

"Nevah!" Oliver grabbed my arms, pulling me close to his chest.

Tom narrowed his eyes playfully. "Release her or I will kill yeh!" He spoke like some sort of warrior out of a really bad action movie.

"Not if I kill yeh first!" Oliver retorted, backing away and taking me along.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll handle this!" Manda spoke, abruptly emerging from behind Tom. She took my hand and yanked me out of Oliver's arms in one quick motion.

Oliver pouted. "Yeh took the princess away from me!"

"She's mine! Get yo' own," Tom said, kicking sand at his brother.

"You two are geeks." I laughed. "I mean, seriously."

They both grinned an identical grin. Manda linked her arm with mine as we both made our way back to our spot on the beach. Oliver and Tom followed just a few feet behind, punching each other occasionally. In a brotherly way, of course.

"Olivah is totalleh macking on yeh," Manda whispered.

I made a face. "He is not."

She snorted. "Didn't yeh see how he jumped at the chance of dancing with yeh? Or how he took advantage of the 'ole situation by carrying yeh ovah his shoulders away from Tom?"

"Manda, that doesn't mean he likes me. I mean.....we're good friends now. I'm just happy we don't argue anymore."

She shook her head. "Yeh've got the Sykes brothas falling for yeh, Loreh."

I scoffed. "Manda, you're being ridiculous!"

"Am I?" She questioned, raising a brow.


"Am I?" She repeated.

I bit my lip and turned my head, glancing back at Tom and Oliver, who were now deep in conversation with one another.

I breathed heavily, looking down. Manda swung an arm over my shoulders, leaning her head against mine. "It's tough, I know."

"It can't be what you're saying, Manda. It just can't."

"So, yo' telling me that there isn't even the slightest possibiliteh of Olivah falling for yeh?"

I slumped my shoulders. "No! Manda, think. This guy's a fucking rockstar. He's met what, thousands of beautiful girls in his life?! Why the hell would he be interested in me?"

She shook her head. "Yo' different, Lor. You've probableh got something that no otha girl has."

I raised my brows. "Like what?"

She shrugged. "I dunno. But in Olivah's eyes, those beautiful girls probableh don't even compare to yeh."

I frowned. "I'm dating his brother, Manda."

"I don't think that'd stop Oleh from liking yeh. Maybe yeh don't know him well enough, but once Oleh sets his mind on something, he hardleh gives up," She stated, pursing her lips.

"So what are you saying? That he's gonna take me away from Tom?" I asked, confused.

"No, of course not! He would nevah do that to his brotha! I'm just saying that if he likes yeh, it'll be hard fo' him to fo'get."

I gulped. "Forget what?"

"Who else, Loreh?" She chuckled. "You."

I glanced back at the boys again over my shoulder, and this time Oliver looked up from his conversation with Tom and noticed me staring, which made him smile.

My head snapped back around. "You're wrong, Manda."

She sighed loudly. "Okay, maybe I'm wrong, then." She shook her head. "Maybe I'm just blowing this 'ole thing out of proportion."

"Damn right you are," I muttered.

This made her laugh, as she glanced back at the boys. "Love, it's pretteh clear that he likes yeh. I wouldn't tell yeh something like this if I knew it wasn't true."

I shook my head fast. "He doesn't like me. We're friends. Just friends."

Manda shrugged and didn't say anything else as we finally reached the others.

"'Ey, Loreh. Catch," Oliver called. I looked at him and he chucked a tee shirt at me, which I caught in both my hands.

"Oh, thanks," I said with a smile. I slipped it over my head, letting it fall loosely against my figure. It was from Drop Dead, of course.

"Why'd yeh take yo' dress off?" Tom asked with a laugh.

"Because you and your brother threw me in the water, remember?" I rolled my eyes. "It was soaked and I was cold."

Tom grinned sheepishly.

"Yeh can give it back to me wheneva," Oliver stated with a wink.

I smiled. "Kay."

I began fixing my hair into a loose bun and I caught sight of Manda glancing at me then at Oliver's tee shirt on my body.

I shook my head, already knowing what she was thinking. Of course Oliver didn't like me that way. We'd just recently become defined as friends. How could she even think that? I mean, sure, the whole Spin the Bottle thing fucked my head up just a little, but Oliver seemed cool about it. It certainly didn't seem to bother him like it bothered me.

Manda, the guys and I stayed a few more minutes at the beach before deciding on heading home. We were all pretty tired and soon it'd get dark and we had a long drive ahead of us.

We starting packing all our things up, and at one point Oliver thought it'd be funny to throw sand down my shirt, which caused me to yelp and attack him with a plastic shovel that some kid had left lying around on the sand.

"I'm taking this with me." Oliver laughed, holding the little red shovel up.

"What the hell are yeh going to do with that?" Tom inquired.

"I dunno. I'll keep it as a souvenir." He shrugged, which caused us all to laugh.

