Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


It wasn't like I was doubting my feelings for Tom. Of course not. I grew more and more close to him each day that passed, and I'd never felt this comfortable around a guy before. Tom was just amazing and I was damn lucky to have found someone like him.

But why, oh why, did his brother have to be Oliver Sykes?

Something about the way he was acting made it seem like he was messing with my head. I mean, I liked him, of course. But as a friend and nothing more. I'd never been in a situation where I'd actually be nervous around my boyfriend's brother. Why did he make me feel so nervous? It wasn't right. Sure, we were becoming close friends and Tom couldn't be happier about us getting along. But still, something about this just wasn't right.

I was having a hard time believing Manda's words. She was more than convinced that Oliver had feelings for me and I refused to buy any of that crap. He couldn't like me. End of story.

I had spent the whole morning in my room and didn't even go down for breakfast. My aunt had my brother go check on me and I just told him I wasn't hungry. I was eating less and less for some reason. I just couldn't stop thinking about Tom and Oliver. Maybe the reason I wasn't eating was because of my nerves.

I had had another dream with Oliver Sykes. But this one was different. A lot more disturbing.

Tom was in it, too.

I felt shameful. Sure, it was only a dream, another dream, but it freaked the hell out of me. I was with Tom and Oliver, for crying out loud! Tell me that's not disturbing!

I forced my mind to stop thinking about Oliver Sykes. How could I think about him this much when I didn't even like him like I liked Tom? No, I'd just have to do my best and overlook all of this. I'd come up with a plan. I'd try spending a lot more time with Tom and less time with Oliver. Not that I'd be avoiding him, I'd just simply be seeing less of him.

At about two-thirty in the afternoon, I spontaneously decided to go over to Tom's place. The weather was nice and walking seemed perfect. I needed the fresh air. I hadn't seen Tom in two days. That was because he had to take pictures of the band somewhere outside Sheffield. I knew they'd be back today and that's why I was going to his house.

I was finally standing in front of the Sykes' residence and a smile surfaced on my lips. I wanted to see Tom and I wanted to see him bad. Funny how being away from him for only two days made me feel this....I don't know, necessity?

I stuffed my hands in my pockets as I walked the cemented path that led to the front door. I fixed my hair, which I'd straightened the day before just because I was bored. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently, shifting my weight to my right leg.

When the front door opened, I stood up straight, expecting it to be Tom. But no. It was Oliver. Shirtless Oliver.

My face fell for a brief second and I don't think he'd noticed, because a wide smile formed on his lips as his eyes scanned my face. "Loreh, 'ey."

I forced a smile in return. "Hey, Oliver."

He continued smiling. "Come in," He said, stepping aside.

I nodded and looked down before stepping into his house. I avoided looking at anything below his face area. Did he seriously have to be shirtless?

"Is, uh, Tom here?" I questioned, not really making any eye contact with him.

"No, he's out. With Lee, I think," Oliver answered, shrugging.

"Oh." Crap. Crap. Crap.

"Yeh okay?" He suddenly asked, tilting his head. "Yeh kinda look sick."

"Oh...well, I'm not feeling too well these days," I partially lied.

"Did yeh miss us?" He teased with a laugh. "Can't stay away from us fo' too long, eh?"

I laughed humorlessly, not answering.

I had to make up any excuse to get out of there. I sure as hell didn't want to be there alone with him.

Oliver furrowed his brows. "Seriousleh, is something wrong?" He asked in a concerned tone.

I shook my head, forcing another smile. "It's fine. I'm okay. Uh, I think I better go."

He frowned. "But yeh just got 'ere."

"I really have to go," I said quickly, walking towards the door. I sighed when Oliver stepped in front of me, blocking my path.

"Loreh, what is it?" He questioned worridly. "Tell me."

"It's nothing, I swear. I-I just have to get back." I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. It was now obvious to him that I was nervous.

He crossed his arms. "I'm not buying that. Yeh came 'ere looking fo' Tom, didn't yeh?"

I nodded. "Yeah. And since he's not here, I should get back home."

He narrowed his eyes. "But I'm 'ere."

