Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


I woke up the next day feeling well rested. I actually had a very good night’s sleep and never felt better. I began humming a random tune to myself while slipping into a green plaid shirt and blue jeans.

As I descended the stairs, I could hear an incessant mumbling coming from the kitchen. When I got there, I spotted my brother and cousin talking animatedly to each other on the counter.

"What are you two so excited about?" I asked curiously, grabbing a cereal box and pouring some into a bowl.

"So glad yeh asked, my dearest Loreh," Eric said with a wide grin. "We’re having a parteh."

I raised an eyebrow. "A party?"

"Yeah, a parteh. Y’know, food, drinks, loud music, random people. The ‘ole shebang." Eric laughed.

I poured some milk in the bowl. "And Uncle Ray and Aunt Jo are okay with this?"

"Well, see…I didn’t actualleh tell ‘em. They said they're going out tonight and probably won't be back til like three. Something about work, I suppose."

"Oh God," I mumbled.

"Don’t worry, Lor. They’ll never know," Liam assured.

I shrugged.

"Seriousleh, we won't get caught." Eric waved a dismissive hand.

"At least it’s not my problem," I said, taking a spoonful of Cheerios.

Eric pouted. "But yeh’ll enjoy the parteh, won’t yeh?"

"I don’t know. I’m not a big fan of parties."

Eric’s jaw dropped. "You don’t like partehs eithah?"

Liam laughed. "Told you she was a geek."

I flipped my brother the bird. He just laughed.

"So yeh hate concerts and yeh hate partehs….what exactleh do yeh like?" Eric asked intriguingly.

I laughed. "I never said I hated concerts and parties. I just don’t go to either of them as often as you do, Eric."

"Well you should. I mean, stop being so uptight about things and have some fun for a change. You’ll love it," Liam said.

"Whatever." I played with my cereal.

"So yeh’ll be ‘ere for the parteh?" Eric repeated his question.

"I really don’t know. I’ll come if I feel like it."

"That means no," Liam told Eric.

"It doesn’t mean no. God, Liam, you’re annoying!"

He laughed. "Kay, sorry."

"Just so yeh know, I’ve invited a lot of people," Eric informed. "The place might get a bit crowded, but that’s what makes a good parteh, right?"

"Just how many people are we talking?" I inquired.

Eric looked pensive. "Um.....around sixty?"

My eyes widened. "Sixty?! Do you even know sixty people, Eric?"

"They're friends of friends." Eric waved a hand dismissively. "Plus, Bring Me The Horizon's coming too."

"It's gonna rock." Liam grinned.

I rolled my eyes. I really didn't want to get in trouble for this. Even if this whole party thing wasn't my idea, I'd still be the one held responsible, what with me being the oldest. Liam and Eric were only seventeen and under my responsibility. Just perfect.

In the back of my mind I was predicting things would get bad.


After Liam and Eric had informed me about the party, I spent the whole afternoon in my room. I wasn’t really the most social person out there. Sure I had a lot of friends back in Orlando and everybody seemed to like me but that didn’t mean I wasn’t shy. I had gone to a few parties before, of course. Although they weren’t so much parties as they were merely small get togethers.

Ugh, I’m sad, aren’t I?

I told myself I wouldn’t go downstairs for the party. After all, I didn’t know anyone and Eric and Liam would probably be spending the majority of their time with Eric’s metalhead friends anyway. It just wasn’t my place.

So I did everything I could to keep myself occupied in my room. I swept, dusted, arranged the books on the shelves, made and remade my bed about five times, polished the furniture. Hell, I even read an entire book.

It wasn't long before I heard the doorbell ringing once every two minutes, indicating that people were arriving. I could hear the muffled loud music thumping downstairs and millions of voices chattering away. I tried my very best to ignore it.

In the middle of reading yet another book, I suddenly became thirsty and yearned for a soda.
I groaned. Oh crap. That meant I had to go downstairs.

I tried ignoring my thirst and continued reading. But the more I tried to ignore it, the more I became ridiculously thirsty.

Great, just great.

