Status: activeee :)

When Flying Feels Like Falling


The next day, Eric and Liam had asked me if I wanted to go to Bring Me The Horizon’s concert that night. After getting to know the boys, of course I said yes. I mean, sure, I’d never actually heard any of their songs but there was a first time for everything, right? Besides, going to a concert sounded way more fun than staying at home and watching boring family shows with Aunt Jo and Uncle Ray. I needed some excitement. I was in England, for Christ’s sake.

"So, can I hear some of their songs so I won’t be completely clueless at the concert?" I asked, sitting down on Eric’s messy bed. Actually, his whole room was a mess. Lucky for him, Aunt Jo was cool and didn’t force him to clean like every other mother would. But man, would it kill to pick up the dirty clothes off the floor once in a while?

"Yeah! Let’s start yeh off with one of their earliah songs," He said with a grin.


"This one’s called Pray for Plagues."

I nodded. "Let’s hear it."

Eric turned the volume up on his computer and I waited for the song to start. My eyes widened when the sound of fast and heavy rock beats filled my ears. Then came the screaming. Oh, the screaming. I couldn't understand a single solid word the person was saying. I wasn’t enjoying it one bit. Eric must’ve noticed the look of shock on my face because he laughed loudly before stopping the song.

"Didn’t like it, did yeh?" He smirked.

"Why the hell does the guy scream like that? I could barely understand anything!"

Eric continued laughing. "That’s just how Oleh does it. He bloodeh screams his heart out."

I paused. "Oli? You mean that guy from the party? He’s the singer?!"

He nodded. "Yep. I know yeh may not have liked him that day cause he was so shitfaced at the parteh. But believe me, he’s a nice guy. Shy, mostleh. But nice, despite what some people might say."

I merely shrugged. "Can I hear another one?"

"Sure. I’m sort of guessing yeh won’t like their earliah work, since yeh obviousleh hated Pray for Plagues. Perhaps yeh might like some songs from Suicide Season."

I just nodded, trying to follow what he was saying. It sounded so foreign to me.

"Listen to this one." Eric pressed play and I listened closely.

"I’ve got a secret
It’s on the tip of my tongue, it’s on the back of my lungs
And I’m gonna keep it!
I know something you don’t know!

Well, at least I could understand what he was saying in this song. And the beat was pretty sick. All in all, I actually liked it.

Eric watched my expression cautiously. "What do yeh think?"

I laughed. "It’s cool."


I nodded. "Yeah."

"Yeh mean the girl who told me she hated metalcore actualleh likes a BMTH song? What a pleasant surprise!" He squealed, clapping his hands excitedly. "Let’s hear some more, yeah? I guarantee yeh’ll like the others."

I nodded, laughing at my cousin’s enthusiasm.

Eric showed me a few more songs by Bring Me The Horizon and I was enjoying listening to them. I really was. I never thought I'd actually be into that kind of music before. Much less go to a metalcore concert.


The three of us were now in the small arena where BMTH would play in an hour. I was pretty excited, this being my first hardcore concert ever. I didn’t really know what to expect. I just prayed there wouldn’t be any mosh pits.

Eric led Liam and I backstage, where we could hang out with the guys before the show. Lucky how my cousin was friends with a famous band. I looked around, checking out all the fancy equipment and such. The place seemed kind of small from the outside, but it was huge on the inside.

"They’re in ‘ere," Eric informed, pointing at a white door. He knocked two times before opening it. As we entered we saw the guys sitting on the couch, drinking beers and talking real fast.

"’Ey Eric," They all greeted, holding their beers in the air.

I followed closely behind my brother. Matty, Matt and Lee were sitting on an old brown beat up couch, while Oliver, aka tattoo boy, was sitting on a chair; beer in one hand, cigarette in the other. He eyed me as I walked in while taking a long drag. I began feeling a lot like I did at the party.

"’Ey Liam. Oh, yeh brought yo’ sistah this time!" Matty smiled widely. "How ya doin, Lorelai?"

I smiled back. "Good, and you?"

"Much bettah now that yeh guys are ‘ere." He chugged down his beer.

I laughed a little. Did they always get hammered before a show?

Lee stood up and pulled out three plastic chairs for Liam, Eric and I to sit. As we sat, I noticed there was one guy there I had never seen.

"Lorelai, this is Jona, their rhythm guitarist. Yeh haven’t met him yet, have yeh?" Eric asked, pointing to the guy whose arms and neck were filled with tattoos, much like Oliver.

"No, I haven’t. Hi," I said politely, with a smile.

The guy smiled back. "Hey, nice to meet you."

"So, Lorelai, have yeh listened to any of our songs?" Matt asked, sitting up on the couch.

"Yeah, I did." I grinned.

"And? What’d yeh think? Yeh like us or yeh don’t like us?" He laughed.

"It’s okay if yeh don’t." Lee waved his hand with a laugh. "Most people onleh like us because of Oleh."

I made a funny face, glancing over at Oliver who took another long drag of his cigarette. He didn’t seem to display any type of emotion on his face. Was he really this quiet? I mean, the guy hadn’t said a word since we got there.

I laughed quietly. "Nah, I like your music. It’s totally different than what I normally listen to, but I like it."

"What do yeh normalleh listen to?" Matty asked curiously.

"Softer stuff, I guess." I shrugged. "I’ve never been a fan of the heavy stuff."

"And yet yeh like our music?" Lee asked.