"I'm well aware," I muttered, knowing this wasn't going to be easy. He wasn't going to let me go home without some decent explanation of why I wanted to leave and I certainly wasn't about to tell him it was because I had another dream with him and I couldn't bear to stay alone with him without remembering said dream.

"Look, just wait for him 'ere. I'm sure he'll be back soon. He's been out since morning," Oliver stated. "Plus, it gets lonely being in this house alone." He chuckled.

I maintained a serious face, pondering hard. Would it hurt?

Oliver gave me a hopeful look. "Okay?"

I sighed defeatedly. "Okay."

He smiled. "Wait 'ere. I'm gonna go put a shirt on."

Please do. "Sure."

I watched as he darted up the stairs and I couldn't help but feel my entire body shaking. This was totally ruining my plan of staying away from him.

Exactly twenty seconds later, Oliver was heading back downstairs, sporting a Drop Dead shirt. The same one that Tom had given me with the killer shark. I then remembered him mentioning before that Oliver had one too.

"There," He said with a grin.

I grinned weakly back.

"Are yeh just gonna stand by the door until Tom comes home?" He laughed.

It's safer!

I laughed awkwardly and followed Oliver into the living room. We sat down on the couch and I folded my hands on top of my lap. I prayed for Tom to arrive fast.

"So what's up?" Oliver asked, looking at me.

"Nothing much." I shrugged. "You?"

"Same." He laughed.

"How'd the photo shoot go?" I asked, keeping the conversation light.

"It was good. We took some cool pictures," He replied while nodding. "Matt tripped ovah the camera at one point. Tom had a bitch fit."

This made me laugh. "Seriously?"

He nodded, also laughing. "Yeh should've seen his face. He paid good money fo' that camera."

"Poor Tom. And poor Matt." I shook my head.

"Yeah. It was hilarious." He chuckled.

I looked down at my folded hands, eyeing my charm bracelet given by Tom. This was going rather easy.

"So...yeh and Tom. It's gettin' serious, isn't it?" Oliver asked out of the blue, which made me shoot him a strange look.

"Why do you wanna know?"

He laughed. "He is my brotha."

I smiled crookedly. "Well, yeah, I suppose we are. I mean, I like him a lot. It's just...." I breathed out, resting my head back.

"Just what?" Oliver questioned curiously.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. "It's nothing."

"Oh, come on. Tell me!" He punched my shoulder playfully.

I closed my eyes briefly. "I'm only staying here for the summer. Soon it'll be over and then...." I bit my lip.

"Yeh'll leave," Oliver finished, nodding.

I nodded sadly. "Yeah."

He sighed and abruptly placed an arm over my shoulders, which had me stiffen like a rock. Oliver didn't seem to notice, though.

"Don't think about the future. Just focus yo' mind on the present," He said.

I inhaled the smell of shampoo coming from his hair, which was a little damp. "It's what I've been trying to do. But it all just keeps coming back to me."

He gave me a sympathetic look, rubbing my shoulder with his thumb. I could sense the tingly feeling shooting up and down my back.

"Want a drink?" He asked.

"No thanks," I replied plainly.

"Come on. One beer. Just to clear yo' head," He insisted, smiling at me.

I pursed my lips and couldn't help but smile back. "Okay." We both stood up and walked side by side to the kitchen. Oliver opened the fridge and pulled out two bears, handing me one.

"Thanks," I said, taking it.

"Sure," He answered with a smile. He banged the beer bottle against the edge of the counter and the cap flew off. He leaned back on the counter before taking a swig.

I glanced down at my bottle then at the counter before attempting the same maneuver. The cap remained in its place and I looked at Oliver who had the biggest smirk on his face.

"Need some help?"

"Yes," I answered with a laugh. I gave him the bottle, which he took and banged it on the counter, causing the cap to shoot off.

"There yeh go." He chuckled, handing it back to me.

"How the hell do you do that?" I shook my head before taking a sip.

"Years of practice." He shrugged, taking another swig.


We both drank our beers in a somewhat comfortable silence. I knew the only reason he wasn't talking too much was because I wasn't. My eyes wandered around the kitchen before landing on the fridge.