I closed my book and placed it on the bedside table before sliding off the bed. I sighed loudly once I opened the door to my room. I could now clearly hear all the voices and the music grew louder in my ears.

Okay, don’t look at anyone. Just run to the kitchen, grab a soda then run back to the room, I told myself.

I made my way down and slowed my steps once I saw a bunch of people crowding the end of the stairs.

Aw, come on!

"Excuse me. Sorry. Excuse me," I announced, while walking in between the people. The house was so crowded that I actually had a hard time finding the damn kitchen. Just as I got there I saw another crowd surrounding the fridge.

You’ve gotta be freakin’ kidding me.

I sighed frustratingly and walked over to the fridge, bumping into everyone. I didn’t even bother to say excuse me, as apparently no one noticed my presence there anyway. People were too drunk to care.

I managed to grab a can of Coke and quickly rushed to get out of there. But as soon as I reached the kitchen doorway, a random guy suddenly appeared in front of me, causing me to accidentally bump into him.

At first he didn’t seem to notice me, as he appeared to look a little dazed. He was extremely tall next to my shorter stature. His gaze then landed on me and a smirk appeared on his face.

He was kind of gangly looking and his hair was obviously straightened, giving off kind of an emo vibe. But that wasn’t what caught my attention. My eyes went wide at the sight of this kid’s arms. They were completely covered in tattoos. Tattoos everywhere, from what I could see. And they seemed to creep all the way up to his neck. I noticed he had a lip piercing, too.

"’Ello there, pretteh lil’ thing." The guy spoke seductively in a very thick British accent, waving a plastic cup in the air. I could smell his awful breath coming through my nostrils. Alcohol and cigarettes.

I made a face.

"’Ello." He said again, this time taking a step forward.

Oh hell no.

"Goodbye." I answered, totally disgusted, sidestepping him and power walking away. I cringed, not wanting to look back. Ew.

I approached the staircase, already feeling the relief.

"Oi, look! It’s Loreh! Loreh, come ‘ere!"

I paused, recognizing the voice to be my cousin's. I turned around, seeing Eric and Liam stumbling my way.

"What?" I questioned.

"You finally came down! I knew you wouldn’t spend the whole party in your room!" Liam slurred, waving a beer bottle in the air.

Perfect. My little brother is shitfaced.

"I only came down cause I was thirsty."

"But you still came!" Liam took a swig of his beer.

I sighed. "Guys, this house is hell. You’re gonna have a lot of explaining to do to Jo and Ray."

Eric waved his hand. "They called and said that they’ll be back tomorrow afternoon. How bloodeh great is that?!"

I rolled my eyes. They’re coming back tomorrow? Could this get any worse?

"Whatever. I’m going back upstairs." I shook my head, about to turn around.

"No, wait! Let me just introduce yeh to my mates. Y’know, the ones from the band!" Eric took hold of my forearm, stopping me.

"Oh no, I don’t--"

"Oi! Guys! Come ‘ere fo’ a sec, will ya?" Eric shouted over the music, cutting me off mid-sentence. I groaned as a couple of guys started walking towards us.

"Yeah?" One of them said. He was a bit short next to Liam and Eric.

Eric’s arm draped around my shoulders. "This is my cousin, Lorelai. She’s Liam’s sistah."

"’Ello." The guy greeted with a smile. "I’m Lee."

I gave him a small awkward wave. "Hi."

"I’m Matt N," Another guy greeted. I noticed he wore black flesh plugs.

"I’m Matt K," Yet another one greeted. This one had longer hair.

"Nice to meet you," I mumbled, doubting they'd heard me over the obnoxious music echoing in the air.

"Where the hell’s Oleh?" Eric suddenly shouted, startling me half to death. "Anyone seen Oleh?"

"Oi, someone call meh?" A male voice rang from behind Eric and I.

Eric spun me around, bringing us face to face with a tall guy. My eyes widened. The guy smiled slyly at me.

"This is Olivah." Eric introduced, patting him on the back. "Olivah Sykes."

"I prefer Oleh." The guy winked, taking a swig of his beer.

