Be a Good Girl, Sandy Jones

Sandy Jones

I glanced over at Dani as she sat up, then returned my gaze to the clouds, feeling relaxed and sleepy. There was no breeze, the sun wasn’t in my face, like it didn’t blind me, but it simply shown onto my body, warming it up. There were no kids, no parents, no fighting just quiet. I saw out of the corner of my eye as Dani looked down at me, and smiled a tiny smile. I couldn’t even feel angry right now, I was just tired as hell.

I closed my eyes for just a second, then I was off in a silent, picture-less dreamland.

I woke up to Dani hovering over me, saying my name and gently shaking my shoulder. I yawned and stretching, accidentally hitting Dani in the face with my palm.

“Oops, my bad,” I murmured sleepily, looking around. The car was still there, so I had driven too far into the park for nor my mom or Rob to find us, which was a combination of good and bad.

Good, because I wouldn’t have to deal with it yet, and that I still had a vehicle to drive around in for the night. Bad because I’d get an ear-full when I got home tonight. If I went home, that is.

“Good sleep?” Dani asked, her eyes surveying my face for any signs or my previous grouchiness. I smiled meekly, momentarily forgetting who Dani really was and nodded.

“Yeah, it was really good,” I murmured and sat up, seeing that while I had slept, Dani had finished the poster.

“You finished the poster,” I mumbled like the smart person I was.

“Well yeah, you were asleep for a few hours, so there was no way I was just going to sit around and do nothing,” Dani exclaimed.

I got to my feet and started to walk around, to get feeling back into my legs.

“I’m sorry for being such a bitch earlier today, but you earned it,” I said with a playful glare, too relaxed to make anything serious. I was just not angry the least bit.

She snorted and mumbled something about how I was always like that, but I pretended I didn’t hear it.

“Lets pack up the project and work on it tomorrow,” I said as I starting packing everything into my bag, and Dani didn’t try to stop me.

“Why, it’s not even that let, we can still get the rest of the essay done,” she mumbled, but made no move to stop my busy hands.

“Well, we’re going downtown, is why,” I told her, taking her hand in mine and dragging her back to the car. I threw my backpack into the backseat and got into the drivers seat. Dani got into the passengers side, unsure of whether or not she should trust me. Like, what if I was setting her up for social murder, and she’d never be the popular girl again? I rolled my eyes at my own thoughts, and put the car in drive, backing up and driving down the winding driveway to the bottom of the park. When I was almost out of the park, I saw a familiar stock of light brown hair, and sped up, my body taking control. In my mind, it was trying to give me reasons not to hit the stocky male that now stood in the way of my car, while my heart was giving me all the reasons to do so.

Dani saw what I was doing and let out a quick squeal.

“Sandy, you don’t want to hit him,” she squeaked, and I swerved the car at the last second, Rob jumping the opposite way. I smirked as I saw his pants were not only dirty, but wet, from urine. I stopped the car completely, rolled down my window and stuck my hand out to flick Rob off, as I sped off. I did some James Bond move with the car and got onto the main road with amazing speed.

Dani didn’t say a word, still freaked out from the fact that I had considered running a man over.

I started to laugh and she snapped her eyes over to me, to stare at me as if I’d grown a second head.

“Did you see his face? He even wet himself, he was so frightened at the fact that I would’ve run him over,” I said through my laughter and Dani’s eyes widened to the size of saucers.

“You were going to hit him! That is a criminal offense!” She screamed at me, and I stopped laughing and glanced over at her.

“Do you really think that I care Dani? I already have a record with the police, what’s manslaughter on top of that? I would’ve killed him, given the chance,” I told her, completely serious.

“Well, if you’re so certain you can kill a human being, then why didn’t you?” She challenged. I thought about it for a few minutes and almost said ‘because you told me not to’ but instead I said, “because you were in the car and I didn’t want to break your innocent little mind with the gory scene that would’ve been all over my car,” I joked. She rolled her eyes and then focused on the road, as did I.

“Where are we going?” She asked, as we passed by several clothing stores and cafes’.

“My favorite place to go downtown,” was all I answered with. I gave no more hints, even as she tried to coax the answer out of me.

We pulled into a lot marked “Sally’s Parlor”.

Dani’s eyes widened.

“You’re taking me to a bar?!” She nearly shrieked. I slapped my hand on the steering wheel as I burst into laughter.

“Are you kidding me? You really think I’d bring you to a bar?” She looked a little insulted, but nodded none-the-less.

“Get out of the car,” I demanded playfully and got out myself, locking the doors once Dani was out. I took her hand again and led her inside, the colors bright and cheery. I sat us down and one of the waitresses, dressed in a bright pink, ruffly dress came over with a pad of paper and a pen.

“What can I get for you two today?” She asked, gazing at both of us.

“Two Berry Supremes for here, with extra strawberries on one,” I told her, and she walked away.

Dani sat on her side of the table, looking uncertain.

“It’s an ice cream parlor Dani, there’s no alcohol served here,” I reassured her, and she relaxed slightly, still not sure if she should even trust me.

Our ice creams came in a matter of minutes, mounds of ice cream with berries of all kinds shoved on top with whipped cream, fudge and hot caramel topping it. I took the one with the most strawberries and started to eat mine.

I looked over at Dani, who was just eating the toppings, not the ice cream.

“It’s best if you eat it all together Dani, trust me. I used to come here all the time, do my homework and stuff here, and just eat their ice cream and smoothies. This is the best dish they have,” I told her, biting into a large strawberry.

She nodded and took a big bite, everything mixed into the bite. She let out a moan and closed her eyes, nodding.

Once it was all down, and she could talk, she said, “That is so good.” I nodded, and reached a hand over, to wipe whipped cream off of her nose. She looked cute, just sitting there and enjoying herself.

“You had whipped cream on your nose,” I told her, showing her the evidence on my finger before wiping it on the napkin beside me.

“So, tomorrow want to go to your house to get more of this project done?” I asked her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Being put back up