Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


Two days had passed since the party. It had been complete chaos when everybody left and I ended up having to help Eric and Liam clean the entire house. Luckily, when Aunt Jo and Uncle Ray came home they didn’t suspect a thing. Little did they know that their house had been trashed and practically turned upside down by irresponsible teenagers the day before.

Today I had spent most of the day playing videogames with Eric and Liam. I was busy concentrating on the game while my brother and cousin talked among themselves about stuff that didn’t interest me in the least. It was mostly about music, as always.

"Dude, we have to form a band. Like, you can be the lead singer and I can be lead guitarist," Liam said excitedly.

Eric laughed. "Me be the lead singah? Are yeh mad?"

"Well I can’t be lead singer. I suck!" Liam snorted.

"I have to agree with you on that one, bro," I teased, jumping into the conversation.

"Shut up!" Liam shoved into me, nearly costing me my game.

"Watch it, dumbass. You almost made me lose!" He stuck his tongue out childishly.

The doorbell suddenly rang, echoing all throughout the house.

"I’ll get it!" Aunt Jo announced, already making her way to the door.

"Oh! Look at that! I won!" Liam squealed, holding his controller in the air. "Bow down to the king, bizzatches!" I rolled my eyes.

"Eric, your friend’s here," Aunt Jo said, striding into the living room. After her came a boy wearing a multi-colored hoodie, with the hood over his head.

"’Ey, mate!" Eric greeted, setting his controller down. The boy pulled his hood down revealing him to be Tom, the boy with the pretty eyes.

"’Ey!" He said with a wave. Then his eyes met mine and he gave me a smile.

I smiled back. "Hey, Tom."

"’Ey Lorelai."

"You two know each other?" Liam questioned, with a puzzled look.

"Yeah, we met at the party," I answered with a shrug.

"But yeh had only come down fo’ a second," Eric said, scratching his head.

Tom walked over to the couch and sat next to me.

"We kinda slammed into each otha," Tom said with a laugh.

I laughed. "I fell."

"As you always do," Liam teased. "My sister’s a bit of an accident prone."

"Shut up," I said, slapping my idiotic brother upside the head.

"Hey, hey. Watch the hair," Liam scolded.

Tom laughed. "So what are yeh guys doin’ fo’ fun?"

"You’re looking at it." I held up the controller. "Wanna play?"

He shrugged. "Sure."

Tom and I began playing two on two. Eric was rooting for me while Liam was rooting for Tom. It was funny how everytime I won, Eric danced around the living room, knocking things over. Good thing Aunt Jo wasn’t around.

We continued playing for about two hours, completely losing sense of time. After that, boredom struck and we got sick of playing videogames, so we were now sprawled out on the carpet, just staring up at the ceiling in a comfortable silence.

"Ow, Liam. You just kicked my head!" I complained, smacking my brother’s leg.

He laughed. "Sorry, didn’t know it was your head."

"Oi, what time is it?" Eric asked to no one in particular.

"Fo’ thirteh." Tom was the one to answer,

"Bloodeh hell, it’s earleh."

"Let’s do something. Let’s go out," Liam suggested, fiddling with his chains.

"How about the skate park?" Tom uttered. "The guys are probably there."

"You skateboard, Tom?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.

He laughed. "Yeah, but I’m not that good."

I smiled. "I’ve always wanted to learn how to skateboard."

"Well then I’ll teach yeh! I mean, I’m no expert but I know a thing or two."

"Oh, I would love to watch you teach my sister how to skate, Tom. I need a good laugh." Liam snickered. He received another slap from me.

"It's settled then. To the skate park we go!" Eric sang, jumping to his feet. "Come on. Everyone get off ya lazeh arses."

Tom got to his feet and held his hand out for me. I grinned, taking it as he helped me up.

"Come on, Liam." I playfully kicked my brother on his side.


"Oh, come on, that didn’t even hurt!" I laughed.

"How the hell do you know?! You weren’t the one being kicked!" He covered his face, pretending to cry.

"Dude, if you don’t get up right now, we’ll leave yeh sorreh arse behind!" Eric joked. "Get up, mate!"

Liam sighed, jumping to his feet and we all followed Eric out of the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Small chapter, I know. But it's more of a filler :) Thanks to everyone who subscribed & commented <3 I know this story's a bit slow, but the good stuff is coming lol
xx Millie

Lori's Outfit