We grabbed our stuff before heading to the cars. Oliver tried attacking me with the damn shovel.

"Oliver, seriously, if you don't cut it out, I'm shoving that thing somewhere you don't want it to be shoved," I threatened, pointing my finger at him.

"Oh, I am so scared!" He whimpered fakely, placing a hand on his mouth.

I rolled my eyes.

"'Ey, can I ride with yeh guys? Manda's car is a lot biggah than Matt's," Oliver said.

"Sure, mate. Get in," Lee answered, motioning towards Manda's car.

Oh shit. Oliver's gonna ride back with us.

I pursed my lips as I watched Oliver climb into the back seat of Manda's Ford Fiesta. Tom and I walked towards the car where I got in first, followed by Tom.

I took in a shaky breath, realizing my position.

I'm in the middle of a Sykes sandwich.

As if this couldn't get any more awkward.

Manda shot me a sympathetic glance before buckling her seat belt and starting the engine. I felt Tom's arm resting against my shoulders and I leaned into him, just so I wouldn't be so close to Oli.

Oliver rested his head against the glass window, running a hand through his damp hair.

"You tired?" I asked with a quiet laugh.

He turned his head to look at me. "Vereh."

"How about some tunage, eh?" Manda laughed, turning on the radio, setting the volume on low. I knew she was only doing that to ease up the awkward atmosphere that only I could feel.

My head perked at the sound of the familiar tune coming from the speakers. "Manda, turn it up! I love this song!"

She grinned, obliging.

I started rocking my body slightly, and humming along with the song. It was Heard That Sound by MxPx. One of my favorites.

Oliver and Tom looked at me in pure amusement.

"What is this?" Oliver asked with a laugh.

"MxPx," I answered, still humming and swaying my head from side to side.

"I've heard of 'em. They're pretteh good," Tom said with a nod.

"Good?" I laughed. "They're fucking amazing."

This caused everyone in the car to laugh.

"I've nevah seen yeh this pumped about a song." Tom snickered.

"I heard that sound a mile away. I heard that sound a mile away. All those things I wished that I could say. I heard that sound a mile away. A mile awayyyyyyy!" I sang along, waving my arms in the air.

Oliver couldn't stop laughing beside me. "Beautiful voice, love."

I stuck my tongue out at him, which he responded by doing the same.

I rolled my eyes before continuing with my singing. "I meant to tell you but you were gone! Tried to get it right I got it all wrong!"

"That's cute, Loreh," Lee commented with a laugh. "Yeh should be a bloodeh singah."

"Oh, shut up, Lee!" I laughed, leaning forward to slap him playfully on the shoulder.

"What?! That was a compliment!" He squeaked, rubbing his shoulder, while pretending to cry.

"She tends to slap people when they compliment her," Tom said with a snort. "I received one myself on our first date."

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm sorry. I don't do well with compliments."

"Would yeh ratha we tell yeh off instead?" Oliver asked with a smirk.

"No, thanks. Although I'm guessing you've got a few hurtful remarks up your sleeve," I replied amusingly.

He grinned slyly. "Course not."

I snorted. "Yeah, right."

"I got nothing bad to say about yeh," He stated, as his grin grew wider.

I felt my heart pounding wildly inside my chest for what seemed like the fiftieth time today and I tried my very best to keep a cool exterior.

"This is my favorite part of the song!" I squealed, preparing myself to sing again. "Sat outside the show with nowhere else, nowhere else to go! Doors shut can't see! It sure does sound good to me! Whoaaaaaa!" I waved my arms again.

"I quite like this song," Manda mused, as she began swaying her body, gripping firmly on the steering wheel.

I laughed. "I got good taste."

"Sure yeh do. Yo' a fan of Bring Me The Horizon, for fuck sake!" Oliver laughed, ruffling my hair in a disastrous way.

I squeaked, punching him on his side. "Stop messing my hair, Oli."

He tilted his head back, laughing.

Once the song was over, I sat back, relaxing. As long as I could distract myself from being in between the two of them, I was good.

"'Ey, Loreh. Wanna hear a song?" Oliver asked about ten seconds later, with a mischievous grin plastered on his lips.

I eyed him suspiciously. "Sure?"

"Tom and I made it up a few years ago as part of our little side project," He explained, as he glanced at his brother, who merely smirked.

"Side project?" I repeated.

"Yep. It's called Womb 2 da Tomb," Tom finished with a laugh.

"Oh, Loreh, as a friend, I am warning yeh: covah yo' ears!" Manda spoke, laughing.

"Quit bitchin', Manda!" Oliver leaned forward and flicked her on the back of the head.

She squealed. "'Ey, no messin' with the drivah!"

"Anyways, it's a rap song. Still interested?" Tom asked, nudging me in the ribs.

I laughed. "You and Oli rapping? Oh, this I gotta see."

"Yeh've been warned, Loreh," Manda sang, shaking her head.

Lee laughed. "Do it, yeh guys."

