Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Dani Worthington

People ran down the halls. Body odor filled my nostrils. Tons of people were brushing up against me. Creepy adults stood watching everyone. Sluts, Geeks, Nobodies, Populars, Goths, Emos, Jocks. You gotta love high school, their labels and lies, and drama. High school is like all the movies put it, stereotypical.

I wouldn’t call myself stereotypical, just a pretty blonde who has lots of friends.

“Dani, come here!” Taylor waved me to join a large group of people I know. And some that I don’t.

“Yeah?” I smiled pushing my way through.

Taylor hugged me, she was so pretty and funny. Golden eyes and long, wavy caramel hair. Luscious pink lips and one of the whitest smiles I have ever seen.

“Finally you got here,” She laughed as she pulled away. Dang it, I kind of wished it lasted longer.

“I’m sorry, I had to call an emergency student council meeting this morning,” I sighed, getting ready for the ’your too busy’ lecture.

“God, Dani, how the hell can you balance everything?” She smiled. I felt my cheeks grow pink from the envy spilling out of her lips.

“She’s just amazing,” David, the boy who has been chasing me for 3 years now, joined in.

“Oh stop flirting” The girl next to her punched his arm. Obviously crushing on him.

“I wasn’t flirting, I was just speaking the truth,” he blushed making me laugh.

“Oh go on Davy boy. Kiss her,” some boy pushed him towards me making kissing sounds. Then all of the other guys and girls joined in by teasing him.

“Well, let‘s walk to class. These morons are getting too stupid for me right now,” Taylor pointed to the group and started dragging me away.

“Oh, okay, bye Dani,” David called over everyone else’s teasing and laughter.

We made our way down the busy halls and to our classroom.

The day went on slowly but interesting.

I was nominated for student class president, again. Also the principle came and found me to let me know that he wrote me wonderful recommendations for a few amazing colleges. And once again I was cheer captain, and apparently rumors have spread saying I am dating the quarter back. I would never, EVER! But I’ll make sure I’ll clear that up soon enough.


Senior year seemed like it was dropped onto us before we were even ready for the load. It made me upset thinking of all my friends leaving and going separate ways. All the memories. All the funny, even sad times.

It was last period, History, my favorite subject and the one I’m best at! None of my friends were in it though, so I was forced to mingle with other people, the freaky and extremely smart people(also known as the geeks). Also the ‘rebels’ who think they're so bad just because they do what the want and don't care about the rules. To tell you the truth, those are the people I despise the most.

They aren’t cool, or popular for not listening. They are just morons who will never make anything with their lives. They may seem ‘cool’ now, but when we all have jobs, they will be working at a McDonald’s or Burger King. I will be famous making thousands of dollars a day, with great friends and having fun. While they struggle to make money or in jail even. Just because they thought they were cool.

I sat there listening to the teacher, glaring at the one person I was mostly talking about. She was very pretty. But a complete moron! Gentle on the eyes, but soft in the brain! Interesting name but predictable actions. Sometimes I just wish someone would give her a reality check. Just really wanted life, and maybe a phone book to slap her across the face.

Sandy Jones.

Even her name gave me chills. Tons of rumors come up each day. Once I heard she stabbed a cop. Another day I guess she had crack and was selling it. Also one girl said that she goes to parties and steals peoples dates. Boys and girls. So I guess that makes her a bisexual? Maybe she’s just straight or gay, but she likes experimenting.

Some boy told me over the summer that she went to jail because she raped a kid. A little extreme and makes no sense, but you get my point, she is a ‘rebel’. Probably cuts class just to smoke some pot. Or to have sex in the bathroom.

I mean she was never like that. But still. She was probably bored being herself so now she has to be a total bad ass to have people look at her. Again a waste of time. And most of all, a waste of a life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Being put back up.