"Oh my God," I said with a laugh. "Is that Tom?" I pointed to the photo held by a smiley face magnet on the refrigerator door.

Oliver laughed, nearly choking on his beer. "Yeah, it is."

It was a picture of Tom when he was a kid and his pants were pulled down to his feet while he had the biggest grin plastered on his face. His sky blue irises seemed bluer with the light of the camera's flash.

"He was about five in that, I think," Oliver stated, staring at the picture.

"Aww," I cooed. "He was adorable."

"Yeh like this photo, yeh should see the otha ones." He laughed. "There's like a whole box full of embarrassing pictures of Tom."

I laughed. "I gotta see that."

He grinned, placing his empty beer bottle down on the counter. "Well, then follow me. They're upstairs."

I nodded, placing my half full bottle beside his before following him out of the kitchen and up the steps. When we reached Tom's room, Oliver walked directly over to his brother's closet and opened it. He took out a cardboard box from the highest shelf. I watched as he set it down in the middle of them room and knelt beside it, opening its flaps.

"Wow," My mouth formed an 'o' shape. It was indeed filled with tons of pictures. I went over to kneel down on the other side of the box across from Oliver. I took the very first one from the pile of photographs.

I burst out laughing. This one was of Tom sticking his finger up his nose while making a funny face.

"Oh, that one's priceless." Oliver laughed. "Check this one out." He handed me a photo which showed Tom in black high heels way too big for him and a flowered hat covering most of his head.

"Damn, that's cute."

"And gay." He laughed. "Kidding."

He showed me other pictures, each one more hilarious than the other. I searched for more until I suddenly came across a photograph of Oliver. He looked about six or seven. He was pulling his pants down, which revealed his Batman underwear, and his finger was stuffed in his mouth. Judging by the surprised look on little Oliver's face, it seemed as if whoever took this picture purposely did it surprise him.

I couldn't control my laughter as I held the photograph between my fingers.

"What?" Oliver asked.

I showed him the picture of himself. His eyes widened at the sight. "Gimme that!" He squealed, snatching the photo out of my hand. "Dammit, who put this 'ere?!"

I laughed even more at his nervousness. "What is it with you Sykes boys? All you do is pull your pants down!"

"Shut up!" He exclaimed, trying to push me, but I dodged his hand.

"Sorry. Too funny to shut up." I stuck my tongue out.

He grunted before shoving the embarrassing snap shot way at the bottom of the box.

"I own you, Sykes. That picture is pure gold!" I laughed.

"Stop!" He whined. "No one's evah seen that picture besides yeh and my famileh!"

This made me laugh harder, as I threw my head back. "I feel really special."

He crossed his arms stubbornly. "Stop laughing!"

"Fine, fine!" I breathed, letting out one last laugh, before biting my bottom lip.

"Thank yeh!" He narrowed his eyes.

"Are there any other pictures of you in here?" I asked, reaching for more photographs. Oliver's hand caught my arm.

"I think we've seen enough," He muttered, pushing my arm away and closing the lids.

"Stop being so stubborn, Oli! Everyone has embarrassing pictures!" I shoved him playfully.

"Yeah, well, I don't want yeh to see them!" He snapped.

"Fine. I'm sorry." I pouted, batting my eyelashes.

He shook his head. "Loreh, I forbid yeh to do that face."

I continued batting my eyelashes, jutting out my lower lip even more.

"I'm not even gonna look," He said, covering his eyes with his hands.

I laughed. "Stop being so childish!" I leaned forward and removed his hands away from his face. He glared playfully at me. "Don't be embarrassed, Oli."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm childish?"

"Yes. Yes you are. You don't even act like you're twenty-two!"

"So? You don't act like you're nineteen!" He retorted.

I shrugged.

"Gah, this discussion is pointless." He held his hands up.

"Agreed," I stated with a chuckle.

The sudden sound of pitter patter against the window caught Oliver and I's attention. I turned my head towards Tom's window. "It's raining."

"No shit, Sherlock." Oliver laughed.

I flipped him the bird and he gasped mockingly, pretending to look outrageously hurt. "A decent girl like yo'self shouldn't succumb to such obscene finger gestures!"