I didn’t answer, feeling totally repulsed. This was the same guy who was hitting on me just a minute ago. He was Eric and Liam’s friend? How lovely.

The Oliver kid looked at me expectantly and I remained silent.

"She’s Lorelai," Eric announced, shooting me a weird glance before turning back to Oliver. "Liam’s sistah."

"Lorelai, eh? Fanceh name," He commented drunkenly, looking me up and down.

I crossed my arms. What a creep.

"Yeh and Liam look nothin’ alike." He laughed obnoxiously.

I rolled my eyes and looked away from tattoo boy. "I gotta go."

"Aw, wait, Loreh. Stay for a couple minutes," Eric insisted.

"Sorry. I’m kinda doing something. Bye," I lied and quickly spun around, heading for the stairs.

I sighed a big sigh of relief once I'd finally reached the second floor. No way in hell was I staying downstairs. That Oliver kid really made me hate the party more than I already did.
Stupid shitfaced tattooed boy.

With the can of Coke in hand, I began walking to my room with my head down. But what I didn't notice was that I was about to brutally collide with some stranger.

"AHH!" I shrieked, once my body slammed hard against someone else’s, knocking me down instantly ass first on the ground.

"Blimey!" The stranger exclaimed in surprise. "I’m so sorreh!"

I groaned, feeling my ass throbbing. The boy extended his hand out, waiting for me to take it so he could help me up. I hesitated at first but took it, slowly being lifted up to my feet.

"I’m realleh sorreh! I-I was looking fo’ the loo cause the one downstairs is occupied."

I brushed some dust off my jeans before properly facing the guy. The first thing that made me look at him way longer than intended was his eyes. They were big and bright blue. Not to mention absolutely gorgeous.

"Yeh okay?" The stranger asked worriedly.

I suddenly snapped out of my little daze. "I-I’m fine. I’m okay."

"Sure?" He pressed.

I nodded.

He sighed in relief. "So sorreh."

"No worries."

He nodded, biting the corner of his lip while stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I’m Tom by the way."

"I’m Lorelai," I answered, surprised the kid was actually taking the time to introduce himself.

Finally, someone who isn’t shitfaced.

"Wow, that’s a nice name. Don’t think I’ve evah met a Lorelai befo’," He mused.

I smiled. I couldn’t get over how gorgeous this kid’s eyes were.

"Were yeh headed to the loo too?" He questioned.

"The loo?" I repeated, narrowing my eyes confusingly.

He laughed. "Oh, yo’ American, yeah? It means bathroom."

"Oh!" I laughed awkwardly. "Uh, no, I wasn’t going to the loo. I was going to my room."

He raised his eyebrows. "Yeh room?"

"Yeah, I’m staying here for the summer. Actually, me and my brother are," I explained.

"Oh right! Eric said he’d be having some cousins ovah. So Liam’s yo’ brotha?"

"Yeah, he is."

"Oh. We met yesterday at the concert. Nice bloke." He nodded.

I smiled. He’s so cute.

Tom smiled too. "Well, uh, sorreh again for knocking yeh down."

"That’s like the fourth time you've apologized. I told you, it’s fine."

He nodded, laughing. This kid was really sweet.

"So," He said, rocking back and forth on his heels."Since yo’ staying ‘ere in Sheffield fo’ the summah, I guess I’ll be seeing a lot of yeh. Eric and I are realleh good mates."

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess you will."

He smiled again. "Well…I gotta go. The guys are probableh looking fo' me. See yeh, Lorelai."

"See you," I replied, and Tom began walking away. He gave me a small wave before descending the stairs.

I smiled to myself, making my way to my room. As I sat on the edge of my bed, I pondered over Tom’s words. I guess I’ll be seeing a lot of yeh.

He seemed like such a sweet kid. Funny and a bit shy. His sky blue irises were so captivating. I didn’t think I’d ever met anyone with such gorgeous eyes before.

I bit the corner of my lip. I was actually looking forward to seeing him again.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was long lol I hope you guys are liking this so far. The comments make me smile :)
Next one will be out shortly, loves.
xx Millie

Lori's Outfit