"Readeh?" Oliver asked Tom, who nodded enthusiastically in response.

He and Oliver cleared their throats before they began belting out the words, "Ladeh! Don't be acting shady! Hope yeh don't have rabies! I don't want yo shit on ma dick!

I stared at them weirdly. I was immediately regretting the decision to listen to this.

"So babeh! Bettah have a fine cliiiiitt, or yeh'll be riding home in a casket!" They laughed while they sang, and my eyes grew wide at the dirty lyrics.

"Oh God!" Manda laughed.

"All day long I dream about gettin' my nob off;
By a mint bitch, not a fuckin' fat goth!
Yeh know I don't like that shit, I'm not down with that;
I like it flat on my back, on my face is your twat.
Get out your boobs and give 'em a wiggle.
Don't laugh at Tom's size, it's rude to giggle;
Syke! He's hung like a horse, more like a fuckin' beast;
Get down on your knees and start the feast...."

My jaw dropped in shock, as Tom continued rapping a lot more profanities before they hit the chorus.

Oh. My. Damn.

"So woman, yeh gonna have a fat hangover,
Tonight yo' my bitch, so sit and rollover;
My cock's yo' wildest dream so take one for the team;
Biaaatchhhhh, drink my man cream!
But ho I gotta warn ya, yeh cross my path;
Yeh'll be sipping champagne with a knife in yo back.
I tell yeh now yeh fuck around with me,
Yeh bettah plan yo' geography before im reading yo euology."

Oliver rapped while making hand motions as if he were a gangster. This made me laugh uncontrollably.

"Bitch yeh treat me good, I'll grant all your wishes;
But if yeh fuck me around, yeh'll be sleeping with the fishes.
I'm sorry, honey that's how I operate;
Yeh fuck with me then I decapitate.
One, two, three, four, five, six, Master Syko with the tricks;
Oh baby there's plenty of room,
Just come and get sick with Womb to da tomb!"

I shook my head, nearly choking in uncontrollable laughter. That was by far the worst thing I'd ever heard in my entire life. No joke.

Tom and Oliver burst out laughing like hienas once they'd finished their rap session, which left me completely speechless.

"What'd yeh think?" Oliver dared to ask, eyeing me in great amusement.

My mouth gaped. "I think I've lost the will to live."

This had everyone squawking in hysterical laughter.

"Told...ya...mate!" Manda stated in between her hysterical fits.

"It's a joke," Tom said, wiping the laughter tears from his eyes.

"What is with the lyrics?! I mean, it's totally degrading to woman." I shook my head, laughing, nonetheless.

"Oh, it's just fo' fun!" Oliver squealed, bumping into me. "How old were we, Tom? Like, seventeen and fifteen?"

"Yeah, I think so," Tom replied with a snicker.

I shook my head. "You guys are crazy. Actually, crazy may be an understatement."

This made them both grin wide.

"When I get home, I'm having my ears cut off," I joked.

"Next time, listen to me, love," Manda stated, with a giggle.

"I will, Manda, I will."

She shook her head, still giggling, as she focused her attention on the road.

"'Ey, love, if yeh get tired, we can switch, 'kay?" Lee said, patting her upper leg.

She smiled, lifting a hand to rub his chin. "Thanks, babe."

I smiled to myself, watching how cute those two were together. Manda left the radio on in low volume as background music. We rode in silence for a while, and I could feel my eyes starting to get heavy. I rubbed them tiredly, and looked over at Tom, who was doing the same thing.

He looked so cute rubbing his eyes like that, resembling a little kid. I placed a hand on his cheek and he smiled weakly at me before resting his head on my shoulder. I began stroking his hair and no less than five minutes, I could hear him snoring very lightly.

"Ugh, I wish I had a shouldah to sleep on," Oliver muttered with a small laugh.

I laughed quietly. "Is the window not comfortable enough?"

"No, it's awful. Manda keeps driving ovah bumps and my head keeps knockin' on the damn glass."

"'Ey, it's not my fault the roads have bumps!" Manda whispered loudly, shaking her head. We were all speaking quietly, since Tom and Lee were sleeping.

"Oh, whateva." Oliver rolled his eyes, releasing a sigh.

"Here, you can use my shoulder," I offered with a chuckle.

He made a funny face. "Realleh?"

"Sure, why not?"

He grinned, sliding a bit closer and resting his head against my shoulder. I stiffened briefly, but loosened up a bit after a minute.

Did I just make things a bit more awkward?

I could see Manda's eyes staring intently at me from the rear view mirror, which made me look at Tom and Oliver with a slightly scared expression on my face.

Yep, I think I just complicated my life just a tad.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry for the late update, people. but it's here and that's all that matters :]

i'd like to give a big thanks to everyone who's commented && subscribed! i'm smiling like an idiot again because of you hehe

you're all lovely

Clicky to hear MxPx :)
&& Clicky to hear Tom and Oli's rap lol