"Shut up, Sykes."

He smirked. "Yo' too pristine."

"What makes you think I'm pristine?" I questioned with laugh.

"The way yeh act," He replied. "I can tell yeh've nevah done the dirty."

My jaw dropped. "Oliver!"

He laughed. "What?! So yo' telling me yeh've done it befo'?"

I scoffed, crossing my arms. "That is so not any of your business."

"Yeh've nevah done it, have yeh?" He furrowed his brows.

"Oh my God! This is ridiculous! I'm not talking about this, especially with you!" I stood up from my kneeling position, straightening my hoodie.

Oliver laughed. "Relax, Loreh. It's just a question."

"Has it occured to you that it might just be too personal of a question?" I snapped.

He clicked his tongue, also standing up. "I'm sorreh."

"You have no boundaries, you know that?" I crossed my arms.

"I've been told that once or twice," He replied with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes.

"Seriousleh, I'm sorreh. Obviousleh, sex isn't something yeh like to talk about." He pursed his lips.

"Damn right," I mumbled. "But it's fine. I forgive you."

He grinned. "I knew yeh would. Yo' vereh forgiving. It's one of yo' best qualities."

I snorted. "I hardly consider that a quality."

"Oh, but it is. That's what makes yeh Loreh. The nice, caring, forgiving girl," He teased.


He laughed at my expression. "OH! I almost fo'got!" He exclaimed, startling me.

"Forgot what?" I questioned.

"Stay 'ere. I'll be right back," He said quickly before spinning around and gliding out of the room.

"Uh, okay?" I said, narrowing my eyes. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, sighing out.

"I'm back," Oliver sang, walking back into the room.

"What were you doing?" I questioned, arching a brow.

"Close yo' eyes," He ordered.


"Just do it."

I sighed, and did as I was told. I felt Oliver take my right hand and place something on it.

"Now yeh can look," He said.

I opened my eyes and stared down at my hand. He had given me a ring that was shaped like a star.

"What's this?" I asked confusingly.

He laughed. "A mood ring."

I furrowed my brows and examined it. "Why'd you give me this?"

"Remembah I told yeh I'd give yeh a real gift fo' yo' birthday?" He stated.

I looked up in thought, remembering the day at the beach where he told me he was going to get me something. "Oh."

He chuckled. "Do yeh like it?"

I smiled crookedly. "Y-Yeah. Thanks."

"Welcome." He smiled back.

I looked down at the star shaped ring and felt something weird inside me. First Tom had given me the bracelet, now Oliver gave me a ring?

"Now, yeh know how mood rings work, right?" He asked.

"Uh, yeah. They change colors depending on the person's mood," I answered, slipping the ring on my middle finger.

"Let's see what yo' feeling this exact moment," Oliver said with a laugh as he took my hand to stare at the ring.

I gulped, wondering what color would show up. I didn't really understand most colors. All I knew was that red meant love and dark blue meant happy.

Oliver waited for the ring to change color and I grew a bit nervous.

"Ey, look. It changed!" He said, startling me. "It's brown."

"What does brown mean?" I inquired.

"Hmm." He looked deep in thought. "It means anticipation. Or maybe heated emotions." He glanced at me. "Are yeh scared of something?"

I scrunched my nose. Don't tell me this thing actually works.

"Uh, no."

He looked back down at the ring. "Are yeh experiencing mixed emotions?"

Oh dear God.

I breathed rapidly. "No."

"Hmm. I might be wrong. I'll look into that lateh," He stated with a shrug, releasing my hand.

I felt the relief, bringing my hand closer to me. I began wondering what more things this little mood ring would reveal. And quite frankly, it scared the hell out of me.
♠ ♠ ♠
yes, chapter 26 is here, people! can somebody cue the hallelujah chorus? lol jeez, how long has it been? about 7...8 days? i'm soooooo sorry i kept you all waiting! so many things are happening all at once in my crazy life and i just didn't get around to posting :( my apologies.

so yeah, i hope you enjoy this chapter :] there's a lot more to come, so stay tuned. comment/subscribe, do whatever you want hehe

love yous

clicky for the mood ring :]