Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


It was mine and Liam’s third day in Sheffield. We were both having so much fun at my aunt and uncle’s that it made us forget about our slightly boring life back home in Orlando. I hoped I could come to England more frequently in the future. Life just seemed to be so much easier in Sheffield.

Liam, Eric and I were now in the living room, eating the baked potato Aunt Jo had made for us. I was on the couch with the plate on my lap while the boys were on the floor eating on top of the center table. It was rather quiet, since Aunt Jo and Uncle Ray had gone out to run some errands.

"Oi, Liam. Aftah we eat, get dressed," Eric stated abruptly.

"Why?" Liam asked with a mouthful of food.

"We’re goin’ to a concert."

"Oh, cool! Who we seeing?" Liam asked excitedly. Of course he’d never pass up an opportunity to go to a concert. Especially when he was in England ‘where all the good bands resided’, according to him.

"Bring Me The Horizon. They’re realleh good mates o’ mine. I know yeh’d want to meet ‘em." Eric responded with a wide grin.

Liam dropped his fork. "You’re friends with a band? Like an actual band? Famous and everything?!"

Eric laughed at my brother's excitement. "Yeah."

"Dude, that is awesome! I’m so psyched!" He squealed, nearly knocking over the plate of food.

"Yeah, we can see that, Liam," I said, rolling my eyes.

Liam was such a music freak. Back in Orlando, he'd spend most of his time going to rock shows with all his punky friends. He didn't care much about school which resulted in him failing a few classes. My parents were cool, though, and he didn't get in too much trouble. They were both music freaks themselves.

Liam gave me a quick dirty look before he shoved some more food down his throat.

"What’s the name of the band again?" I asked casually.

"Bring Me The Horizon," Eric replied.

"Nice name."

"Yeah. They’re full on metalcore, y’know?"

I made a face. "Oh."

"Wanna come with us, Loreh?" He asked.

Liam snorted. "Yeah, right."

I shot my brother a glare before turning my attention back to my cousin. "No, thanks, Eric. I’ll pass."


"She hates that kind of music," Liam answered with a roll of his eyes. "She’ll die before she goes to a metalcore concert."

"Bloodeh hell, what’s so wrong about metalcore? It’s fucking ace!" Eric said confusingly.

I scrunched my nose. "I’m sorry. I just don’t like it."

"Yeah, she prefers Taylor Swift and freakin’ Hilary Duff," Liam teased.

"Blimey, that’s awful." Eric shook his head unbelievingly.

"I keep telling her that, man. But does she listen?"

"For your information, I do not only listen to Hilary Duff and Taylor Swift, alright? I like soft rock too." I shrugged, picking at my food. Liam was such a pain in the ass.

Eric laughed. "Bring Me The Horizon is anything but soft."

"That’s precisely why she won’t go," Liam said with a loud laugh.

I sighed. I suddenly had the urge to bitch slap my brother.

"Shut up both of you. Everyone has the right to have their own taste when it comes to music. Unfortunately I have a brother and a cousin who can’t acknowledge that."

"Oh, ‘ey. Come on now, Loreh. No need to be so bloodeh dramatic." Eric held his hands up defensively. I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, Lor. We won’t talk about music anymore, okay?" Liam said.

"Psh, yeah right."

I always wished I had a sister. One that was just like me. Lucky for Liam, Eric was into the same stuff he was. Both proud headbangers whose only concern in life was what show they’d go to next.

"What do yeh plan on doin’ while we’re at the concert, Loreh?" Eric asked once he finished eating.

I shrugged. "I don't know. Watch TV or read, I guess."

"How many books did you bring?!" Liam asked, shocked.

Liam just couldn’t get over how different I was from him. He despised reading. Except for, of course, comic books. He loved those things to death. His room was literally covered in comics, and of course, band posters.

I looked thoughtful. "I don’t know. About ten."

Eric choked on his soda; his eyes widening. "Ten?!"

I laughed at his expression. "Yeah, ten."

Eric and Liam shook their heads in disappointment.

"That’s sad," Liam stated. "Very very sad."

"You know what’s sad? Knowing more about the freakin’ Justic League than the real facts of life."

"For your information, Lorelai, I learn a lot from my comics. I don’t need to bury my nose in one of those awful books you insist on reading. It's like they brain wash you!"

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, Liam."


Since the boys had left to go to the concert, I didn’t have much to do except watch TV. Aunt Jo and Uncle Ray weren’t home yet and I was all alone in that big house.

I was sprawled out on the three-seat sofa, flipping through the channels in hopes of finding something decent to watch. All I saw were boring British game shows and stupid cooking channels. I suddenly missed American television.

Eventually I gave up on the search and threw the remote on the coffee table. I sighed out, staring up at the ceiling. I began wondering if the boys were having a good time at the concert.

Aw, who am I kidding? Of course they are.

It just felt kind of lonely being alone, without anyone to talk to.
After a few minutes of thinking, I decided on reading a book, which was my original plan all along anyway. It was the only thing that could keep me entertained while everyone was out.


"Loreh! Lorelai! Yoohoo!"

I felt my whole entire body shaking violently. My eyes popped open in shock and above me was standing Eric in his usual hyper state.

"Wakey, wakey, Loreh!" He grinned, sitting on top of me.

"AH! Get off, Eric!" I yelped under the huge amount of weight. Eric wasn’t fat, not at all. But he was tall. Tall and heavy. He stood about four feet taller than me, I would say.

"Alright then, no need to scream in my bloodeh ears." He laughed, jumping off me.

I breathed out and sat bolt upright. "Are you trying to kill me?!"

"’Course not, love. Just wanted to wake yeh."

I rolled my eyes.

"You missed out on one fucking awesome concert, Lor. Seriously." Liam said excitedly, sitting next to me. "I mean these guys are unbelievably amazing! Eric and I got shoved in the mosh pit!"

"Mosh pit? Are you kidding me?!" I screeched. "Those things are fucking dangerous!"

Liam and Eric burst out laughing.

I narrowed my eyes. I honestly didn’t find anything funny in what I had just said. To me, mosh pits were things in which people basically kicked the living shit out of each other. I had heard so many stories about people who actually lost an ear or broke a bone. I couldn’t believe my brother and my cousin actually enjoyed that.

"Relax, we didn’t get hurt. It was fun." Liam waved a hand.

"Yeah! It’s like gettin’ beat up in a fun way!" Eric laughed.

"Whatever. As long as you two come back in one piece, I don’t care."

"Awww, look at Loreh being protective!" Eric cooed, ruffling my hair. "So bloodeh sweet."

I rolled my eyes. "What time is it?"

Liam looked down at his watch. "One forty-five a.m."

Sheesh. So late?

"Well, I’m gonna go to bed," I announced, standing up.

"Wait! Don’t you wanna hear more about the show?" Liam asked.

"Not really."

"Aw, come on." Liam and Eric said in unison.

"I’m really tired, you guys. Tell me tomorrow, okay?" I began dragging my feet up the stairs.

“Fine." Liam huffed. "Night.” He called after me.

"Sweet dreams, Loreh." Eric sang, waving.

"Night, guys."
♠ ♠ ♠
Woot, another one out :) More people subscribed yay! hehe Oliver will appear in the next chapter, loves. So stay tuned =]
xx Millie