He laughed. "Well, that’s brill!"

I smiled and my eyes landed on Oliver once again. This time, he was putting out his cigarette and bringing the beer bottle to his lips before taking a huge swig.

"’Ey, Liam. I like yo’ chains, mate," Matty commented.

Liam grinned. "Thanks. Oh and hey, good luck out there."

"Thanks, mate!" They all answered, with the exception of Oliver, who just gave a nod.

"Where are yeh guys headed off to aftah this?" Eric asked, helping himself to some chips in a plastic bowl.

"Parteh at Matt’s." Lee grinned.

"Yep. Yeh guys are comin’, right?" Matt asked hopefully.

"Of course, mate," Eric answered, grinning. "We’ll be there."


I sank into my chair. Another party? Oh crap.

I didn’t say anything as the boys began talking about other random stuff. I tuned out their conversation completely. It felt a bit awkward being the only girl there. My eyes scanned the room, and they for some reason rested upon Oliver again.

He wasn’t speaking. He simply nodded his head every once in a while to show he was taking part in the guys' conversation. His gaze suddenly landed on me, and I averted my eyes elsewhere. Oliver Sykes didn’t seem like such a nice guy. It’s funny how the first time I met him, he was over the top shitfaced and hitting on me and now he acted as if he were a damn mute. He made me feel very awkward. So awkward I was actually wishing I hadn’t come.

"Um, guys? Where’s the bathroom?" I spoke abruptly, coming up with the only excuse I could to get out of there.

"Just outside, love," Matty kindly answered. "First door on yo’ right."

I stood up and gave him a brief smile. "Thanks."

I felt Oliver’s eyes on me the whole time. I quickly exited the room, closing the door behind me. I sighed in relief once I was out in the corridor. It was weird how all the boys were so welcoming except for Oliver. Maybe he didn’t want me there or something. But why didn’t he? I didn’t even know him and yet it seemed like he didn’t like me very much.

I shrugged my thoughts away and began walking slowly, spotting the bathroom door. When I got in, I immediately felt disgusted. It was ridiculously dirty. I wouldn’t use that toilet if someone paid me a thousand bucks. The place smelled like someone died in there.

I tried overlooking all the filth as I checked myself in the cracked mirror. I ran a hand through my long hair, and my fringe fell over my eyes. Luckily, my hair seemed to cooperate with me. I straightened my shirt and pants, brushing some dust off. After I was done, I opened the door and stepped out of that disgusting restroom only to feel someone bumping hard into me. I stumbled a bit before spinning around, only to see Oliver Sykes standing there with a look of consternation on his face.

"Watch where yeh goin’ next time, eh?" He spat oh so rudely.

What the hell?

I narrowed my eyes, a bit taken aback by this guy’s impoliteness. "You were the one that bumped into me."

"No, I wasn’t."

"Yes you were." Jerk.

An evil smirk suddenly appeared on his face. I continued glaring at him, wondering what the hell was his deal.

"What are yeh doin’ ‘ere anyweh?" He questioned, looking me up and down, just like he did at the party.

"I went to the bathroom," I answered in a ‘duh’ tone.

"I mean ‘ere at the concert. Yeh seriousleh don’t look like the type that likes our music." His tongue began playing with his glimmering lip ring.

I shrugged. "Just wanted to try something new."

He crossed his arms, not saying anything.

What the hell is up with this guy?

I too crossed my arms, waiting for him to say something, which he didn't. He merely stared at me like I was from another planet.

"Are you done?" I asked impatiently.

"Done what?" He tilted his head sideways.


"Feisty lil’ girl, aren’t yeh?" He licked his lips in an erotic manner.

I scowled. "You’re repulsive."

"That’s not what girls usualleh tell meh."

I snorted. "Maybe not to your face."

He narrowed his eyes, probably never having received such a hateful reaction from a girl before.

"What the fuck is yo’ problem, lil' girl?"

My jaw dropped. "My problem? What the fuck is your problem?! You think just because you’re some little rockstar you can act like a total douchebag with whoever you want?"

He laughed scornfully. "I know I can, love."

"You’re a dick," I spat.

He suppressed a laugh. "Yeh realleh think I’m a dick?"

"Did I stutter?" I hissed.

Oliver held his hands up defensively. "Relax, love. Yeh don’t have to be so bloodeh uptight."

"I’ll show you uptight," I mumbled, yearning to punch that guy square in the face and possibly break his jaw. Who did this clown think he was?

"What?" He questioned, puzzled.

"I’m done talking to you." I rolled my eyes and turned around ready to walk away.

"Oh, so it’s like that, eh? Yeh insult me and just walk away without even apologizing?"

I paused in my tracks, slowly facing him again. Is he fucking serious?!

"You want me to apologize?! Are you kidding me?!" I screeched. "You’re the asshole, here!"

He laughed jeeringly, which only made me explode inside with anger.

"You should be the one apologizing to me," I seethed.

He smirked. "Yeh know, yeh look well hot when yo’ angreh, love."

I tightened my jaw. "Screw you."

"Nah, I'd ratha screw you, love." He winked.

I snorted. "In your fucking dreams, rockstar."

The idiotic smirk didn’t leave his face for one second. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to waste another minute of my life speaking to him and turned on my heel, walking away from that douchebag in pure frustration.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was supposed to be longer but I broke it into two chapters so I'll post the next one later on today :)
xx Millie

Lori's Outfit